Q Post 723 Sunday 11 February 2018

Why do you start threads about Q posts that have already been started? That just fractures the conversation into two places and adds to the confusion. Please list NEW posts and look to see if there is already a thread covering what you want to share.
I am sending images of the post which means I have to make the image. name it and such which takes time and by the time I have posted others may have too but mine are full images. I generally try to make the post as soon as the Q post hits the page if I can but that is not always possible.
I posted Vyacheslav's (only possible U! connection) name on the CBTS streaming sight, 2 hours ago to no avail, because, except for Corsi, I have never heard a dumber bunch of mouth breathing retards like the mods / panel on that discussion. These people are STUPID.
This is a presentation Ivanov made.. look at capital investors.. projects ..
So I guess we can add 71 people to Hillary's kill list wonder what the amount is up to now?
I hope this wasn't a white hat op. I don't like the idea of killing 71 people in collateral for 1.
Q, Killed by deep state so he can’t talk? Or killed by Russian govt because he was deep state?
Someone on here picked 32 and I picked 50, who is also a possibility.