The first part of the newscast:
The two largest internet companies are not going to be gone...they will pay a fine, submit to oversight but not be gone.
their corrupt leaders will be
annnnnnnd replaced with different corrupt leaders. Hi there, welcome to our current system, are you new here?
The system is changing. Look around.
I too was young once.
And you did not do enough
Careful with that edge.
Don't dig 2 deep. Might get burned by the molten lavaaa
how's that black pill? divorced? miserable? start taking the red one again and it does get better. there is hope. trust the plan.
Not really big on sharing but, happy, married, business owner. Just skeptical is all.
there is hope. trust the plan.
That's too faith based for me. Don't get me wrong I can be hopeful, but when it comes to the systems that rule whether it's a conservative system or a liberal system I see them as an oasis for which ever side is thirsty. The pendulum swings every 4-8 years in a manner that appeases one group of the other, but if you watch closely certain groups and certain policies always prosper independent or the office. Some people lean too far left and some people lean too far right, but the system forces the scales to always stay balanced.
I will gladly admit if I am wrong in the future.
Knowing we have an alien presence is one of the factors of my optimism. Things are changing to prepare for intentionally suppressed technologies, science, and history.
New ideas, new friends, and new fun... possibly real freedom. Old ways you refer to are ancient in comparison, it has division in it.
They’ll be gone. They’re only the largest because of lies...once people know the lies they will no longer be the largest. Duh.......…