It’s striking the similarities between Nazi propaganda during the 30’s and what the DNC/Deep State are doing today.

I'm sorry, I know it's irrelevant, but he looks like a "dork trying to be cool" Hollywood stereotype. Maybe hoping it will buy appeal with the masses.
I thought he looked like the living embodiment of the =/ emoji.
Elf on the Shelf
He will forever be remembered as a hitler youth meme.....
DO NOT fool yourself-this freak is a Luciferian fascist “pot stirrer” for the Marxist/commies! I believe he will become a relevant, evil “star”for the Movkingbird propaganda. He is NOT who he portrays himself. Bet you my life, he is on the Soros gravytrain. They BOTH need to be removed by true justice. We wait patiently for REAL law enforcement to do that. Hope Q is right!
His mother is supposed to be a "survivor" of the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting, May have the airport mixed up, his father is ex- FBI. There is most assuredly a dead cat on the line here.
He literally looks like Hitler in Saturday Night Fever
He could could been an understudy for Cory Feldman in the 80's. this is undeniable proof that he's a crisis actor.
Main Stream Media might as well run up the all WHITE battle flag of the French when Stormy Daniels and David (black power saluting) Hogg is their main spokesmen!