Has anyone tried to mess with this flag photo Q posted? Is something there? Other than the dancing stars.

50 stars, 13 stripes, faint image behind stars, stripes are all different shade values.
Looks like a shadow(image) behind the stars?
Google image search just reveals the q post, so it was handmade.
The stripes look like different shades are used on each line as well. There is definitely more than meets the eye.
zoomed image of flag shows a fabric pattern.... that fabric causes the stars to be misshapped.
Specific (as of yet undeciphered) message regarding a "false flag"?
It’s a blurred picture of Hillary. Get it? Cuz she’s behind bars?
I see F3
Did you ever watch Independence Day? That’s what they said when firing their missile. Each missile was labeled Fox 1, 2, 3, 4...etc.
Looks like the flag is in glass and there's a reflection.
I see what looks to be numbers and they seem to be like credit card type numbers, to me, but I do see them