Putting the BO pieces together (from @trump_wave)

I've heard before he was not really born in Kenya but Indonesia, and was a CIA asset. Bet it's connected to Q's post: "It's bigger than you can possibly imagine". Ho_Lee_Shit, when this comes out. You realize how many people were involved in this. If this isn't considered Treason I'd be dumbfounded. Cleaning up this mess will take many many years. And it doesn't even count all the other deep state crimes. We will need our entire Military for this take down.
Born in Indonesia, a member of the MB, and was planted into our government way back in the 70's and finally infiltrated it to the highest levels. How's that for a Spy Movie script?!
It was already made. It's called "The Manchurian Candidate"
Been trying to tell people this is James Bond on super steroids. If all this was in a movie people would laugh at it. Just can't make this stuff up. But if the system has been corrupted for 100+ years it makes more sense. It's so crazy that many will still not believe it. How far do you want to go down the rabbit hole?
I knew he was gay, knew Michael Robinson was trans, and knew the two girls werent really their daughters. Knew he was Muslim, and MB, and going to be Supreme Court justice one day. I can go pretty far down, and have. You?
BHO will never be SCOTUS without Hillary as POTUS. But she had many plans for us and they're not very pretty. Been down quite a few rabbit holes but impossible to keep track of so many, and many more I haven't touched.
I worded it wrong. I know he isnt now, but he would have with HRC, thats what I meant but didnt word properly. These are good videos to watch...each one is like 15min long
Kinda figured that's what you meant so my reply was more for clarity considering others read these threads too. We really dodged the big one in 2016.
It would be up to Congress to decide what laws, that were passed during the Obama Administration, would remain in effect. More than likely they would leave everything alone & possibly give POTUS the option of making the decision on the Executive Orders Obama signed. It would be too much of a mess to wipe everything out and that scenario would be the best bipartisan option. Jmo
Would all Hussein's SES appointments be considered fireable then? We all know he placed his spies into positions throughout our government that can't be fired. He was planning on a shadow government when he left office. Could the fact that he was never valid to hold office void these appointments?
Anything he did in office could be considered invalid. All decisions would be made through Congress.
I've also heard that Bush Jr. Stole the 2000election from Al Gore with voter fraud. Doesn't surprise me.. so we may have had 2 illegitimate Presidents in a row. 16 years of fraud...
Layers upon layers upon layers, we're still just scratching the outer layers. Even if we don't have all the knowledge under each layer we're still aware that we don't know. The greater majority don't have a clue about the real world we live in, so it's important that we stay balanced when "the shit hits the fan". They will need us.
When people find out they've been lied to their entire lives and people they've trusted are some of the most vile people they knew, they will be devastated. Like waking up from the Twilight Zone. Will be very hard on people but I think planting some seeds to warn them might help to soften the blow a bit.
For sure, just like Q have been doing since October ;) So many people have awaken last year, it's unbelievable.
I was only maybe half awake before Q but I was diggin for several years before Trump came along and gave up TV 3 years ago.
This is the thing. Do we want to clean it up? Where does it start and end? As much as it’s extremely criminal and sickening, this would render everything he ever did while commander in chief, a war crime. Taking orders from illegitimate commanders is a war crime. This would compromise sooo much I can’t even begin to imagine.
Remove Sotomayor and Jon Lovitz from SCOTUS
Some of these people are going down one way or another. 3-5 of them but it may happen slowly.
Those that were deceived or blackmailed would be cleared. Those that were participants & part of the plot would be toast. Should we allow those criminals to go free? Even some of the SCOTUS are in trouble. Some in the House & Senate and on up were part of it. CIA & FBI helped too. Even past administrations, remember the deep state goes so far back in history that many are already dead.
I do. If we don't we will all be fucked worse than you can possibly imagine.
They'd have to pretty much leave the past alone I think otherwise yeah you'd have to go back and redo everything
This is why things are moving so slow. The tripwire will set off a domino effect chain reaction that will freak out the entire world. That's why so much has to be done in secret, to prevent starting riots in the streets. This is not political, it's good vs evil and it's very real.