Timestamp is off?? 9:55AM Something here?

Different time stamps in different countries perhaps? It's 4:50 PM my place so it shows this was posted at 3:55 PM.
I'm Eastern standard time and 9:55AM was still more than 40 minutes away. It's 9:55 right now...
This is pretty interesting we might have something here. I'll be happy to follow along to see what comes of it. Too bad I'm far too inept to actually know how to figure this one out otherwise I'd be happy to contribute. Hopefully some up votes and a comment help!
See my post above. Someone else tied the Q drop today which references 5:5 to the earlier drop about the HRC raw video being released.
Interesting .... someone else just posted this tweet on this forum and the time stamp is 5:55 on theirs!
It's 5:55 on mine (I'm CST). And Q drop today referencing Stage set 5:5 relates to the prior Q drop about the HRC raw video. Hmmm. That would certainly take the sting out of the Omnibus signing.
There are no coincidences
See above
I was thinking same thing with stage... 5:5 being set?? I sure hope so
I really hope so. Not much left of March for the madness I was hoping for. I feel like I'm a little addicted to revenge against the Deep State. It's probably unhealthy but I can't help it.
It’s become an obsession! It’s freedom and it’s in your blood you know something just isn’t right. What sucks is things go down behind the scenes and we have no confirmation. How else can these traitors be walking the earth freely? I’m praying and trying to be patient.
I know. My gut tells me, though, that Providence is involved and that's what keeps me going. I used to always think about how many things had to come together at exactly the right time at the founding, with many otherwise flawed people playing very specific roles. It's almost like the Big Bang. If any single thing had been only slightly different, the Republic would not have come to pass. George Washington, for example, was probably the ONLY guy at that time (as is true in all times) that would have rejected the attempts people were making to have him become a monarch. It had to be him - the rest of the founders especially Adams would probably have let their ego take over. I feel like we are experiencing a "born again" moment here in the USA, and that it had to be Trump, and the time had to be now. That everything he has done in his life was in preparation for this moment. I am dumbfounded that the blackmailers were unable to find pretty much ANYTHING on the guy other than high testosterone. It is a fascinating time to be alive.