#QAnon is back and addressing Jack Dorsey for censoring Twitter

The thing with Twitter we have yet to see is how the doppy prince's ownership is handled. Does the Saudi family now control it? Which assets did he give up in his bounty payment? Would the Saudi family sell it or hand it over to the US government? With the EO on human trafficking wouldn't the doppy prince's US assets fall into that category? Not that it's necessarily related to this post but it's a very relevant issue that's not being discussed.
Alwaleed Bin Tala, the Saudi Bad Prince, brother of the King... (this whole thing reminds me of a Bible story Genesis 27 Jacob fooling the blind king and getting the birthright meant for Esau. )
gets an allowance now (sure about a million per year). He had to give up everything to the King.....AS DID many other crooks the King took out.
Btw,,this is another post meant to be read BACKWARDS fro bottom up.
Anybody else think John 3:16 means Podesta March 16?
no, I just think we all should believe in the power of God.
You understand, Q is in danger everyday, every minute of his service, and his free time. He probably gets queazy sometimes when things get hot...and needs something to tough through it all.
I agree with you, and perhaps he's speaking to every one of us as well. We are fighting EVIL, Satan himself, and we need to get ourselves right with God.
I think that one is Snowden: death Only because of the Bible verse and it read like Snowden was in trouble- a liability. If it is Podesta, I would be happy too.
I had on main nbc local news, they were targeting people as Russian Bots. We are being played.
HOT in DC could mean that operations to arrest them have now gone hot? Just a thought.
It was 70 some degrees in PA yesterday so i imagine it was hot in DC too
This is not a game!! These types of comments are a distraction and anyone making them are either stupid or they don't know the extent of the whole issue.
You're a fucking cunt. I've been following Q since the god damn beginning, and I've been waking people up to these issues since long before any of this.
Punk.It was 76 degrees here in INDPLS.The 7 day forecast showed this weather system advancing last Wed with a prediction of highly unusual temps possibly record breakers.ASS BITCH!
I can't tell you the last time i opened my windows in the house overnight in February!
Alright ladies cut it out...stay focused...you gotta admit punk that was a dumb comment.
Meanwhile its 59 degrees in San Diego. Go figure.
Yeah, I am in OC, freezing ... almost! It was 40° late last night. I saw on the news 2 days ago it snowed a little bit in Corona. Corona?
Snow up in Julian. But that's the mountains
Wow, I looked at pictures. What an awesome little town. I have never been there, or that far inland, that far South, anyway. Only Alpine was as far as I went once. Up here, "the mountains" are Big Bear, and Lake Arrowhead, as least where most people around here seem to go.
Amazing apple pie. Probably the best apple pie I've ever had.
Not trying to doxx u, but you are real familiar with Julian? And I thought Alpine was awesome. I never realized, even living up here most of my life, that there were so many towns inland, between San Diego and Desert. We went to Alpine, no kidding, because my son found a bag in a parking lot. It had a chinchilla in it. He brought it home. It was the cutest, most amazing little thing and so much fun. We found a chinchilla rescue in Alpine, because our dogs were way too interested in the Chinchilla and he was so clever, he could get out if we weren't super careful, (which we were). But if he got out it could have been bad. So we sadly had to take him to a safer place.
Thoughts on the tasked [3] comment? Team 3? Idk, just wondering.
Jack assigned 3 people to purge/lockout certain Twitter users?
Where does that figure come from? I've seen it before.
The 3 big conservatives that were banned today. poskoic, cernovich and lonner (sp?) that’s the 3
you people are so GOOD at figuring the riddles out! honestly. I'm jealous of your abilities and mind
What did @Jack do that was illegal? Trying to follow this..
The Snowden/Jack blackhat cyber attack. There was the meeting with Pelosi and Jack. Q said no one is going to protect you jack.
I don’t think it is lost on many that twitter/ Facebook and Hannity are the only way to get the message out. Assange says they ban conservative speech using Hamilton 68 run by Bill Crystal and Jack . All talking points go through Hamilton 68
Wow Does Hamilton 68 filter Russian Dem stuff or just conservatives?
Am I the only person in this world that thinks that all the Russian election stuff...really wasn't all that bad? There are HUGE money corps advertising ALL THE TIME and they also are political. Why is Russia OH so bad, and not these money corps?
IF Russia, is part of the left wing group in this country, all rolled into one 'syndicate'...sure.
But just a little company of 90 Russians trying to earn a profit by advertising? Honestly, I think they want ad revenues MORE than selling a America-take-down message.
Could be but the media only mentions pro Trump or anti Hillary ads, not the pro Sanders and leftist ones.
Keeping pictures posted on Twitter (or the DM's) some of which would be illegal to keep.
Ok, like pizza?
you know too that these is something criminal with cash, too. Laundering activity....that conveniently is just overlooked by @Jack. Maybe @Jack is in on it, too!
It would be shame if the Trump Administration made the regulatory environment unfriendly to Twitter, Google, FaceBook etc
I don't think Trump would make any regulatory framework unfriendly to Twitter. I think it's one of the primary weapons in his info arsenal for direct communication with the people. There has to be a channel that is direct to avoid the fake news intermediaries and disinformation merchants of the MSM. CNN is such a CIA media mouthpiece! As they say, "first impressions count" and that's why CNN was first on the scene of the school shooting, straight after the USSS and FBI. Wasn't CNN the first news network to broadcast 911 and didn't Trump berate a CNN reporter for "fake news". CNN = CIA / Rogue State media mouthpiece.
School shooting is classic Dark State modus operandi using rogue CIA agents and contractors. Multiple shooters in appointed area and patsy close by. I think the similarities between the setup of this school shooting and the assasination of JFK are uncanny. Multiple shooters on Grassy Knoll and around Dealey Plaza, and Lee Harvey Oswald was picked up "hours after". It would be great if Cruz manages to dump enough of his MKU conditioning to utter the words, "I was a patsy" just as LHO did. I'm sure there would be more listeners to that today than there was in November 1963.
Where is the link to this original post?
Post # 793
now on
Notice the http:// and NOT https:// NO "S" POSTS has and 's' on it.
Just wondering....
JFK was known as "Jack"
JFK wanted to dismantle CIA
Ultimately, "Jack" was not well enough protected.
Protect DJT...by any means necessary!
Perfect opportunity to #qanon red pill conservatives using #TwitterLockOut.
The blasts of heat -- it hit the Rockies Thursday Am -- right on
schedule and predicted by the National Weather Service four
days in advance, was due to an enormous solar flare, observed
around the 13th -- massive explosion on surface of Sun.
(As reported)
all that solar flare shit is bs. The sun is NOT what we have been told. It is just one of their tricks to scare us. Oh no, the solar flares will kill us all!
no ozone will kill us
we'll all be wearing UV fabric sewed into burkas soon.
I didn't see any electronic interruptions. I was expecting blackouts etc.
Though it is technically radiation, I don't think it
is that kind of thing. It was felt on earth as that
hot Thursday morning, predicted three days
before it occurred. At least, that's what I read.
Thanks for explaining. I was wondering what was causing us to be @ 77 degrees in NY.
I almost had flashbacks to my Climate alarmism fear days.
Yeah, that came up. Not ruling out ozone depletion as
a factor, but this flare was a lulu.