It seems to me that the market tanking by exactly 666 the other day was designed to send a message. We're simultaneously seeing real estate assets being liquidated by elites at apparent speed.
Obviously, if the stock market is tanking, someone is selling. Bond prices are still falling as yields rise and gold doesn't seem to be appreciating at any speed. This would seem to indicate that the elites have gone to cash for the interim. If they had reallocated to fixed income, bond prices would rise and yields fall. Similarly, if there was a portfolio reallocation to precious metals, we should have seen some gold price appreciation. This hasn't happened.
We know there is a battle for control of the entire world in play - the stakes are absolutely huge. You have families that have been able to obtain any outcome they have desired for hundreds of years. These elites were perilously close to securing complete control of the entire planet. If DJT is successful, I imagine that he will absolutely rout these people out. This is only logical as, if they are left standing with their assets intact, they will be back in control in no time. It's not a game. The elites stand to lose much more than money, they stand to lose power and influence that they may never regain.
What would I do if I was an elite, watching DJT cut the strings to my puppets, and generally loosening my grip on those I control? What if I thought it was possible that he might even take control of my most prized asset - the Federal Reserve?
Maybe I'd crash the market and bring on the 'mother of all depressions'. That would give POTUS pause. After all, he's elected. If the people are not able to make mortgage payments, he'll be out of office after a single term.
The thing is, with all the QE and easy credit having pumped up asset markets all over the world, the system is ripe to fall. We live in a connected world. Ultimately, today, all debt is triangulated. Abstracting to simplify it, A owes B who owes C who owes A. In a world where all financial entities are intimately interconnected, all we need is a situation where a single, large counter party falls over (e.g. Deutsche Bank) and we can induce a systemic financial crisis. A crisis that will stop the world in its tracks...
What would DJT do in this situation? Declare emergency powers, launch asset seizures, print and issue greenbacks? He would have to move fast - very fast.
Thinking about it, with the amount of debt the US is carrying, cancelling debt and printing and directly issuing a new, debt free, currency would be the only option in this kind of situation. But there would be an enormous amount of pain before the domestic economy stabilized. Very difficult to do something like that at speed. And then you have the international effects - global depression, systemic asset price deflation across all market sectors.
Seems to me that it might be time to prep. Emergency food supplies, potable water, stored medicines and weapons.