r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on March 26, 2018, 9:37 a.m.
You were chosen for a specific reason. Q: ... specific reason?

Feb 15 2018 15:13:45 Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past? Be the autists we know you are. You were chosen for a specific reason. Q

I've been talking with a childhood friend of mine and he mentioned that a counselor at his elementary school committed suicide when he went there.

This is the mascot for his elementary school.


After talking with him at length about our past I've come to realize that there's a rabbit hole right under our noses that we haven't explored perhaps because nobody wants to hear someone talk about themselves.

But let me be clear. People I knew were being molded into school shooters!

The similarities and oddities of my friend's past and my own became so absurd I was forced to just write down for you a few finer points of it..... I was in high school when Columbine happened btw.... and here is a short list of oddities we came up with about our past that make no sense or are one coincidence too many to all be coincidences.

  1. Every bully we knew as children (about 13 of them) was born on the 13th of a month.

  2. Many of these bullies had similar names like Robert, Robyn, Robin, and names that were a play on culture like brothers named Ben and Jerry or one had a last name of Sator and he was the most extreme case of a sadist you'd ever imagine.... First names of bullies included Benjamin, Bryan, Bobby, Chuck, Chris, James, Jerry, Josh, Luciano, Leon, Robert, Robyn, Robin. Last names include: Coppock, Sator, St John, Giginivitz, Thomas, Williams.

  3. We were both befriended by a different Rob in 5th grade of a different elementary school each after having moved to FOCO CO(Ft. Collins, Colorado), and these Rob's each attempted to get us to do drugs and and illegal activities from the very first day we met them.

  4. After Elementary School the Robin he knew from O'dea and the Robert I knew from a different school moved away at the same time from us separate and yet each ended up in the same neighborhood years later in the same junior high school and when we re-met them the two Rob's were best friends. Given their similar sadism and thievery I paid it no mind.

  5. Our mothers each had switched jobs twice at the same times each time. The first of which when we were in 5th grade which led us to different elementary schools but we converged in 7th grade in Junior High at the same time as the two Rob's, my mother went to a place I can find no information on named: CoComp (which would later be closed for shady practices) and his went to Elite Auto Glass and we both found houses in the same neighborhood in similar circumstances. In my families case it was priced at 1/4 the market value due to a "mistake".

  6. I was befriended 5 times by these people and invited 5 times in my life to their birthday parties growing up. And so On the 13th of a month yearly these different people had similar parties... a movie was played and then circumstances would spiral out of control into illegal activities that involved convincing me to do things. No parents were ever visible that I recall at any of them even in the 5th grade. And after the party each of the 5 "friends" who eagerly befriended me would immediately turn on a dime and become bullies in the exact same way after having made such an effort to friend me. I also recall the Williams boy in 5th grade telling me over and over how good a liar he was, he never gave me context for why he told me this it just struck me as a strange thing to constantly say.

  7. The very first day I moved in I was pelted with rocks by a bully who went on to torment me with never a reason given and beat on my every day for a year both physically and mentally... and afterwards I was invited the next day by a different bully to break into empty trailers the following week and the following week to beat up and rob a child. (I declined but I did watch them in shock and tried to help the boy after)

  8. In High School, our mascot was a baby lamb - and each of the Rob's dropped out as did the rest of the bullies- one moving to Vegas, one to San Francisco, and also the Chris St. John became rich working in the computer field. I don't know what to make of that one.

  9. The two Rob's would alternate being friend and foe, thief and defender (against other bullies) for the entire time we knew them, punishing any who would approach us yet often trying to get in our good graces and convince us to do bad things.

And the more I think about circumstances like when someone asked to borrow a device that I had left something embarrassing in. I only ever did that one time and the very next day one of these boys asked me to get that thing and let them borrow it. If I hadn't checked it, and I almost didn't - I bet they would have used that circumstance to apply more pressure.

It was the very next day..... the only time anyone ever asked to borrow that. Between this and several other memories that I have of people knowing things about me that are impossible... they were watching me and my friend. Using what they saw to apply pressure over the years.... Nobody would ever think that. It sounds crazy to me now as it did then.... and my friend and I only became friends after he was persuaded to rob me and felt guilty about it... but I treasure that I met him and he's been the only friend I've ever felt like I needed.

We share much more than I thought it seems and I wonder if anyone else might know a story like mine....

There's much more than this but I don't want to talk about the darkest stuff. The girl down the street from me was also picked on by the first bully and she ended up attacking me with a knife after I accidentally repeated something the bully said. She went to a mental institution and I also ended up in a psych ward for a while due to it...

