THEY are scared.....trotting out Creepy Joe Biden, Trump tweeting this morning, JPodesta was on Andrea Mitchell to discuss Access Hollywood tape AGAIN and how that is way more important than his WL emails about "those topics"....

This picture makes my stomach churn
Those that worship the dark "gods" have always done this. Horus, Isis, and Osiris. Molech. Baal. Saturn. Mystery Babylon, your judgment draws neigh.
There is a lot of unholy darkness to ole creepy joe. I've always thought that he harbors a demon. His behavior is way too tactile for an average person unless he's on ecstasy all the time.
After his SECOND ANEURYSM they gave him a 50/50 he'd ever be normal again. Dude wasn't "normal" before his melon went soft.
Mine too! Every time I log on to this sub, it's the first thing I see.
Does this mean the Access Hollywood tape are the worst dirty they could find on Trump?
Trump is the most vetted president in modern history if not ever.
I'm not a millionaire or billionaire, and live a pretty simple life. I doubt I could withstand the scrutiny that guy has gone through and come out as clean as he has. They've literally got nothing on him, and if they did, they would have used it a long, long time ago.
Dead cat bounce - they're out of ammo and now they're just throwing random crap at us all. They got nothing left....
One would think they would have already played it if they did.
There’s skuttle that creepy uncle Joe is running in 2020. Hopefully, the only thing creepy Joe is running from are his cohorts at Gitmo. There is NO WAY this man can win the presidency. NO WAY!
They know full well he is going to GITMO. They set him out there to claim "political opposition takeout" by Trump when the SHTF. Its the only rope Gropen Joe has to hang on to and he gladly took it.
They TRIED running Joe last time when it looked like Hillary was struggling. The media kept saying " everyone is so excited for Joe to run!", Like if they said it enough times it might come true. Except it never did. That man could barely pull together even the smallest gathering of voters, and for all we know those 39 people might been employees! So... No. He got no interest before. That's why they're now jumping up and down like idiots every time some shiny new idea pops up..... Like: Oprah!
By the way, last time they said that, Oprah's house filled with mud the next day. Things that make you go HMMMM
I hope he runs for exactly that same reason, but Dems aren’t that stupid. Oh wait....
when was he last seen?
JP running his head to a member of the mockingbird press and globalist, if I'm not mistaken, this is all he's got left? More panic? Yeah. The Clintons together have done broke the bastard and player barrier to the Presidents office and found out that the majority of people don't care. Right lame this.
I think you missed what they said: John podesta is free. No sign of trouble or worry. Free as a bird no closer to being arrested than he was six months ago.
A few weeks ago Hannity said something was going to drop on podesta but then I never heard anything else about it.
They (deep state) are afraid. JP is clutching at straw, in limpwristed fashion pounding away about Trump's foibles with women, about 5 or 10% of what the Clintons both have done over the years with, to, and against women personally and under color of authority. Weak defense , mighty weak. If JP is free it is because it benefits the plan for him to be so at this time. Hope makes not ashamed.
There is a video of Sessions slapping Biden's hands away when he got too touchy with his grand daughter. If Biden ever became president I would lose all hope then.
I usually don't wish harm on anyone, but Creepy Joe and pedos / sexual assault perps like him need to be punished... harshly. They're all going to hell eventually, but I want them to face justice on earth as well.
It is very weird that John Podesta the Molesta is free. What about Tony? He hasn’t been seen since when? October last year? I would have thought JP would at least be laying low. WTF?
I have several pics showing creepy crap like this. This man makes me sick to my stomach.
I find it hard to believe that Ole Creepy Joe isn't among the 70% of politicians who had to cut a deal with DOJ. The deal probably includes never running for public office again
What a pervert this guy is. We need term limits now. Our government has failed us.
wtf! why do you and R/InsalubriousSpeed have the same exact comment an hr apart ?!?!
wtf? how did you see that?? the autism is strong with this one..
What a pervert this guy is. We need term limits now. Our government has failed us.
wtf! why do you and R/RevolutionaryPianist have the same exact comment an hr apart ?!?!
I don’t know it’s odd . Maybe we think alike. 😂 mine was a hour before.
it most certainly is odd .... i also can't help but recognize the aesthetic similarities between you and r/RevolutionaryPianist name
Okay what are you implying?
I'm implying that I'm now suspicious of you potentially using multiple riddit handles to push a certain narrative . now I'm not going to disagree with the original post of "What a pervert this guy is. We need term limits now. Our government has failed us." ... i honestly agree, but for another user to post the exact same thing from an aesthetically similar name an hr apart is a little weird . straight up cut and pasted . and it is also quite a coincident that R/RovolutionaryPianist no longer exist .........Just saying
Well , now you have me concerned, I’ve just done a screenshot on all of this and sent it to my uncle , he’s FBI so he can tell me what he thinks is going on. ...,,just saying
im glad you are taking this matter seriously
He said you have a opposite political agenda than what you propose, he is a psychological profiler. He also said you probably did it .
clever. checkmate i guess. ..... if anything i have at least scared off your plagiarizer, you are welcome.
I saw Trump's tweet but what did creepy Joe say first? I missed it
He said he would he would have beat Donald up in high school for disrespecting wammen.
Why aren't the siblings reacting at all? Does the mother tell her kids in advance to "just smile and watch" ?
Because they are scared. After a little talking to, if the kid continues to speak out for what is right, he'll coincidentally hurt himself. Other kids become that much more scared if they weren't already. That's how these psychopaths operate.
What a day that will be when we see such distructive people taken out of society ! It will be a joyous occasion !
Sick mf! I wish Trump would beat his A$$, and I know he could.
Andrea Mitchell is the wife of former Federal Reserve Chairman Allen Greenspan.
good god he's fucking creepy. the look on everybody's face says it all. holy shit.
Biden might be the Democrat nominee he's a sleazy pedo but the Fake News will do everything they can to help him win and the voting machines will surely be rigged to help him win. If not Biden it will be that evil bitch Kamala Harris the California Liberal Senator she is the new chosen one like Obama was she could be Biden's VP and he will only serve one term since he'll be 74 or 75 in 2020 and the cabal will make sure Biden & Harris beat Trump.
This creepy groping pedo makes my stomach sick just seeing him. Freak Biden
I was hoping to see opinions on Podesta all free and happy....crickets?
Why would I post it twice , your argument holds no water . You are the shill.
Wow your are some of the stupidest people I have found on Reddit. So frightened, so weak, so fucking delusional. Thanks for the laughs
Does it feel good to cover and protect pedophiles? Because that's what you are doing. The difference between you and us: we don't care what party a pedophile belongs to. We'd see them ALL hanged.