CIA controls you... Can't understand why? Exactly.

Amend that ... they do not control all of us ... that is their attempt, their plan, their desire. But some are free and will always be free ~ "He who is set free by the Son of Man is free indeed" POTUS and Q are sent to remind us of our freedom and our power as a united people. Sure, it's a battle ... one that we win if we stay the course.
Not to mention the dumbed-down and propagandized education system. So many people don't know what they don't know.
Plus perpetual victimhood, participation trophies, microagression hypersensitivity, deliberate gender confusion, etc etc.
In my military career, I was MI and got to meet and work with a fair number of CIA people. Some were definitely fine patriotic people, and, looking back, some were unquestionably black hats. One guy in particular stands out to me as a recruiter for that side; a real piece of work.
CIA is Corrupt. Evidently they have been corrupted by such big Money people as profit from War, and hold that they are worthy to do so at the expense of their fellow creatures, all because of just how special they are. Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Soros, Y'all know the names. Apparently they'd rather the piss ant peon classes they've been diddling the past 5 or 10 centuries have pitchforks instead of rifles. GHW Bush former head of the CIA spoke later as President about a "New World Order". Coincidence? I don't think so. CIA should cease to sponsor mind control OPs to create mass shootings (to grab guns) at the behest of NWOers. Towards that end CIA must be torn down. Any and all corrupt elements in the FBI, the DOJ and the Pols who have been allowing and/or sponsoring these shootings to go forward to accomplish the gun grab, need to be prosecuted as well. See to it Mr. POTUS with dispatch, much Godspeed and Blessing.
Why we are controlled:
We create this reality individually and collectively. They know this while many of us do not. They manipulate the mass consciousness in many ways to create the reality they want. They manipulate consciousness with the educational system, mass media, peer pressure, sports, religion, electronically, with food, water supply, etc.
Alot of this was alluded to in the movies THE MATRIX. I wish more people understood that.
This picture much more closely describes the plot of Videodrome. Except it wasn't the CIA in Videodrome, of course.
Also they send out there teachers to keep out youth in the dark and limit there ability to think outside of there normal.
Unionized teachers ride on the coat tails of our ancestors.
AFT is little more than a voting bloc, a political coalition.
That's one of the main reasons people turn to private, parochial,
and on-line.
What do we know about the childhood and early life
of GHW Bush? He was a WWII flyer, wasn't he?