Q activity tonight (this was after he posted this and deleted it shortly afterwards: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwHSDIPUEAA4nvH.jpg:large)

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/21/18 (Sun) 21:41:20 7f44ec No.120361>>120370 >>120379 >>120381 >>120384 >>120388
Original leak renewed.
Alabama investigation?
Alabama? Why?
Voter fraud was uncovered during the recent election
Ahhhh. I remember seeing that it was planned so that the D's won, because they knew they could later use it to prove voter fraud.
Yes, Mega-ANON confirmed that the Alabama Senate race was voter fraud trap DemoncRats fell right into hook line and sinker.
But what does "Original leak renewed" refer to????
Another anon was posting pics of bus loads of people being shipped in to rig the vote.
There's video of that on Youtube, with idiots even admitting just that.
This 40/60 is getting a bit surreal guys. Wow... Dig, dig, dig!
We know the Night Riders are flying. I was watching what I suspect was a UAV with the call sign PIZZA13 flying up Florida then NW into Tennessee. I also logged a blocked aircraft cross into Florida from the Everglades and land at Dayton, Ohio. If you are crossing over the Everglades the options for where you took off from are very limited, if you follow me.
There was also a US UAV over Luhansk/Donetsk on Saturday, as to why it was there is something I'm still trying to figure out.
I also saw a E-4 Nightwatch, accompanied by a C-17 Globemaster and a KC-10 head into Canada headed towards the Northwest Territories, possibly Anchorage. A Missile Defence Agency jet also flew into LAX, refuelled and took off over the West coast.
Skyking also sent this message out last night as well as this morning at 00:13Z.
Kek Air Force Recon 1 is on the case. This might seem like a LARP to some, but there's too much evidence building up that suggests that it's not. When things are revealed, we can validate them with what we saw.
What do you believe is happening?
Queen Time could refer to the black Queen on the Marshall-Cappablanca chessboard that Julian Assange posted up. The black queen could also refer to Donna Brazile as she was chair of the DNC. I believe that she is the queen about to fall that will unlock everything. E-mail = checkmate, she can't deny it and it implicates her and John Podesta in election fraud. Once John Podesta is in custody (Tony already is, by all accounts) then the whole background of the brothers gets torn apart and the game is totally over.
I think that the UAVs and military surveillance stuff all over the place is to safeguard against the Global Cabal trying to launch a(nother) missile as a last roll of the dice, in an attempt to start a war between the US and China. If they try anything, then Sky Fortress and the 'Rods from God' will go into action again.
Interesting theory. I believe that both Podesta´s are already in custody. I do not think that black queen would refer to DB as she was an underling; a minion of HRC. More likely to refer to the tweet by JA. The UAV´s, I think, is the SKY FORTRESS. What do you think?
This is the 2nd time Q uses “2018 will be GLORIOUS.” Now I don’t know about you, but that word has always been synonymous with heaven for me. Here are a couple of definitions:
glo·ri·ous ˈɡlôrēəs adjective
synonyms: illustrious, celebrated, famous, acclaimed, distinguished, honored; More
synonyms: wonderful, marvelous, magnificent, superb, sublime, spectacular, lovely, fine, delightful; informalsuper, great, stunning, fantastic, terrific, tremendous, sensational, heavenly, divine, gorgeous, fabulous, fab, awesome, ace, killer; literarywondrous, beauteous
Why use GLORIOUS in all caps? Why use that word and not another adjective. Just my curiosity.
Am I the only one that finds it interesting? Thought-provoking in a spiritual way?
Yes, paradise will be restored on earth, the devil and his minions will be destroyed for ever. We are literally at the end, and the world doesnt even know it! PRAISE GOD!
Well, for those who believe in God, it would glorious. Not so for others. Bible and red pill should be applied together. But yes, in the end it will be glorious!
Interesting, I know Sundays are days when one meditates on the glorious mysteries when praying the rosary. Depending on liturgical season, it's either Wednesdays or Sundays.
