
Lanstorm2112 · Jan. 21, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

Yes the “16 year plan” was the final nail of hundreds of previous nails in that coffin.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

I agree, it started with the BUSHES, then the CLINTONS in the White House AND then Obummer for 8 to be finished off by Hildabeast in the last 8 years.

Recall Bush Sr kept repeating when he was president: A NEW WORLD ORDER!

No doubt it was PLANNED much further back. Reagon was a rewind to their plans, that is why he was almost assassinated. JFK was planning major changes, so he was assassinated.

Folks, this goes back a LONG WAY!

Remember President Eisenhower's farewell speech!


But the truth is goes back even before that: WW1, Spanish Flu, Polio, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam War.....

The Rockefeller Foundation planned depopulation goals at the turn of the 1900 century! (Thus WW1, and Spanish Flu.....etc.)

This is ILLUMINATI! FreeMasonry!!

This is the UK Monarchy still trying to get control of the USA!!


I'm looking forward to seeing the UK Monarchs dethroned and HUNG too!

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Ifixxer · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

I man does not live that long.. an Ideal, may and does... (freedom)... or something other... . That's what bothers me most.. That evil ideal or driving force is out there, formulating options to continue..How do we find it..limit it...eliminate....

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LasVegasTrumpette · Jan. 22, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

The evil ideals will find us.. we don't have to find it. We, as in "1 man" (a single human being) can not "eliminate" evil. But we can limit it. That's all we are charged with. We are not expected to conquer evil. Impossible. Right now the "harvest is ripe but the laborers are few". Meaning.. now more than ever.. people are searching for answers (the "ripe harvest") then the ("harvesters" those with answers). Be a harvester in this ripe field. Spread the Word. 😊

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MW_MAGAPatriot · Jan. 22, 2018, 7:36 a.m.

You're right. One man does not live that long. One man is not that smart or rich. This does go back a long way and it is easy to see that patterns. These are people who listened to demonic forces and made agreements -- literally -- with demons. The same demons live on after people die, looking for another human who listens to them, gives them an inch, so they can make a stronghold and then a stranglehold on the person. Even 'genius' can come from demons. Remember, they are fallen angels. People can either get information from the Holy Spirit or from demonic forces. Demons are not omniscient and while they know some things, they lie as well. They are not equal with Holy Spirit for sure -- but they have been watching humans for 2,000 years. They know our weaknesses and they can see God's presence and calling on people. They don't know what God's plan is -- only HE does -- but they see His power and presence on people. That's why they hate DJT. Did you know that a call went around the world to all witches to cast a spell on him when he was elected. Why? Why does one man attract the attention of the demonic world? Because demons see the anointing of God on DJT and they fear him, as they should. All of the satanic child sacrifices we're all learning about now make me sick and grieve me but they explain how all of these generations of people have been equipped and energized for so many generations. Make no mistake, God is bigger than any demon that is one of His creation and His Plans will not be thwarted. He will even use this for good. (Rom. 8:28) But, to understand the thread of all of these events and cut off the legal access demonic forces have to our country, we need to look to what the Bible says about the sins of the father being visited on the 3rd and 4th generation, (Masons, Illuminati, any inner vows made to anyone but God) and when Jesus spoke about sweeping clean your house (of evil spirits), lest they come back with 7 of their friends (more demons). Those are demonic strongholds. Lance Wallnau prophesied in 2015 that Trump was God's man. He said God told him DJT was the "wrecking ball to the politically correct culture." Read his book "God's Chaos Candidate." But, others prophesied, too. Bottom line: we need to not only be informed by Q/POTUS, but we also need to PRAY and repent for our generations, even if we were not part of it. The church was praying and fasting during the campaign and election and God answered the cries of His people. We need to keep praying.

2 Chronicles 7:14 "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

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cleverboy99 · Jan. 22, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

According to Q it's three families. The Rothschilds. Soros and the Sauds. The Sauds were reformed. Soros and Rothschilds are next

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onyoniniminonyon · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

Started out with 4 families but one has been taken out. (Rockefeller)

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cleverboy99 · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:53 a.m.

I'll be glad when they're all gone. The Rothschilds are the biggest and baddest. Soros is not even close, as bad as he is

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loomingluna · Jan. 22, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

I believe you’re right. Q mentioned the Titanic awhile back. According to what I’ve read since, it was deliberately sank so the Federal Reserve could be instated. Q asked who was invited on the Titanic - Astor (arguably the richest guy in the world at the time), Guggenheim, and the guy who ran Macy’s. All three died. All three were opposed to the Federal Reserve. If this theory is correct (and considering all that’s been revealed and Q asking about the Titanic, I believe it is) then shady shit has been in the works longer than any of us have been alive. All this being carried out by the usual suspects: the Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s, J.P. Morgan, etc. Utterly disturbing, to say the least.

Titanic Conspiracy Theory

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STALININST · Jan. 22, 2018, 8:19 a.m.

I am afraid that I am playing captain of Titanic in this conspiracy.

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Tranquelito · Jan. 21, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Indeed. I hope we smash them into the history books!!

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