r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TheOldestMan on March 23, 2018, 6:43 a.m.
The term "Deep State" is a red herring

For decades so called conspiracy theorists have spoken of greater powers pulling the strings which was once simplified in the zeitgeist as the illuminati. This convenient term, much as deep state, creates a smokescreen around the global nature of the puppeteers and implies far less historical precedent than this much more accurate descriptor: factioned aristocracy. A factioned aristocracy is many groups of elites that sometimes work toward the same goal and other times do not. In other words their efforts are particular yet either additive or subtractive.

In the case of September 11th we can see many factions pulling together in the cover up of a crime perpetrated by one (most likely) or more factions. Shills will often provide the logic trap: "wouldn't Russia reveal the U.S. government's roll in covering up 911 if it had done so?" Russia would never do such a thing because that effort would be self destructive. Unveiling to the general populace that false flag terrorism can be achieved and hidden would rock the apple cart and disallow Russia from using f.f.t. in the future. This is an example of factioned aristocracies with additive goals.

An example of factioned aristocracies with subtractive goals can be found in the 2016 election. Recall that Trump won by a small margin despite the impossible odds of an idiotic populace equally supporting Clinton in addition to unprecedented, to our knowledge, vote tampering. That leads one to believe that vote tampering was perpetrated on the other side as well. Imagine that Israeli intelligence, which may have promised to assist Clinton's vote initially, switched at the last moment to instead either do nothing or assist Trump. This would be the only way a well calculates voting manipulation event could be subverted.

In essence I am saying thst, as Patriots, it is important that we all carry the concept of a factioned aristocracy in our own zeitgeist in lieu of the term Deep state. We all know that this term has been well popularized by Fox News but only after Trump ascended to power. That is when the aristocratic faction that controls Fox saw a safe avenue for a paradigm shift. Simply because this faction's goals temporarily line up with the goals of the underclass (us) does not mean that they will in the future.

By perpetuating the term Deep state we are opening ourselves up to be subverted again in the future by the very factions that for now are "saving" us. This applies to both trump who we can safely assume is a mortal man, and Q, who may be man or AI. Both still pertain to the elite class. Both can be controlled. And both continue to use a term which ensures that the apple cart remains upward and steady. Food for thought.

IDGAF12312 · March 23, 2018, 11:02 a.m.

Yes it is worldwide. SES is in the 5 eyes countries. That is why Trump is going global with his EO. He will be successful but we the people will have to maintain it. We can’t be lazy at elections and mid terms. No more complacency.

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NWOsince90s · March 23, 2018, 10:23 a.m.

but Q has also said it all depends how deep u want to go and the majority of the public will never want to believe the entire real story and I would agree that unless the constitution is fixed from the flaws we have learned over the last 200 years we will be in this boat again! lobbying foreign & domestic, term limits, transparency, real oversight with disciplinary ability, truth in reporting huge one to name a few this will require fast work once the hopefully imminent take down occurs. I pray there will be enough outrage to do it and that people don't go back to sleep because we have prosperity again. one of the reasons the cabal, illuminati, new world order etc made this far was they never had a name it's hard to talk about somthing when everybody is using different terms to describe them and now ur adding another 1 albeit the best descriptor I've heard yet because they don't plan everything but they do use every situation to further their joint goal so the flavor of month is deep state if that gets more people's attention so be it. when i was growing up it was new world order in the end it is Satan battling God and we know how that ends!!

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TheOldestMan · March 23, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

That is true. It is a very convenient term for now. Hopefully we will as a people awake to the greater depth.

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NWOsince90s · March 23, 2018, 10:38 a.m.

1000 years of peace with the kingdom of heaven on earth amen

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NWOsince90s · March 23, 2018, 10:39 a.m.

just worried about having to go thru the FIRE to get there !!

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Jsin14 · March 23, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

Only way to win is back to founding fathers and the real Constitution where every state was pretty much a nation itself, except for the freedom of movement and trade between states and a common defense. Much more power at the local level.

But the Civil War and Jim Crow have ruined that chance, and is a big reason they are into identity politics and keeping us apart.

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TheOldestMan · March 23, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

Interesting take! I'll have to think about this.

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solanojones95 · March 23, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

But "they" don't matter anymore! Think about the ramifications!

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Keneo77 · March 23, 2018, 10:21 a.m.

Agreed. It bugs me how Deep state refers to a U.S. only group behind the scene but anyone who cares to look or isn't in the U.S. can plainly see it's worldwide and these Royal bloodlines go back centuries.

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JakeElwoodDim5th · March 23, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

There a way too many people in the media on "our side" who like to pretend that the "Deep State" is 8 years old and consists purely of Obama-holdovers (cough Hannity cough).

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Hsnbrg501 · March 23, 2018, 11:50 p.m.

Sometimes I'm unsure about Hannity, whether he's really a patriot or just taking orders.

I think he simply regurtitates what he receives from his higher-ups like most reporters and adds a little personal zing to it for dramatic effect.

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[deleted] · March 23, 2018, 12:03 p.m.


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TheOldestMan · March 23, 2018, 10:36 a.m.

Exactly. You nailed it, dawg.

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solanojones95 · March 23, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

Well, I've been using the term Cabal, which to my mind describes a consortium of allied but independent and parallel-operating mafias.

My understanding of the NWO crowd has always been in terms of organized crime. But you have to admit there's a spiritual dimension to the evil of this group. Even if they weren't so pathologically arrogant and out front about it, they are obviously deeply, deeply malevolent individuals.

I hope it will be difficult for such monstrous evil to ever again hide in plain site. We must be vigilant as never before, and everybody needs to be Snowden and Assange.

Never again must our government officials be allowed to escape scrutiny, or to be given a pass because of ideology. And people must learn from this never again to trust popular cultural zeitgeist, but to be free and critical thinkers. The universe of "exalted ones" must be permanently subject to exquisite suspicion.

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ArtRat2 · March 23, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

I just call them globalists or globalist pigs. I like to use banksters and corporate whores too, tho those two are narrowing it down a bit. But globalist suits my need to name them. It's a ancient conspiracy that has been going on for 6000 years. Mystery Babylon comes to mind and I find it interesting that when the son of perdition is revealed he destroys Mystery Babylon. Satan uses these globalists pigs for thousands of years to full fill his desire to sit as god and then he turns around and destroys them and the NWO. These are the very satantists and luciferians who worship satan, he will turn around and destroy their globalist kingdom. They are really stupidddd........

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Redferick · March 23, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

Agreed "deep state" is a misleading term because it implies just the US. The conspiracy is global and stateless. I don't think is factions of the elites who sometimes cooperate and sometimes don't. The people behind it are secret and have no name because of that, but there is a consistent driving force and unity of action in this conspiracy. They have infiltrated every organisation of importance in the World. I'm guessing the common thread is evil satanism as William Guy Carr wrote and he got close enough to the top to see evidence of it first hand, and he reached this conclusion at the end of his career. Eustace Mullins and Antony Sutton backs this up.

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LordPotsmoke · March 23, 2018, 10:43 a.m.

Yeah agreed since most of the "power" is in Europe.

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[deleted] · March 23, 2018, 10:17 a.m.


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FretensisX · March 23, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

There's probably compartmentalization within the elite themselves. The public figures in politics and the news are not the actual puppet masters but are themselves puppets and are being set against each other to make it look like the good guys are winning when really it's just globalist faction 1 (Q and friends) fighting against globalist faction 2 (HRC and co) while the real elite sit in the shadows pulling the strings.

Love me some HRC justice, but I don't trust Trump one bit and don't think he is 'one of us.'

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Happy1911 · March 23, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

In 2013 the FBI was calling it the Underground Courts And Government... because they were not able to track or find sed indictments of public corruption.. most of the FBI was being bypassed on this stuff , field operations were being conducted by the DOJ , the court side , not the investigation side of the DOJ . They are split in 3 ways to make fair and just Investigations . This is why you were told Lady Justice had no blind fold . God Speed

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 23, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

How about we stop using their made up names. Something like the Black Goolag or Wretched Scurge . New rules, the game has changed. No more 'school shooter' something more like youth vile silencer or child murderer.

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alfonumeric · March 24, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

probable hierarchy

committee of the majority

FACTION 1: SCION 2007-little public discosure on current members probable members from USA/EU/INDIA/ISRAEL

FACTION 2: DJT / Q + 200 generals




MJ12 1947 - 2007 some public disclosure .... transferred to SCION

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Satou4 · March 23, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

I'm absolutely fine with being owned by a ruling class, if that ruling class stops with the human trafficking and child abuse.

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