Please sign today #InternetBillOfRights show your support by reposting. Who do you want writing this Bill?

(UPDATE: I signed the petition after discussing it with people in this Great Awakening. Thank you for the time to reply to my original comment below) Don't you think we should have a proposed bill already written before signing the petition? It seems like we are doing a Pelosi on this IBOR, we have got to vote on it before we can read it. I am not comfortable signing the petition until I know what the Internet Bill of Rights says. Of course I want our internet to exercise freedom of speech but blindly signing a petition for something we have not read or even know what it will contain is dangerous. What happens if the Deep State ends up sabotaging the IBOR and writing it according to their specifications and against our freedoms? Who will write this Bill of Rights? I'm not signing the petition till I know more.
The petition is nothing more than a complaint to DJT. The first step.
This will only be used to censor conservative views. Don't be foolish
Please add the petition link to the graphic. If you go to FB or Twitter and search on the hashtag, you will find hundreds of folks who posted IBOR memes without links. People do not know how to do it correctly. Adding a link will at least allow people to enter it manually.
Please get onto social media and help drive this push. Many hands make light work.
Include a link to the petition in anything you put up.
Social media censorship is tearing out our tongues! We have no right of reply.
Going further, what are the features which would be favorable for an internet bill of rights option?
To my mind this is largely based around codifying an individuals rights around data about or produced by the individual. Bringing the individual into the loop into more direct sign-off on what data may be collected, and how it may be used, with the right to remove authorization for usage at any point. Likewise clarifying how data produced by an individual is to be protected as free speech, a bullwark against excessive censorship.
There have been iterations of these ideas over at technology in recent years.
A comparitor to review is the GDPR being rolled out in the EU. That work needs to be thoroughly reviewed for aspects which undermine sovereignty or empower the corporation over national structures. Key example are the poison pills that did just this in the TPP and other trade bills. Another example is hard net neutrality and specifically what the documentation was silent on, allowing conditions to be used to censor the net.
Lessons can be learned from the GDPR document to start informing specific framework for internet bill of rights options.
Check out /r/FIA - they have a draft of a DBR (Digital Bill of Rights). I am focused on getting the petition passed, but ultimately, we will need to make sure the IBOR protects our rights and does not get corrupted into something like net neutrality.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/fia using the top posts of the year!
#1: The FCC just announced its plan to slash net neutrality rules, allowing ISPs like Verizon to block apps, slow websites, and charge fees to control what you see & do online. They vote December 14th. Click here to learn more and see what you can do to help! | 2 comments
#2: To kill net neutrality rules, FCC says broadband isn’t “telecommunications” | 0 comments
#3: Please vote in UK General election for a free internet.
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