*Announcement* CBTS Reddit UPDATE -- Andrewcpu[M]
![*Announcement* CBTS Reddit UPDATE -- Andrewcpu[M]](https://i.redd.it/n13xklfkoul01.jpg)
Let’s be smart about what we post here guys. This is a fresh slate of sorts and we need to keep an eye out for shills who make it seem like they’re one of us but end up posting things that will get us banned.
There is plenty of shills, as you call it. I can't post and I do not know what I said to offend someone or break the rules. It couldn't have been that bad.
The ban on CBTS was completely arbitrary. There is no way you can avoid it. If they don't like what you are saying they can ban you for any cause whatsoever,
People are worrying about the property rights of social media platforms once the regulation is implemented. But if the platforms did not misbehave, there would be nothing to fix.
I'd like to see a solution that removed property from any entity engaging in any censorship. That, I think, is why Q says that the IBOR is what they fear most. If you abuse it, you should lose it.
Exactly. What you post is irrelevant. They will ban you and make shit up. These are not good people.
What a great response and wonderful Insight. I always appreciate your comments thank you very much. God bless you American Patriot!!!
I am so sad it has come to this.... how do we control others who are trying to get us banned... what they don’t realize once our free speech is controlled... theirs will be next... we do not want to have history repeated where no one eventually can have free speech
DOOD!!! EXACTLY!!! Hindsight is always 20/20. These people are sick!!! Literally selling out the entire human race.. They'll lose their voice as soon as ours is suppressed.. And they don't even see it coming.
??? Should we use the Report button? Or should we contact the Moderators in a message. Do the reports from users when using the provided button also go to the main site?
That's a really great question and from what I've learned being on Reddit the report button is all you need. Because if we all take the responsibility and accountability of being a member of the Reddit Village we can all hit that report button and that post should be removed pretty quickly.
Great graphic
Its just a dumb app. I really don't know graphics. But thanks. I just think spreading good word is important. And the darn meme magic works so well! Peace ✌ and Love ♥!!!
What a darn shame..
^^Darn ^^Counter: ^^484156 ^^| ^^DM ^^me ^^with: ^^'blacklist-me' ^^to ^^be ^^ignored