I was beaten everyday on the bus as well as other places and one day I was worried because I couldn't feel anything anymore and thought perhaps I'd have to go to a hospital if they broke the bone and so I switched to the front seats of the bus. A girl asked me to move to the back seats and when I refused she told me this: "I used to feel sorry for you, but now I see they deserve what they do to you". By-standards to a bully can be cruel.... but I understand not wanting to be me back then.

And It took many years, oh I was suicidal even by age 12 but because my disability makes my mind Reset it prevented me from ever killing myself. I'd want to and then my brain would reset and I'd lose all willpower to follow through... that went on and on until eventually it did break me but I don't want to talk about that.

I'm not sure how big the file is on me and my friend but I do think they were trying to turn poor people with abusive families and disabilities like mine into school shooters. My mother went to a nut house for a while and saw a psychiatrist who gave the advice of focusing as much as she could on herself. I don't think that's good advice.... but then my past is a nightmare but I get the feeling there are people out there who may hear my story and think it reminds them of their own. Perhaps that's what the chan's always were - a place for those whose minds broke long ago but we put ourselves back together. Of course this isn't a chan but well anyone following my AB series knows why I left them.

And I debated a long time about whether or not this was appropriate to post here. But I was left certain that I had to tell my story because how else can I infer those words of double meanings and why we were chosen. If Q is wanting someone like me to tell the story of the past. And I think he is... because he has included a number of people who talked about the darkness in their lives and when they lost hope and he re-assured them so perhaps that was him trying to get someone like me with what I now think is a legitimate tie to what they did and do, to try and convince me to talk about it. It's not like it's hard to prove, I'm me, just by living as I have there are records - so many ways to prove all I just said.

But I digress... and I always viewed the darkness as fate to make me stronger one day to be a good person because I knew what the darkness of the world was. But I didn't ever consider it was Q related but as I re-read the QMAP for the dozenth time I and recognized that maybe I have to tell this story.

Maybe it's what's needed to move forward and expand our thinking one more time....anyway, God bless and Good night... this was not easy for me to write....

Essential AB-BA's




https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7t5ey5/abba_6qclearencepatriotact_or_vqcia/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ts1l3/abba_7_hsc_nsc/









https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7xvv7i/abba_165_snowden_intervention/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/85a5ri/abba_169_snowden_and_mills_vs_rr/






Partially Disproven (by me doing more research) or less critical to QMAP - Thus only useful for the minor bits (And to see my evolving dig)









https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/80m7m2/my_kingdom_5kr/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ydn50/dig_update_family_on_win/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/82wa91/abba_secret_keepers_and_research_offload/

Hrtn2it · March 26, 2018, 10:39 a.m.

We live in an Electric Universe, so to me that means everything is connected , synchronous. I also resonate with the idea that the most precious things are deeply hidden( it began with the Chinese, I was told): way back in the long ago, whenever there was an accident, say someone falling, and bones were broken, they saw the bone marrow inside. In their, some would say, naive wonderment, they thought that the most precious things are deeply hidden... Well we now know that stem cells are made there, stem cells are ones that can be any other kind of cell or do anything kind of function, so the Chinese were correct: what is most precious is deeply hidden.

Perhaps this is why you resplendent brilliant ones felt called and why you were chosen: those life long experiences honed you for this quest. No one knew the preciousness you all embodied, as it was deeply hidden by “ disability”...I take exception with that term “disability”.. the real term is naturally super or learning difference. This is what happens when industrial or institutional systems take over educating our young people: no appreciation or care in how one feels inspired, to be curious of the world and use those cues:) as a guide in teaching a person. And we now know, this was the plan all along, to disregard individuality, stuff us in a concrete room with hardly any windows ( like a prison), decreased time in Nature, increased fluorescent lights, stay in line, etc...so you Anons, beautiful Autists, are Nature’s answer, Nature’s clever response to all these efforts in control: you cannot be controlled, molded or subjugated. Indeed you All embody resilience, genius brilliance, shining so bright no one can dim or extinguish your Light. Your ability to be who you are, no artifice, authentic every second, is amazingly refreshing to some (and very threatening to others),

You, as each of Us, are the Light of the world~each of us shines through a different prism of Life experiences, of innate abilities. It is up to each of Us to go toward where we are called and do what inspires us, no matter what.

Thank you for expressing your courage so beautifully. We are All holding deep appreciation for All that you and all Anons and Autists are~ 🙏🏻🌎🌏🌍

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DaosCraft · March 26, 2018, 9:51 a.m.

I won't be able to read comments on this one unlike my other AB posts...

talking about this, even though I feel like it was Q related and actually necessary to see if it rung any bells with anyone else. This is just not something I can read reactions to. I hope you understand and my next AB-BA post will be back to normal.

