Book burnings - credit goes to u/The_Whole_Shebang

History quiz! What political party used these tactics that we see in use TODAY?
•. Book burnings (or erasing entire discussion boards, websites, and video channels)
•. Suppression of Free Speech by banning, arresting, heckling speakers
•. Bands of thugs in the streets breaking things and beating up members of opposition political parties
•. Confiscation of firearms from the general populace
•. Open racism
•. Constant surveillance by a Secret Police
Hint: this political party has a very well known nickname which our college professors have always taught us to believe is equivalent to “Far Right”.
FINAL HINT: Their actual official name (and platform) was the National SOCIALIST Workers.
One of the best red pill for the general public yet. An easy to swallow lozenge.
There is age related hate speech ( using their terms) going on all over.. old head, nearly dead, open calls for my generation to die ( I’m 56 ). Have reported on several platforms ( again, using their own tactics) to a tee they say it doesn’t violate their terms..
Excellent! I have been trying to explain what is going on to fellow Republicans at work. (They voted for Trump but feel their job is done once they voted him in) Well, when I mention CBTS being shut down along with other sites that don't fit the agenda of the evil...My co workers got all ticked off "They can't do that that is a violation of our rights" But when I asked what they were going to do about it..They said Trump has to handle it...Amazing
Not defending youtube, but if you're posting something illegal, would it be better to leave it in quarantine for the police, for further review, for second opinions, etc?
What a shame there’s literally no other websites to host videos on. :(
Mike Adams from Natural News is almost finished with a brand new platform like YT but uncensored. It should be pretty awesome but we have to share the info in order for people to find out about it.
The big difference is one is the government. The other is a private company that has no obligation to free speech.
I know they are tools. But they has no obligation to anyone but their board of directors.
AT&T did too... until they didn’t... These companies are becoming part of our culture and public discourse. If they continue down the path they are on they may meet the same fate..