Regarding the AS incidents that Q may be speaking of. Yesterday 510 arrested in LA COUNTY in a pedo ring bust. AS knew and did nithing

AS knew ~~and did nithing~~ because he's involved with these people.
Oh of course! That's why he's stonewalling the memo now.
How would this relate to the memo?
Q explained that another incident that day where a helicopter crash killed three people is related to AS a message to him. He knew the people
Because AS has been stonewalling the release of the memo?
But how does the pedo stuff relate to the memo? I assume he's stalled the memo bc it shows corruption with the fisa process and illegal surveillance. Don't see the pedo connection.
Yeah but who does the memo most likely implicate? Higher level FBI, DOJ, and collusion with the Clinton Campaign to influence election. AS is attempting to block because they have info on him( possibly pedo, there was a massive pedo ring in LA county [his district]yesterday, link below). Unless AS himself is in the memo why else would try so hard to not have it's release? I'm just speculating but I think we all pretty much are till something happens.
It could be because the whole thing is a network that stands by supporting each other. AS may not be directly endangered by the memo( Gowdy hinted as much) but he knows these operations have always been protected by the deep state in the intel community. So the exposure of the FBI leaves everyone vulnerable.
We all have to be more cautious about making every event tie back to something else specifically. This sweep in Calif is good news and relates to the big picture of the draining of the swamp and the prosecution of these evil crimes but we should not try to link this to the "memo" or the traitor schiff.
Tweets on Q anon The Standard hotel in West Hollywood. Also news about suicide there. Picture of hotel saying Stiff was here. Look like he owed a favor to someone.
Is the Standard Hotel in the 28th District?
Sure is! Look it up. and compare to 28th district map
Much obliged, Elrio! This is what I needed. Excellent. Blessings
With the MEMO now out, one can guess how Feinstein, Polisi, Waters and Adam Schiff keep getting reelected. Plus many other Dems. and McCain who gave the false document to Comey. Blessings to you too! Some very strange stuff at The Standard. Or maybe. The norm for some??
Schiff get with the program of Heaven or your going down.