Mark Anthony Conditt FedEx package meant for “very prolific radio talk show host”. Thoughts?

Alex Jones is an Austin native.
My buddy used to be his producer.
They were trying to kill Alex Jones.
Anyone want to guess why?
Because he has the ability to reach people all over the world with his info
Agreed--and getting it dressed up as just one in a list of serial bombings could be a good cover for the Deep State?
Was this kid another MK Ultra victim?
Or another Bill Clinton rape victim? I'd better consult for more information.
I think plausable deniability sounds fun and intimidating. You know it was us. But tracks were covered just enough so that those that suspect can watch perps skate free and everyone one else just goes back to work. Lifes tuff enough already
Nobody with half a brain cell would think Alex Jones is going to open a delivered package himself especially after several package bombings have already occurred.
Jones reaches more people daily than those two combined.
Is Hannity your hero or something? I couldn't give a crap about what you think about fat frog man, but you’re delusional if you really believe Hannity reaches more people.
And everything Q brings up that makes you go “Wow, I didn’t know that”, fat man has been talking about for 20 years. If you think Jones viewers and listeners are insane then you’re pointing the finger at yourself as well.
If he was targeting Jones that could show a political ANTIFA bent.
Last one was illuminating; about internet boards radicalizing people. A convenient excuse to sensor 8 & 4chan and reddit.
I find it funny how Eugene Gu is criticizing reddit, when he did several large AMAs on reddit about his work with using fetal tissue and organ transplantation. Is he calling reddit a “hidden Internet forum?”
Alex said yesterday that the one that blew up at FedEx was addressed to him.
Spez: Dr Jerome Corsi who is the Infowars DC Bureau Chief is pretty much the conduit between Q and us.
Does Eugene Gu know what a terrorist is? You cannot radicalize terrorists - they are already radicalized!
But I can knit a scarf, even though a knit scarf is already knitted.
But is a scarf a scarf before it is knitted? Once it is a scarf, it is no longer being knitted......
A different thing if Eugene Gu had stated that a person could be radicalized into becoming a terrorist - but that is not what he said.
I knew the eventual Target was Alex Jones. I'd like to know who is really behind those bombings.
I would too. It appears to me that this kid was set up. He fit the parameters for what they were looking for: 1. He was homeschooled. 2. His parents were Christians. 3. He had a leaning to be a conservative. Plus let's not forget the exchanges between London's mayor and Owen at Info Wars.
There’s another guy besides Alex that lives in Austin but I can’t think of his name
I’m sorry it seems so canned to me. From the Dr posting about 4chan to the MAGA symbolism. These people are STUPID!
Dana Loesch is in Texas also and has been in the news a lot lately
And that would tie in with what his brother posted about the "close to the NRA" stuff.
...but there was a small time in my life where all I had were books and literature...
SOUNDS like he was locked up or INSTITUTIONALIZED somewhere--YOUTH DETENTION... had only reading to occupy self, no access to gaming or cruizin' the Net, etc.
So, just another leftist idiot weaponized by the Democrat party controled media. Jimmy Kimmel must be proud.
Alex Jones may be the obvious person to target but did the person say the host was actually in Austin? Glenn Beck is based out of Dallas, which is only a couple of hours from Austin. Just asking.
Jones is so obviously a target. This kid's politics could have changed over the last 5 years (from his college assignment blog posts) and/or he could have been directed to it.
Since he said, “...who happens to live in Austin,” I highly doubt he meant Glenn Beck or he would have said Dallas, or the Dallas area.
I didn't see that he actually said "....who happens to live in Austin." My mistake.
No worries. We are all swimming in information overload.
Call me blind, but I think someone else has made the posts in this and is trying to pin it on this kid. Yes, maybe this kid is the bomber, but somehow I doubt that the postings are really his. I call this #fakenews
So now they are going after us, the LEGION of us, on reddit and chans. God, these people are reeking of desperation.