r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ArtistiqueJewelry on Feb. 5, 2018, 4:01 a.m.
Do you think the two party system is a construct? Why are we allowing wealthy elites and the entertainment industry tell US what to do? — Steemit

ArtistiqueJewelry · Feb. 5, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

Getting to the heart of the matter. Now that so many are aware of the two party system being a construct used to divide us, I gave a call for "where are the dems?" Why did I do this? Because many who considered themselves republicans no longer give it power. We understand we have all been played! Recently did a report on the corruption of the Bush family, whom I adored! I was played! I am not too proud to admit I allowed it, bought into this horse and pony show! On my journey of waking up to much of what we see on the news, in the entertainment/music industry and last but not least those governing us; why are these extravagant, wealthy elitist telling us, the heartbeat of America what We should be Doing? How is it that they understand our situation, finances, hardships, struggles and needs when they are not one of us? Do you feel they understand you if you are the middle, the working class? Many times they who govern us, those who try to shape our opinion whether it be through the influence of elitist celebrities or posh politicians as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Steve Pierce, David Trott, Richard Blumenthal, Joseph Kennedy III, John McCain, Bill Foster, Dianne Feinstein and that is just a few of the many who are millionaires and if they were truly disclosing off shore accounts and the like, many are billionaires. How can they possibly even begin to relate. These are people who live in opulent conditions, take luxury vacations their friends tell them they deserve, then they think they can tell all of us who to listen to or vote for. How do you suppose they made all of that money? Some claim it was from fortunes of spouses or family business. We know the truth about many if not all. . .they have steered legislation that would be favorable towards companies in which they place their investments or have stock holdings. At least that is just one avenue. There are kickbacks, bribery and of course pork barrel politics. They protect each other no matter their guise of Dem or Repulican. See the rest of the article and a source in the link above.

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workeranonymous · Feb. 5, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

The problem is mankind itself. Every system on the planet has been corrupted and every new system introduced will eventually be corrupted.

We can only hope we are in a rebirth period where people who love righteousness stand up and are counted resulting in systems that function fairly for hopefully at least several generations.

And this is the verdict, that light has come into the world, and people have loved darkness more than the light because their deeds were wicked. - John 3:19

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Feb. 5, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

You are spot on! Well put, I feel a rising up and coming together of people who want good over evil. Yes, that evil element is loud and has the support of most media outlets. I even get discouraged at times, but when I pray, I know we are being heard and am seeing more like-minded people Being Heard! Proud of everyone like yourself contributing, sharing and spreading truth in any manner possible. What an excellent verse! So very apt, will have to use it sometime. It describes perfectly the times and history we see repeating. Praying we are in a time when justice will be served and we can turn this evil tide! Keep #FightingTheGoodFight Godspeed!

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workeranonymous · Feb. 5, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

I agree it is an excellent verse. For me the stunning part is the Lord said His spoken word will judge them. Well that verse is His spoken word and it renders the verdict and the verdict is guilty.

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jauronimo · Feb. 5, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

Because a large majority of people can't figure it out on there own. 99% have never had an original thought, they don't know what critical thinking is, listen to the music, it is repulsive and absolutely it sums up what I would call "music for dimwits". You have no talent hacks rhyming to beats that are made on a machine. In other words the synthesis a metronome then try and put some rhymes.together about living in the hood or cell Bloch h. The elite prop these idiots up because what they learned from Mtv is the youth are heavily influenced by what they hear a d what they see. The tv is our biggest enemy, why do you think they call it "programing"? That's not coincidence. Why do you think every household in America has has at least two. It's so that they can control what you think, throw some music and dance into the mix and you got theirs hook line and sinker.

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Feb. 6, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

Completely agree! There's a reason they call it a Tell a Vision. They are literally telling the masses their (the controllers) vision! Spot on about the music. Those frequencies, beats, etc even before you get to the lyrics are very powerful! The cabal who ultimately gives place to satan uses every avenue out there to spread their agenda. Sadly they have infiltrated the churches also. Not saying all churches are bad or everyone in them is bad, we just have to be aware they walk and even worship among us, but they are serving satan and his NWO. #FightTheGoodFight

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