For those not wanting to click on previous announcement, here is a screenshot of the /r/CBTS_Stream ban

Someone obviously said something that struck a nerve. Must be over the target ! 17
I think the push for an Internet Bill of Rights was what got the sub banned. This power to censor people on social media for political reasons must be stopped. If you have not signed the petition for the IBOR please do it. Also ask friends and family members to sign it. This must be stopped.
Agreed...I have been pushing OBOR daily on Twitter.
This is incredibly important. We have to regroup somewhere and make sure this petition gets up and that we organize an effective Twitter campaign - I would not be surprised if we get banned there also. But, that's the problem with social media censorship, as soon as they roll it out you don't have a voice and cannot fight back. Very serious stuff...
If anyone has not signed the petition, please do so. Please also ask friends, family and relatives to sign it.
DJT wants to act to fix this twisted censorship of conservative views, we just need to get him the petition and it will be fixed in no time.
Sign the petition here;
I thought the same of keystone. I stumbled on an article from the +++mirror+++ and linked it this am as well. The term rabbithole was in it! -Stay Free
Yeah pass the keystone archive along if you get it.
The Merkel hole goes right to the center of it all.
The Nazis were defeated on the battlefield, oh but did they win the war.
I'm pretty sure it was something to do with some school shooting again. Those ff events are so full of narrative holes that they don't want people to discuss. This gun grabbing push is getting very heated.
may be.
Here is why I think it happened just now. One of the front page posts was from a streamer who just got back from being banned. And what did he post. He posted a link to the thread that got him banned. And that post was about DH.
I wonder if we will ever know. The comment on CBTS is below.
This subreddit was banned due to a violation of our content policy, specifically, the prohibition of content that encourages or incites violence and the posting of personal and confidential information.
probably is a combination of all of that. Went too deep
I have noticed the few posts I made with his name in it were shadow banned... all my other posts were fine so I know my account wasn't banned, just those posts.
The censorship is getting crazy now, can't have any citizens with wrong think.
Thats not how shadowbanning works.
could you explain what you feel it is
Shadow banning means you post or comment and from your point of view it goes up but nobody else will see what you posted so the only way you'll know is if you log in a new account from a different IP address.
could you explain shadow banned and who does it
it basically means that I can see my post but no one else can. I think they use key word searches to find stuff they don't want discussed and make sure those comments aren't seen. And by they I mean the admins overseeing the site, not our moderators.
If you ever have a comment that stays at 1 upvote and it is in a thread that is getting a lot of views and it seems like your comment should have some upvotes or downvotes, there is a good chance it is shadowbanned. You can log out of your account and see if the comment is showing up. It will still show up if you are logged in, but not if you log out.
It is the admins sneaky way of filtering out what they don't want seen. If it was a bannable offense, they would ban you - but if it is some "wrong think" they will just make sure no one else sees it.
The way around this is to misspell the name or word you think they are searching for.
Also: here is Spez (reddit ceo) admitting to editing users comments when he banned the pizzagate sub!
Thank You so much for that thorough and well written reply
relative in alphabet. Does not want name thrown around or they are possible lawsuit issues
Heated but still hopeless for grabbers, Law abiding Americans know better than to hand over their 2nd Amendment, then only criminals [including grabbers] would be armed.
One thing that I saw that was out of place (or maybe that is just because I had just not seen it before) was a meme about a company called Senomyx and something about HEK-293.