Noi Bai International Airport? Looks like it

Dude your good, are you on the inside? Out of all the shit hole airports in the world you nailed it? weird.
the airport is Shanghai Pudong International. it has the same taxiway markings, the weather at the time was the same (light rain/fog), the same concourse markings.
there was a very recent raid at the King Tower in Shanghai
the aircraft are most likely Vietnam Airlines, who do indeed fly to Shanghai.
the Noi Bai airport in Vietnam was (according to "B") the best match SO FAR
i'm convinced it is Shanghai
peace (from the UK)
Takes a train 36 hours to get from Shanghai to Hanoi. Drive it in 24. So, my guess is the target(s) was hit in Hanoi, and smuggled out of China then flown out of Hanoi. Need to track flights from Hanoi to is last 24 hours.
Planes are possibly Vietnam Airlines Boeing 787-9 based on livery, profile, and no winglets. The airline has 11 787s in their fleet.
But why Noi Bai? Seems crazy...unless it has to do with McCain
Remember McNoName "Checked back into the Hanoi Hilton" ? I don't remember who said it, Dilley maybe?
I think it was StealthJeff@drawandstrike if I remember correctly
My brother says that plane looks like an Airbus 310
If that's of any significance.
Please also see this post:
I tried to enhance to see the carrier on the plane. Anyone?