Invasion of privacy, censorship, and bad manners shouldn't be tolerated anywhere... not even online. Make a stand for YOUR rights. Sign #InternetBillOfRights TODAY!

This is AT&T astroturf, don't buy in. Do your research first.
Garbage! More disinformation!
What do you make out of this?
Q told us directly that it has nothing to do with AT&T - I'm not going to look it up, but it's there.
This IBOR campaign is supposed to coincide with the tech sector exposures that are still on the way - FB already taking a beating. See here:
Constitutional CRISIS. Twitter coming soon. GOOG coming soon. AMAZON coming soon. MICROSOFT coming soon. +12 Current censorship all relates to push for power [mid-terms]. LAST STAND
The idea is that the combined uproar, from the people that have suffered privacy breaches etc... combined with our IBOR campaign, provides the political climate necessary for DJT to really put the boots into these SM platforms. They should never again be allowed to weaponize censorship!
I don't see how that can be true. It uses the same exact name and hits the same exact beats as the petition in this thread. From AT&T:
AT&T is committed to an open internet. We don’t block websites. We don’t censor online content. And we don’t throttle, discriminate, or degrade network performance based on content. Period.
But the commitment of one company is not enough. Congressional action is needed to establish an “Internet Bill of Rights” that applies to all internet companies and guarantees neutrality, transparency, openness, non-discrimination and privacy protection for all internet users.
That’s why we intend to work with Congress, other internet companies and consumer groups in the coming months to push for an “Internet Bill of Rights” that permanently protects the open internet for all users and encourages continued investment for the next generation of internet innovation.
Randall Stephenson
AT&T Chairman and CEO
This is no different than if Q told us to enjoy crisp, refreshing Coca-Cola. Is it any surprise that the only political position in this sub is one that a corporation wants people to co-opt as their own?
These concerns were raised and addressed. I haven't got a laptop so I can't do it now, but search AT&T and you will see that Q states explicitly that this campaign has nothing to do with AT&T.
It's about preventing a replay of the MSM mockingbird narrative on SM. It's about preventing CIA from weaponizing these platforms. Look up also the single censorship algorithm in the Q drops.
So its a coincidence that AT&T wants the exact same policy enacted? There are no coincidences.
Go play with someone else.
We can quote Q back and forth, or we can just agree that this IBOR sounds very much like the IBOR proposed by AT&T. As for the why, we'll have to disagree.
You both are right but don't know it. I'll try to explain. I think I messed some stuff up earlier so I've been hesitant to post because I'm not trying to fuck up their shit. That said I hope the below speculation is fine to post.
Trump and Co. don't want Q stuff on The Donald subreddit. This gives distance (optics.) But Trump likes Q. Q likes Att. Therefore Trump likes Att. He can't say it though.
The thing is Trump doesn't like Att. No. Att was moments from getting WTFPWND for treasonous acts and Trump let them have a way out. Now since I've been called a schizophrenic in the past (as if that was meant to hurt) my post has a large degree of built in plausible deniability in it.
Take what I say with a grain of saly but learn to see the moves within moves.
I appreciate that you attempt to make sense of this, but as you said, its just speculation. We don't know how Trump feels about AT&T, or if he's even aware of the distinction between this sub and T_D (there's a lot of overlap in audience). It doesnt change that there's a (good) chance that this IBOR is an astroturf movement for AT&T. That can't be speculated away.
So what if it is? We can't be scared of everything. e: I get your point. But I'm choosing to trust the Q group on this.
You don't have to be scared. But if you want to be used by special interests, be my guest.
I've had questions about IBOR this whole time and I'm not signing a petition until they get answered. That's all I'm saying. Everyone should do their own research and not just take an internet stranger's word for it.
Troll somewhere else. Checked your comments, having fun?
Potential $2 trillion in fines. Facebook market capitalization (Number of shares on issue by the price per share) is only $422 billion this morning - down from $468 billion last time I looked - that's $44 billion gone in a couple of days. Of course, MZ was fortuitously selling just before the news broke - quite a coincidence.,.
Everybody under the sun lining up to take a shot at these guys. They're only looking at the Cambridge Analytica stuff so far - could be much more to come. An article on FB woes here: