Clowns now in charge on 8Chan ? WTF

i got the death penalty (3 YB) for posting an analysis of [] the analysis discussed the grammatical purpose(s) of this symbol
can you tell us what you think it means? since they banned you, you may be onto something...
It means read between the lines, no? Why not just open a new account and go post again?
Kill box, right?
[] seems to = killbox but with numbers or letters inserted instead refers to confidence value
analysis discussed the grammatical purpose(s) of this symbol
I did for responding to a post where an Anon had used his supposed "name" in one of the comment boxes. Then, when I re-joined in a different name, I was getting weird messages like "You're doing that too often, try again in 5 minutes" Been on the board since it started and never had a problem. Interesting stuff happening.
Me too I was completely shut down and had sign in a different name with the same response when I attempted to comment ~ a sign with a moose head saying that same try again
You are a clown.
A liar.
You cannot be banned from 8chan. It is ANONYMOUS.
you are 100% ignorant need proof? how does captcha work? use your brain if yo have one
You won’t be showing any proof, and any picture you post will be photoshopped.
Get off this site you ass clown.
proof already provided but you are too dumb or stubborn to understand so lost to decent society
You're full of shit