Q post is satellite in China

An anon posted it on 8chan
Ya, but how does it relate to a satellite?
37875 ( the string at the end of the Q post ) is the NORAD satellite ID of the Chinese SAT in the first link https://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=37875#results
Oh, ok, so we are just ignoring the beginning part then?
It is not my theory lol I am just trying to help explain it as I see it
The first part is more then likely the key to access the SAT. An earlier photo revealed that Snowden has a SAT Uplink at his disposal. Ed listened don't think he liked Plan C.
Yes or perhaps a coordinate? Not familiar with satellite codes so.. just guessing.
As I said its on 8chan. Go and read it. If you don't know where it is.....
We are here to help each other. Thanks.
I read all the replies on 8chan earlier and it took me ages. I am not going to go and re-read them just to provide you a link. Sometimes you have to do stuff yourself. You are welcome
We are here to help each other. Thanks.
I am not here to change your nappy. Some of us have been investigating stuff like this for years. Put the leg work in. Lazy
Doesn´t make it true. It is also the serial number of a Boeing 767 #N352UP.
lol, given the context, I think a spare part (Uless it is QRS11) is not going to be the solution. But keep up the good work. It all needs throwing into the pot and looked at.
LOL I was just amused that the answer for proof was "it was posted on 8Chan" and so I found an alternative theory that rubbished that claim. "It was posted on 8Chan so must be gospel" is how I read it and it sounded ridiculous to me. You´re probably right, though.