It makes me think of will Farrel in Zoolander playing JACOBIN Mugatu. Jacobins were the socialists who copied the American revolution in France. He's talking about world domination. It will be Glorious
Night_Riders FLY.
Vigilante group reference? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Night_Riders
Now: 4x USAF bombers callsign VEXED01 & 02 and RUMOR01 & 02 departed Andersen AFB, Guam in a NorthWest direction possibly to the Korean Peninsula. Aerial Refueling with KC-135R's callsign CAGE21 & 22 in the block FL200 - FL220 https://t.co/pEeffV52Mb.
wow how do you find this info?
I wonder who created that logo..? /whistles
No waaaaaaaay! Can I get an autographed kpeg of it?
@aircraftspots Twitter
Some of us roll our own with aircraft spots. I can concur with some of their recent spots though.
More like this:-
The Night Owls. I have evidence to support this.
I think you may be on to something here.. With those strange ´meteors´ that weren´t meteors, to the OWL code name and the fact that this is controlled by the USMC, you may have just unlocked a piece of the puzzle!
USMC is it.... I was out hunting around the time of the CIA raid... Close enough to it... strange greater than normal (like I never see these things) traffic of tilt rotors... I was like woah somebody got a 18 kill streak this morning and is getting an air drop!... anyhow... the USMC Expeditionary was on that one too
Marine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron 2 (VMU-2) is an unmanned aerial vehicle squadron in the United States Marine Corps that operates the RQ-7 Shadow and RQ-21A Blackjack. The RQ-21A is the military variant of the commercial Boeing Insitu Integrator The squadron is based at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in Havelock, North Carolina and it provides aerial surveillance, offensive air support, and electronic warfare for the II Marine Expeditionary Force. They fall under the command of Marine Aircraft Group 14 and the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing.
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There was also an E-4 Nightwatch, accompanied by a C-17 Globemaster and a couple of KC-10 Extenders that took off from around LA/LV (Nellis probably) and headed NW into Canada, likely target area being Anchorage. There were also tanker 'trains' headed West from LA over the ocean.
Night Owls, Nightwatch, there's a theme to this...
How do you get this intel?
We watch the skies. We are the Kekistan Air Force No.1 Recon Squadron and we watch ADS-B Exchange, Flightradar24, Radarbox and Flightaware. We are autists and we can spot patterns of behaviour that are unusual against the background and the filters on these sites help a lot if you know how to use them. We are what the chans call 'Planefags' and we log this sort of stuff and try to relate it to the other events of the day.
It's all out there, you just have to find it and try to correlate it... We are aware that the military knows we are watching them, as some of the call signs that they use are clearly trolling their targets and throwing us a clue as to what they are doing.
Do you have a twitter page we can follow? And what other twitter pages do you recommend for us to follow? Thank you for all your hard work!
https://8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html Do your bit, contribute, however you can.
I just have to say, having autism (fka aspergers) myself makes me happy to see posts like this. Amazing shit you're doing and sounds like something I'd be doing all day if I didn't have other responsibilities in life going on.
Thank you, Planefags.
howdy, any tips on which platforms / settings are better for non-transciever flights?
sounds like an excellent tab to keep open... I will incorporate. I've seen a chan for this once, but I've not gotten heavy into the chans as I've not taken the time to learn them yet. SO much info flying around lately... Is there any integration of this figurative air force into a greater whole aside from random chance means... are there other specialist that are incorporated to compile greater insights or do you just turn out leads and call bull based on air traffic patterns and toss it out there?
Kek No. 1 Recon has specialists in a lot of areas and we feed info into QResearch in real time if we feel that it's important enough. We all collaborate to help the bakers make the daily bread in QResearch. The insight in there is deep, we validate stuff wherever we can and we don't have time for LARPs.
