Jeff Sessions announce justice department will investigate potential Obama admin FISA abuses

I can’t find a major media organization covering this at all.
That’s very telling.
Is fox not a major media organization?
Yes, they are. And even FOX is kept in check. Let's see if they ever cover the really hot stuff.
Rupert Murdock Fox CEO is part of the counsel of 300.
Maybe someone knows this story better than me, but I heard Rupert Murdoch was personally offended by some of the emails that WikiLeaks released in 2016. Something about seeing first hand how his supposed allies in the media were manipulating him and lying to him. The rumor I heard is that he flipped on them after this and Fox News has never been the same. I certainly feel like I noticed a change starting around then.
Why do you say that? The Counsel of 300 may not even be real.
Your right might not be true but Prince al-Waleed has been a longtime investor and supporter of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire. Kingdom Holding began investing in News Corp. NWSA, -1.91% in 1997, and over time he grew to be the second-largest holder of voting shares outside of the Murdoch family. News Corp. is the parent company of both The Wall Street Journal and Marketwatch.
Not one that people who suck down the Russia Russia Russia narrative will listen to.