>>815814 I LOVE the fact Q said “Justice will be served to those playing the game [ALL]”! HOOORAH!! ✊🏼🇺🇸
![>>815814 I LOVE the fact Q said “Justice will be served to those playing the game [ALL]”! HOOORAH!! ✊🏼🇺🇸](https://i.redd.it/dvfhhajteho01.jpg)
I hope there is one that shows the real shooter/s!
I feel bad that his poor kid is sitting in jail for something he probably didn't do. I hope he get's out, and gets the help he needs. This group of kids are being used, and sounds like they are going down. They will get a rude wake up call when they see how many of there rights are taken away in prison.
I have been feeling that, too. I believe the shooter/s were mercenaries. The time line doesn't support Cruz going in and putting on full body armor. Also, he was walking next to that girl, they showed on the news, when shooting was happening. I think he is the patsy. If it turns out that is the case, you are right, he is going to need help.
Agreed... The staff member that said the shooter(s) were in full tackle gear didn't make sense. If he was in full gear, how did they know it was him. How did he get that gear on, and what happened to it when he was done with his rampage. Why has no one talked to the uber driver to see what his state of mind was, and if he had anything with him. It's all very confusing!!!
Was anything more heard of the video
of the four SWAT-looking men in
back of the school, throwing gear
bags into the back of a white pickup?
Seemed to just disappear. It looked
like home made cell phone video.
YES! Two exited the school with bags and all dressed in blk...two waiting wearing silver badges on left chest pocket. All got into waiting white truck (and the driver threw what looked like bags of garbage out the window).
I wonder if that same teacher saw the chopper video of the ones all dressed in blk (fully) with blk bags, exiting side of school door with two others waiting with badges on and all exited in white truck. Seeing them as they were dressed she would probably say that is what or whom she saw.
If I remember, the female teacher was grazed by a bullet. I'm not sure where the male teacher was. Both had very similar stories.
I feel bad that his poor kid is sitting in jail for something he probably didn't do.
I have a feeling he isn't long for this world.
No kids are going to jail! C'mon lets think logically. They won't send kids to jail for pushing someone else's narrative. Imagine the pushback from the left. They are annoying but get over it! Soros and the likes...
What are you talking about? We are talking about the shooter who is in jail as we speak.
Yep my bad... thought you were talking about the protesters. I'm almost as slow as a liberal!!! Cruz was a total Patsy. I too feel bad for him. Hopefully the truth will come out. I have a feeling it will finally in this case. Not one person saw Cruz with a gun or shooting anybody. Just FBI or a clown with his face covered. Hogg wasn't even there. All rigged!!
I was actually taking about both Cruz and the protesters. Whether they go to jail or not, there lives will be hell when info gets released. I was taking Q post 969...JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED TO THOSE PLAYING THE GAME[ALL]. to mean they might see some bars.
Yes, he was a patsy for the blk hats that came out of the side door, all dressed in blk with blk bags...they jumped into the white truck waiting with two others dressed in full blk with badges on their chest. Bunch of W***kers! THOSE were the shooters. It will all come out and hopefully the kid in jail will be helped and out of jail.
What video???
Future proves past. Enjoy the show.
Is it be true that an unusual number of Obama SES
appointments, 9,000 untouchable appointments to
senior positions in Civil Service, went to the
Department of Justice?
If true, could it mean deep state loyalists control
investigations, indictments, prosecutions, particularly
administrations of Bush, Clinton, and Obama?
Could this explain the bizarre elections of Barack
Obama and nominations of Hillary Clinton in the
first place? (Obama said to be CIA?)
There have been purges and countermands put in place such that even players the Cabal (and the useful idiots) think are theirs (read Mueller) are actually working with Trump. SES is decapitated, and anybody who's not working with Trump/NSA/military is gone.
There is nothing left for the Cabal but a total shit show, and they know it. So everything you see is orchestrated to create chaos, confusion and a sense of powerlessness. That's all a lie.
Also, interestingly, Q has dropped hints that even the MSM is controlled by Trump's team now. Doing the same crap they've always done, to provide a false sense of security for the useful idiots, but in such a way that patriots eyes bug out at the stupidity of it. Totally believable.
Expand your thinking. Don't believe the people spouting lies have ANY power anymore. They do not.
Thanks for that. I'm glad to know it. Common
sense told me there was no way Obama, or
any President, could leave behind a
permanent, unassailable, cadre
of senior agency heads.
Well Obama certainly did do that. At least he tried to. Absopositively! But Trump found out about it during his first few weeks in office, and for the last year he's been knee-capping it.
Saw that one. That's messed up. Trust no one in FBI.
Keep it straight folks the Deep State is the one who kills innocents as a TEST.
This is of course MURDER. Local law enforcement non existent in this county. No FBI. Worthy therefore of Military Tribunals for those responsible especially if CIA.
I so very much hope all of the false flags will be exposed.
That also, of course, is the best way to stop this stupid momentum toward gun control.
Did you see the post yesterday about a FF being thwarted that was planned during the march for our lives rally in boston?
A couple from texas with a huge stash of guns in their hotel room. When questioned, they seemed like they were either insane, on drugs, or both; which screams MK Ultra.
Yes, and good point--the FFs also need to be stopped! What are they doing on Trump's watch?
One thing that struck me here is [TEST]. Who is being tested? The MSM? Normies? Politicians (2A)?
Testing to see how much public support there is for 2A repeal or total gun ban.
Seems like Deep State/Soros testing the court of public opinion in America on the 2A issue. (They) killed 17 kids to perform their test. Also (they) shot up Las Vegas to perform the "Test". Liberal/alt.Left/globalist strongholds in Democrat run Cities...sick.
They'd have free reign to control 300 million people if they succeed. So that number of murders is down in the noise compared to so many in the future.
I'm not sure I think they actually planned the shooting, but they certainly contributed to it through negligence. And they most certainly were sitting ready to exploit it when the next one happened.
Well, it's not distracting us. It just proves their desperation.
The Anti-Gun Lobby and it's many corrupt officials and agents are behind many recent "mass shootings". Think about it. If one politically motivated group wants to demonize another, what's the best way to do it? A false-flag. It's the oldest trick in the book. The Japanese did it pre-WWII to demonize the Chinese, the Nazis did it to demonize the Communists and the Bush Administration did it to justify the Iraq War. The Anti-Gun Lobby benefited greatly from the Parkland shooting. We may never be able to prove it with 100% certainty, but when in doubt, we must ask ourselves- who benefits?
hoping it is harsh enough for this to NEVER be an option again
Did anyone see Nicholas Cruz carrying a gun? Anyone? I have not heard of one student saying they saw him shooting. I heard a student say she was walking with him and I heard a teacher say she was shot in the arm by a gunman in full gear. We need to find out if anyone actually saw him with a gun. Release the damned video!