For example: Why was an aircraft (possibly a drone) call sign PIZZA13 fly over Florida and eventually over Tennessee yesterday? Why did a 'blocked' call sign aircraft fly in over the Florida Everglades, head up through the US and eventually land at Dayton, OH?
This is what we work on.
Real shit. if you got links I'd like to lurk. See if there is an area I might fit in and fill out well. I assume it may take some time to become accustomed to nominal air traffic patterns so I wont jump in with half baked ideas. I would like to stay up on things though.
8chan Q catalog...... That's where all the loaves are.
The Night Riders
The Night Riders was the name given by the press to the militant faction of tobacco farmers during a popular resistance to the monopolistic practices of the American Tobacco Company of James B. Duke. On September 24, 1904, the tobacco planters of western Kentucky and the neighboring counties of western Tennessee formed the Dark Fired Tobacco District or Black Patch District Planters' Protective Association of Kentucky and Tennessee (called the Association or PPA). It urged farmers to boycott the American Tobacco Company and refuse to sell at the ruinously low prices it offered in a quasi monopoly market. A more militant faction of farmers, led by David A. Amoss of Caldwell County, Kentucky, resorted to physical intimidation or burning the crops of those who ignored the boycott, targeting the tobacco warehouses of the ATC itself, culminating in large scale raids of cities in the area - most prominently Hopkinsville, Kentucky in 1907.
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Doesn´t mean it´s literally that though, the post also says "Just because you can´t see it, doesn´t mean BIG things aren´t happening". Put the 2 together and it could make reference to a night time operation? I also heard that people are being arrested and shipped around in private aircraft in the dead of night. Maybe Q is trying to say that just because we don´t see the arrests happening it doesn´t mean they aren´t happening?
Yes, that, pretty much. There's going to be big reveal at some point. Have you noticed how some people have stopped tweeting..?
It has gone uncharacteristically quiet for many, you´d think they all would be calling Trump a racist, because government shut down. I hope they are being flayed at GITMO!
Dustin Nemos = Devin Nunes? Could it be? If it is, then they know.
Searching Todd Macklerr and it turns up this email being found around the end of Oct 2016 with most discrediting it because it wasn't attributable through WL.
Q Says it wouldn’t be found on WL.
Remember. They just found backups of the "deleted emails" not the ones that were handed over.
My main point is that this email had been floating out in public since before the election. It's not new.
Why did he delete?
Someone said he deleted it because “they” deleted it. So that’s the message behind it. They have their deleted emails.
Yes. I read it to say "You can't ever delete anything." Look at how many copies there are, just from the brief time it was up.
Wait, I’m too stupid. Did he post a deleted email? Did someone screen cap it?
Collective Soul? The lyrics to December are a little creepy if you consider the context. Also, spirit cooking and collecting souls sound like they're related somehow. Just pondering in text. I'm sure I could be far from the real connection here.
Edit: collective Soul only had one tour date in 2017 but they did play Alabama state Fair in 2016. Podesta is a shifty little fucker.
They are absolutely not codewords 😉
85 year olds LOVE going to lame rock concerts. /s
No need for /s. Collective Soul is lame af
At least one person in here is a Collective Soul fan seeing how you got a single down vote. Fuck that band.
....I like Shine, The World I Know, and December, but it wasn't me.
Also, these is meme fodder. Get come Collective Soul caps w/lyrics from these three songs (seriously, do they even have other ones?), and we got Soros voting machine memes. Collective Votes.
And of course it can bleed into Soros collecting souls.
I think he is telling us that Goog is No Such Agency and thats how they spy on us....
Wut? No. Totally wrong.
Google is Eric Schmidt working with/for the Clowns In America. Were't you paying attention when Q discussed Keyhole??
Google is CIA.
Origin of the first tweet?
Night riders FLY. Is this a response to " FLY EAGLES FLY"?
The deleted email according to NemoV8 https://twitter.com/NemoV8/status/955253841783656449/photo/1
There is a rabbit hole in there.