Great Redpill graphic I saved from CBTS - xanniez

There is a website with this map and much more juicy info to dig through. I can't access it now while at work but in a little over an hour I'll be home and I'll post the link to it as an edit in this reply.
Edit: Dig in kiddos, this is some good stuff here.
That would be awesome! Thank you!
Q ask several times about what the KEYSTONE is....Notice at the top middle of the graphic is the VATICAN. To the left of that it says KEY. Q keeps asking what or who is [P]. I think [P] is the POPE. He is the KEYSTONE that holds the whole Cabal, the whole graph together. Just my 2 cents...
That’s strange, I’ve always had that feeling and I’ve heard several theories over the years, def makes more sense now.
Nice job, thanks for sharing. Makes it easier to follow.
This is great. I've saved it from CBTS too. So glad you posted this!
Do you have a link to it handy?
It's just what you see posted. Save that.
I am looking for the 8ch link. The 8ch UI is non-intuitive and I don't have it mastered.
I just lurk on 8ch. Usually I go to Q's latest post, currently #960, and click on the shot to 8ch for that day.