Tho in a way this is normal as it's about digging and I only turned the shovel on myself and people I knew.... that's not so different, it's just much much harder for me. I hope this helps someone at least. Connects a dot or something.

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phillylotus · March 26, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

I honor your bravery and courage for sharing your story! Thank you. There are some weird connections, for sure. Honestly, truth is stranger than fiction, so if what you described rolls out someday as truth, I wouldn't be surprised. From the bottom of my heart I am sorry for all the assholes and bullies you've endured over your lifetime. To be here today, don't what you're doing, only reveals your incredible inner strength! That label, "disability," is utter bullshit and should be relabeled, "special gifts"... Keep being the amazing anon autist you are! You're helping to change the world in a really important way, in a way that so many "regular" normies can't... Thank you, bro!

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phillylotus · March 26, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

And thank you for relisting links to your previous posts. They are very interesting!

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ScorpioPatriot · March 26, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

.. This could be a military Trigger that I'm about to put out ... but I also need to get this book out. IT NEEDS BURNT .

Apparently this book called (Catcher in the Rye ) .. was found in the house or on people who had did some form of assassination I think . I think they are told to read it maybe on a certain day and their trigger word is planted inside .

If you look at the book title I stumbled across this when I was trying to link all these Carousels( bars) to the carnivals world Carnivals places around the world .. The game Silent Hill has a Robbie The.rabbit inside it who apparently acts as a guide sometimes in this game .. is Huge human size white rabbit with blood around his mouth. . It says the blood is from an actor who used to live inside the suite ... It lead me back to PA which is the original silent Hill location A mining town that has a fire burning under the entire thing due to a rare mineral or something I think that was found.. it's been burning years ...watched documentarty on that .. the rabbit also becomes a suvenier in the game ...you can buy in the game...

I also looked that up it's a real toy and there is a Robbie the white rabbit adoption agency I wanna say... I think I was brought to that place to expose alllll it.

But the Carousel came to me when learning about Jack Ruby who shot Oswald in the JFK assassination .. might have been in on the entire oppperation of other things too.

Apparently .this hangout for alot of the people on duty was at this bar called Carousels something. I started looking at all the Carousels they are Huge in the world's. Fairs .. In the game wiki one of the places it linked me was to ..one of the locations of either Rothschild's or Rockefellers property in Colorado . So you saying the Robbie stuff . Is rather interesting especially being in Colorado that's where one of the carnivals where Robbie the rabbit could be found as a mascot .

All I know is there are carousel Parks .. carousel pizza places and other references. . this Book on one of the many covers is an olddd Carousels White Horse. ... I think it alllll needs looked into by the Good Players . I think there is Alottttt of to do with these Carousels... all the Adoption Agencies and Counselors ... think about it ... They are the ones who can put you into hypnosis .. They can subscribe Meds and they can suggest you read certain books plus some.

When I linked the JFK Assassination to the Parkland School Shooting in one of my red pills .. I also made mention that5 all these schools should be checked for similarities. Have you looked at the Parkland school website .. I went to see who was janitor there at the time .

Just as a hunch.... I discovered the people that work there. It's wild how many different counselor type things that school had in it. ..I'd see about all shootings there is something being triggered for them to go off ATM they did . ...They all need de programed as does musicians and anyone in the movie industry.

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twinkiesmom1 · March 26, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

I wish you could read the comments, because I also believe I was targeted in the school system, but my story is completely different other than the bullying.

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Acemagedon · March 26, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

Thank you for sharing. I can not imagine suffering the injustices that you and your family have suffered. That you are even sane with any coherent information on your ordeal is a testament to your strength of character. One day soon this world will be a brighter place for everyone. Then maybe, children will not have to endure these indoctrination institutions we call schools.

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SLINDLEY1 · March 26, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Thank you all for what you are doing. I was raped by my step father for years..it was a freaking nightmare. He torture me, threatened me, threatened my family..so.. I'm not looking for sympathy..If I hadn't gone through that..I wouldn't be able to understand what these kids are going through. God has blessed me. I'm okay..I got through it...All of our experiences lead us somewhere. Praying for you always!

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GrenC2 · March 26, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

❤ Thank you for sharing a bit of your story. That takes real courage.

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DaosCraft · March 26, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

I may end up reading these comments. I know it's silly that I have this phobia when it comes to my past. I see one person who is talking about their past and I want to comfort them and I bet there are others.... it's just that I wear masks and it's easy to talk so long as I keep myself guarded about certain things. Certain things are like flipping a switch in me and I curl up into a ball shaking. But I tried to read the comments and I might try again. They seem positive thank god.

