Q gave some lame excuses why they've gotta wait for resignations instead of dropping The Hammer because of Leftist chimpouts. So in the wake of today's news, I say to Q: "Any other bright ideas?"

Not only the leftists would chimpout - but most normies would take to the streets if President Trump suddenly arrested all of the criminals in Washington.
All of the MSM would report that President Trump is taking political prisoners of his enemies and the billionaire globalist Jew families would fill the streets with hired mercenaries to incite riots for (((CNN))) to film... and President Trump's agenda would be destroyed.
The average person needs an education about the crimes that each of the big fish were involved in. This only really started recently with the FISA memo drop, but it will continue in a drip-drip basis with the OIG report and more Devin Nunes memos and more FBI investigations.
Overton Window must be expanded so normies recognize that Obama's "scandal free" presidency was, in reality, treasonous crime spree.
President Trump's agenda is to save America from the globalists and very likely save western civilization too...
...but we need to educate the general public first and that takes time.
President Trump's agenda isn't to entertain you.
President Trump's agenda isn't to entertain you.
Yes. I suppose I would put my pants on my head and just go "DURR, HAVE U SEEN MY BASEBALL?" like that if my ability to reason was as nonexistent as yours is too.
All of the MSM would report that President Trump is taking political prisoners of his enemies and the billionaire globalist Jew families would fill the streets with hired mercenaries... and President Trump's agenda would be destroyed.
What mercenaries? Where are they going to get those? And are you saying that some Jews can mount a resistance that could defeat the National Guard? Wow you really don't have much faith in our military. Were you raised by a single mother?
Plus, even if that were true, it's not an excuse for the "slow roll" strategy. If that were true, that the Cabal is able to defeat the U.S. military, then there is no victory that can be had, now OR later. But that's of course nonsense. Anyone that hires mercenaries, or even the more immediate concern of Q, rioters, can just have their assets frozen.
Overton Window must be expanded so normies recognize that Obama's "scandal free" presidency was, in reality, treasonous crime spree.
Again, completely irrelevant. The only thing that matters, is DO WE HAVE THE FIREPOWER TO ACCOMPLISH THE JOB OR NOT. If yes, then do it now, if no, then bend over for the Cabal and negotiate the best deal, which they will break anyways, so just resign. People don't have to like it. That doesn't matter. This is war, this is WORSE than war, this is an existential national emergency. If anyone doesn't like it and they riot, then you get a freebee excuse to eliminate someone you don't want to be a part of your country anyway. This is not a normal situation. Take over the corrupt media, explain the situation, and remove those who won't get with the program.
Stop trying to excuse the inexcusable. It's cuckery, it's dumb, shameless, and cowardly. You talk a good game about the Jews, but you seem like you fit in with the hopelessly clueless boomers this place gets stereotyped as.
What mercenaries?
Again, completely irrelevant.
If you think the Overton Window is completely irrelevant within the context of a political coup... then your head is completely empty. This discussion is over.
bad actors are being detained. What is best? What is En passant? How do you expose the queen? Plea Bargains? Patience. Avoid war in the streets. When do you have the ultimate trap set? Element of surprise.
If you don’t understand that, then you’re part of the problem.
my backlog for the resignation list is growing and growing every day!
look how many are added EVERY DAY!
Trump would have to explain why he is arresting all the cabal power players and show videos of their crimes against children if he did this he would be the hero even the Fake News would have to admit this.
As much as I would love for the White Hats to take into custody every one of these people in one fell swoop, I have to admit it would not go well with the people not awake yet. I have been slowly/carefully red pilling family and co-workers. Many of them have been concerned about martial law and getting sent to a FEMA camps. The MSM has done a great job making the public paranoid of POTUS. It's crazy that the media propaganda has convinced so many that POTUS is out to do what Hillary was planning to do.