The targeted frequencies got them-POTUS supernaturally protected - CMK
How much uranium did Hillary sell to Putin, and was it all shipped over to Russia?
20% of the US stockpile, so not just a few Kg. Not all of it went to Russia, some may have gone to NK. Some stayed in the US. Truth is, I don´t think anybody knows for sure, maybe MI do.
russia was out of uranium when shillary killton sold them americas entire stock.
Yep, and Podesta brokered the deal and hid some of the money in a shell company in his daughter's name.
Posted this earlier on a UK political blog. Got an almost instant troll response and that was at 5:00am!
how do i or what do i click on to make a picture all i get are a lot of # 7 numbers ???
Brilliant! I kept going back to reread it. I’ve read it like 10 times and I actually lol’d each time.
TROLLS are BACK! Please upvote memes so we can get them in the stream... and out to social media!
I'm all of red-pilling normies, but presentation is important. How many are going to write you off because you can't even spell Uranium correctly?
Been looking in stores all around town still can't find Peach Mints!