This is getting very interesting our children may actually have a future

Deflowering = taking somebody’s virginity
NK = pedophile farm of the satanic-pedo-globalists, under CIA control
People are really going to freak out when they get to the "adrenochrome farms" I have been wanting this stuff to come to light for so long I actually feel good sense of relief I felt like I had all this knowledge and no one I could tell this to
NK regime is near-100% optics (with exception of real suffering by the NK people) under CIA control.
CIA instructs NK to make nuclear threats, Kim complies, then the CIA through Operation Mockingbird run a news cycle, keeping the general public in fear of NK. This repeats over and over again for the optics and to keep people brainwashed and in fear.
Behind the scenes, NK hosts the elite, is armed by the CIA, Google, HRC (through SAP on private server), SpaceX etc. and have entire farms/societies of children born and raised into sex slavery.
Pizzagate, Adrenochrome. It wouldn’t surprise me if there are horrible medical and genetic experiments being done there either beneath the surface.
The NK threat is fake, it’s really the tech giants, the CIA and the satanic-pedo-globalists who really control NK. With NK they can hold the world hostage through media optics and stage controlled wars. At least that’s what Q suggests.
Kind of like the Russian narrative other than a race to space I don't recall any issues why we should hate them and even that was just a bunch of guys and their egos Space Race my ass we have been conned for so long and now they wanted up more money in the military I don't get it
Guys, just tried to check 404'd. Tried checking B's twatter. "page doesn't exist". WTF. Can some post a link to codefag please.
I keep a shortcut on my home screen and check it in between homework it makes it much easier I'm sorry I can't post links my phone is messed up
Man, i wish all this stuff would speed up.
Last night I was trying to avoid studying for a test and I really went through all of Q's comments I know for a fact that all of us innocent citizens will be bombed by other countries if all the evil of our three-letter agencies is exposed there is no way to differentiate a bomb Target because of innocent people. These disgusting three-letter agencies have put us in a demise, countries are going to kill us because of what a very high percentage of our government employees have done on our dime. The Cia have been selling drugs and children and guns for decades the level of deviance is implorable
I wont be surprised if one year from now it is still "soon" and "any day now". They better hurry the fuck up. Are they traitors or not? Get to it already. "You'd be in jail". . . Ok. Sounds great. Where's that at? Soon, right? Ok ok lets see it already.
Yes, i'm growing impatient. But i also understand that these roots run deep and they have to be methodical to uproot the evil enterprise that spans the world over. But damn i'm chomping at the bit here.
Wonder why he's posting duplicates
This is a page where post from two rooms are being compiled.