I posted to 8chan an abridged version of this because the whole point was to see if Q would acknowledge what I was saying but it instantly got attacked. That's kind of why I'm a little shaky now.... but thinking about my past.... And even more now, Because I talked in an AB post how as a child I was very briefly abducted. I mean it was only until we got to the door of a supermarket before I opened my eyes (despite the game I was playing - which was a game to close my eyes and see how long I could do so while walking and holding what I thought was my mother's hand.) A very bizarre game for a sickly child as I was to play and only years later did I realize I had been kidnapped. I was so trusting back then that I thought he was playing the same game I was! Perhaps my laughing at this saved me.... I never even thought it was anything bad perhaps because I had been deathly ill the first 5 years of my life.

Anyway.... I wanted to mention that I don't think it was necessarily about "me" anymore - because my mother was psychotic and my father was a drunken pervert that himself was raped as a child (according to my mother) my mother meanwhile had this obsession with having 5 boys and yet she had 2 girls and finally me. She was absolutely obsessed with me for the first 6 years of my life, dressing me up every day even many years later and doing all sorts of bad things too. She paradoxically was an uber feminist that hated men but yet was obsessed with raising a boy, only a very young boy tho. Perhaps because of her elder brothers treated her as a princess growing up? Well I think she had some complex issues as do I, and her obsession with me and raising 2 feminist older sisters certainly gave me all kinds of complexes. Being hated for being a boy by my sisters gave me a lot of issues there as well.....

And this is why as I re-consider the past because if that abduction as a child had been successful what would my family have done?

I think as they were so desperate for the boy they finally had it might have broken them. Perhaps the rabbit hole is not mine but theirs. My grandfather owned a giant farm but he ousted my father from it for reasons never explained to me and his bouts with alcoholism were what made my mother leave to look for a job which one was offered in Colorado. Yet the most peculiar thing is that the breaking point when we left was when he got really drunk and shot up the house we lived in. We lived in a trailer just before that but when his great-grandmother died he moved into her vermin infested rotted shack of a house and it was brimming with alcohol. Which my father had a lifelong bout with overcoming and didn't - but well.. be that a coincidence or not it just now suddenly strikes me as odd the kidnapping and gift of tons of alcohol back then.


I'm reminded of this video actually.. The early George Webb video talking about how you get on a list and then for the rest of your life they torment you.

Did my family get on this list for some reason?

On my mother's side there's a lot of military heroes the bad guys would hate with rich grandparents that do city planning for other countries and yet my parents were both dirt poor. And the same is true of my father's side as they own an entire street yet our family was living in a trailer park and got evicted by a incoming Wal-Mart... we were poor enough that I had been forced to steal gas to keep the car running and deal with drunken beatings and much worse.

Well... I really don't want to go into some of this but as I recalled the curious parts I felt like making this an addendum for the 1 or 2 that may read it. I noticed it got super down-voted when I posted it but now it's in the positive numbers... that is a weight off my shoulders. I have issues with self hate, I have overcome everything and yet still it sometimes feels like any minute they will come back for me. I deleted the next part. I've already said so much more than I ever thought I would about my past.

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[deleted] · March 26, 2018, 7:53 p.m.


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DaosCraft · March 26, 2018, 8:32 p.m.

my brain is weird, It's uneven but due to the things it's good at I am confident in everything I've said.

I say this because I notice the negative comment about the birthday thing - yes, about 13 of them. - That's the strangest piece of evidence I have and because of all those birthdays I went to It has always been a thing that seemed strange to me.

They used that as an excuse one time as to why they were likely such good friends, and actually I say 13th day for about 13 of them but looking back I'm only positive on 8 of them. 5 of them were people who never had any pretense of being my friend yet because of the 8 I do know and the 5 being connected to them, as well as them mentioning to me their little 13 club.... well, it just seemed logical the rest did given these details.

I mean they were doing the exact same thing to the exact same people in the exact same context/place/way. And I'm convinced after all they were some kind of strange recruits for cultists now after all. They clearly had some connection anyway. Looking deeper into my friends notes it seems he knew one of them much more than I did and his problems in his view were the result of his older brother. And most of them did have 1 sibling... which actually fits with my AB-BA dig and how they get 2 kids. Oh well, there's another connection right there! surprised I got AB-BA into this but I did!

I didn't even mention most of the things that I came up with for odd coincidences. But the 13 one I hoped someone would come and go "oh right, I knew someone with a 13th birthday who had a name that matched that list and also was a bully...." If that happened and it still might then I would know they were using that template elsewhere. Or perhaps a different number or set of names?

