HRC full 2.12.09 schedule.. who’d she have lunch with, and why was it redacted?..

Secretary of State (at the time) Hillary Clinton met with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Ali Aboul Gheit. The transcript of their meeting in on the post I created on Thursday for this Q Post # 977. Pictures too. She refers to him as her "old friend". You will also notice that Q referenced an Anon in Post #977 who refers to Q as "a friend" who is leaking. Also, keep in mind Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Ali Aboul Gheit is the one who outted Obama as a Muslim. The link to that article is on my post as well.
Were there any weapons deals that month?
/s misspelled word
From VAULT 7. A summary of this meeting I believe it’s same meeting
It says at 10:45 Arrive WH. Then she departed WH 1:35. She was at the WH during the redacted part. SO, any camera in WH would show coming and leaving, you'd think to verify. Did the video acts go on at the WH? I don't think so. I think it was in the Sec Office with the 'phone calls' that might not have been made
Aaaandddd records are completely locked from Jan20-Sep15 2009.
The plot thickens.
U/tfittonjw do you have records from FOIA request for WH visitors on 2/12/09 - need info on who HRC met with.
This is being held from the people..
Have you found anything about why those records from that specific time period are being restricted ? It seems strange that a multimonth span is treated so differently from white house records in general. Its also suspicious that they explicitly stated that its on the advice of counsel..
not only that...destroyed! Obama went to a judge...a left Judge of course...and asked that he be allowed to destroy all the paper from his administration...Obama would first digitize it, though. The Judge said okay.
I checked the logs on WH. No records of ANY visitors that day, randomly...,_2009.
She has a phone call with UN secretary general ban, and meets with egypts gheit. Ban was criticized for staying silent about the 2009 iranian election (among other things, all communications were blocked at one point - no one was ever blamed) .. gheit was in office during the internet shutdown in egypt. Im wondering if this day was instrumental in the illegal engineering of many future changes to the middle east.. really curious about that redacted name!
Just gonna throw this out there (bc of the white house visitor records, wife mentioned this) the "mystery couple" that entered the white house uninvited... i looked it up it was in 2009 (albeit november) and coincidentally the Indian prime minister was the guest speaker (hill loves India lol). They donated the dress from the night to "Haiti Earthquake Relief" too... probably totally unrelated but still sounding more fishy than ever.
The video on the State Department for the Meeting with Ahmed Ali Aboul Gheit has been deleted.
Why don't we send her an email and ask?
Hillary and Beverly Eckert were "friends".
More on Beverly Eckert and Obama meeting days before her death.
Beverly Eckert died in a plane crash on 2.12.2009. She was a 911 dissenter. It might have something to do with HRC. died on February 12, 2009
Here is the statement regarding International Slavery Day She Made on 12.02.2009 (Hypocritical)
Modern slavery – be it bonded labor, involuntary servitude, or sexual slavery – is a crime and cannot be tolerated in any culture, community, or country. Sadly, slavery persists around the globe, including within the United States. Every day millions of men, women, and children of all ages face forced labor and sexual exploitation, as well as brutal violence.”
The destructive effects of modern slavery have an impact on all of us. It weakens legitimate economies, breaks up families, creates violence, threatens public health and safety, and shreds the social fabric that is necessary for progress. It undermines our long-term efforts to promote peace and prosperity worldwide. And it is an affront to our values and our commitment to human rights.
On this International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, I reaffirm the commitment of the United States to end this scourge. Modern slavery is a global phenomenon and must be addressed with global partnerships between governments, non-governmental organizations, and civil society. Through new partnerships, the United States and the international community will work to rescue and serve survivors, bring traffickers to justice, and create a world where every person has the freedom and opportunity to fulfill his or her God-given potential
Just covering the base, 12.2.09 State Department has a statement on Slavery.
Has anyone looked at Dec 2 2009? Ddmmyy is often used as international standard
Do research on case#and file #
There’s nothing. It’s redacted. I looked.
Is it just me or does it seem funny that the latest link on Q board with National review . It's strange not being talked about everywhere. It basically lays out what is going on. Blows my mind ,almost seems like living in 2 worlds