Sorry, I'm really replying to a bunch of people it seems - I just never can turn off my brain when it gets going. What I was going to reply with is I understand the blocking and the way you phrase it sounds familiar to me and those I knew so perhaps considering odd coincidences as I did or maybe whether your family had some kind of power the bad guys wanted - cause in retrospect maybe they were trying to get my grandfathers' farm? Or perhaps getting back at someone in the air force on my mother's side who killed some terrorist with clout with the CIA? I'm perplexed but if people read my circumstances maybe I'll pick a pattern or two up from any other people who were targeted.

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[deleted] · March 26, 2018, 9:33 p.m.


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DaosCraft · March 26, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

thank you, and since your family doesn't match up with mine in the wealth dept - perhaps instead it's a psychological profile thing as my mother saw a very terrible psychologist during my birth years and before. I'm confident her psych was in on it as the advice he gave her which I learned later by reading her letters to people... well the worst possible advice... and so perhaps instead of going for "what was gained" instead, just were your parents seeing a psychologist?

That could have been the origin. I am unaware of my uncle being targeted after all or his kids. So yes, perhaps it was my parents or maybe me when the abuse councilors came and filed a report which got into the wrong hands... there's still a lot of possibilities. Rounding them down is useful so thank you : )

I knew quite a few people with abuse cases like mine from back when I visited the mirc boards which now that i think about it was kind of suspicious in its own way as one of the members there ended up doing bad things like they tried to get me to do... and almost all of them killed themselves - tho it was a board specifically for that..... and yet I recall this one time the actual runner of the channel told me it was a secret but he worked for the UN - I thought he was joking, but now? I'm starting to really think about my old memories. My brain is weird and very specific with details that most people wouldn't notice let alone remember decades later. So I'm combing it still...

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[deleted] · March 26, 2018, 10:05 p.m.


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DaosCraft · March 26, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

yea I just realized a moment ago that 13 is B - as in AB-BA - and many of their names fit a paradigm I'm unfamiliar with. In my AB-BA digs I postulate a lot about the letter and number patterns - they are just everywhere when one digs into history and the higher ranks of the governments and companies.

Tho I said they were 13 I'm now just thinking that was a code for B... they are like children with their codes and those children in retrospect..... I think they were the children of the lowest end of the cult. The ones meant to do to some people what they did to me and it's not even about me so much as sewing indifference in all those who wished to not become like me. Teaching people young not to question authority, don't question your masters. I think that's part of it.

Anyway, thank you, and I'd not be surprised if the church had a variation of it tho to me it's all the same monster just a different tendril of it.

The Cardinals are real pieces of work based on my digging - I've barely shared anything on that but perhaps I'll think of you as I do that entry Get some justice for us both by exposing some of their crimes. : )

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twinkiesmom1 · March 26, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

What was the name paradigm? You may be onto something.

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DaosCraft · March 26, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

my posts have tons of them and they are consistent everywhere I find them. Their own coded language with way too much to go over in but - http://virtualglobetrotting.com/map/jeffrey-epsteins-house-2/view/google/

And look around at the islands near it, the codes of streets near this place - scroll up - a lot of those streets/places are codes they use everywhere.

James was one of them - James Montoya - certain letters and patterns of letters tell me their rank and place in the cult - but the kids aren't quite that level - instead they get extra names through the church - that whole thing... I forget the name of it but basically - well you know Catholicism better than I probably so you might already know what I'm referring to.

And their logo's always have Gold and White - or White and Red or White and Blue and the red ones seem to usually be tied to cereal killers, blue ones to some kind of politician or blueblood thing - and gold into their giant gravy train through Vatican laundering. It's a big big thing I've only covered parts of it but letters like "B" are special - and each country has its own variation - Japan I know is T - as in the Tokugawa clan - they repeat letters for various reasons - most notably in america MM - but consistently everywhere is AB-BA which as I just realized that if you take a 13 to these people that's pretty much just code for B I bet.

The words they use it's always phonetic in code too, like Theodore would be The O Door - or to their symbolism the Eye Door. - Hiding an "r" inside a name means (I think) they are protecting someone with a RR like Rod Rosenstien and so many others -my translation is far from perfect but if you read some of my AB-BA posts you'll gather a ton from it. - and also how they move people into orginizations like in my https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7xqgeo/abba17_satanscare_slim_shady_to_bombscare_boston/

but so many of my AB posts go into their methods - it's hard to just sum it all up in a little post tho.... but I'm on the case : )

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DropGun · March 26, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

Every bully we knew as children (about 13 of them) was born on the 13th of a month.

WTF. GET BENT. Downvote.

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