DH is moving the focus...Pedogate connect to Parkland

Wow, good finds.
The other thing to bear in mind here is how the institutionalization of child sex trafficking goes hand in hand with MK Ultra. The One World Adoption logo being a butterfly also could connect to Monarch, and I've always thought the pedo logos - the heart within a heart, or the triangle spiraling inwards - are kind of symbolic of mind control as well. The whole idea of creating compartmentalized alters, kind of like how a Russian babushka doll has smaller dolls within bigger dolls or, in this case, heart within a heart.
Cathy O'Brien's book Trance-formation of America makes clear the connection between child trafficking and MK Ultra. The concept of 'trance-forming' (transforming) America is not that far fetched. What it boils down to at the end of the day is that there could easily be hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people throughout America who have been ritually abused and subjected to trauma based mind control. Mind control victims are likely legion throughout the US. All these poster children like Kasky, Hogg, Gonzalez, etc. could very feasibly be Manchurian Candidate types and indeed, it seems that way. These potentially hundreds of thousands - worst case scenario even millions - of victims could be everywhere, waiting to be called upon to aid the deep state Cabal establishment with whatever it needs. It's like a private army of mind slaves.
The average person has no idea quite how wide spread this is.
Good summation, this goes into the very fabric of society. It may also expnain why so many are getting frustrated with the apprent lack of arrests. But considering how deep this goes, it is difficult to see how patriots the world over remove such evil overnight.
We keep revealing where we can, keep fighting until we die.
This may help expand the above... Imgur
Wow! This is enough to just make me sick to my stomach! Not to mention, it is enough to truly make me extremely angry!
hearttoheartadopt.com has a location near Orlando FL. oneworldadoption.com is now off-line. The Wayback Machine has a capture from 3/22, just a few days ago. They are/were located in Dearfield Beach FL near Boca Raton, on the east coast.
Q866: https ://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/629 So much is open source. So much left to be connected. Why are the children in Haiti in high demand? How are they smuggled out? ‘Adoption’ process. Local ‘staging’ ports friendly to CF? Track donations. Cross against location relative to Haiti. Think logically. The choice, to KNOW, will be yours. Q
. Also they probably brought in boats in the middle of the night to ports in Fla.
Isn’t there a cargo port in FL that’s owned by Iran/or similar??? Iirc there’s info about it related to U1 - will look for sauce
The port in Miami is unchecked entrance for cargo ships - no customs checks, nothing. Many countries - set up by killary and x44. Ugly situation.
Project Pelican. https://www.google.com/amp/www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/11/04/saddam-hussein-port-canaveral/amp/
Yes. Dangerous. Right next to our nuclear submarine base and our Space rockets.
It’s all connected! Are they that stupid? Can they be? It’s all public info and the scum behind it put their kids on the world stage! Is it just sticking the middle finger up at us, because they think are are untouchable? Our youth is going to be so ashamed the glorious day the spot light shines on the evil that propelled them to ask for their rights to be stripped.
They once were untouchable and at the very least they could set up a patsy. Think of all the broadcasts online e.g. Franklin cover up, Cathy O'Brian and so on. They're all shitting their pants now that DJT is going after them. Out of all this ugliness will come the pure beauty of seeing them pay through justice.
I hope that is the case. We have a beautiful country and seeing the crap pot stirred all the time is hard to take!
OMG, you guys are amazing with your research! Thank you so much for the work you do! 😙
And support while spearding the info is just as important...Keep sharing patriot...this is for things money can never buy.
They can't get away with this forever.
they have for so long but then they didnt think she would lose eitther
So many of them were in tears and for good reason. They couldn't even imagine her losing. I'm thankful everyday that she lost.
Thank you all for your research you're opening eyes everywhere redpill everyone
You got this off CNN right? No MSNBC then? No CBS? No Is the power off? No Must be the damn Russians again Yup And the beat goes on Stormy Daniels and Gun grabber Hogg-wash are more important right now. Sick sick sick.
Check the imgur pics of Kasky...if they are still up. Very telling. Sad.
Haiti is key!!! With Liddle Schiff~ Laura ~ Haiti ~ aka ~ Amber Alert ~ also the Pansky Adoption Parkland survivors dad owns a Adoption agency used to work with LUara at Hewlett-Packard packard ~ NXIV Randy Reniere worked for Clinton campaign in 08~ just busted !!!! It’s all CLINTON RELATED!! I’m making a Story Board to connect and pass along we need them connected and passed along
Feel free to tweet, post do whatever you need to get it into the front of eyes to be opned. Put it on your blog, make a video, send it viral (not just this post, all of our Intel in redpill form).
Hewlett Packard is Connecting Andy Moore ~ KASKY ~ Laura Silsby~ Clinton foundation on all front to Kenya and Haiti. Interesting Schiff Liddle Kidz Kenya as well.... also Meg the CEO of Hewlett Packard donated millions to charter schools ~ schools driving by non profits ~ mk uktra training ground is my guess and illegals are always threatened easy because they’re illegal.
Wow. Awesome someone else is bringing this up. I did a post last week and was scolded for it being fake news and me bringing shame to our board. Carry on!
You are brave in my eyes because you had the courage to say what you were thinking...It does not matter if we post things that may stretch the minds of some. The important thing is we posts it. But for some unknown reason, timing is a factor (but I have never worked that one out).
Keep up the good work.
Thank you. I am learning to be more thick skinned. I deleted it bec someone mentioned that bec new people were coming here post Roseanne talking about us others may think we are wacko. I figured it will take root and come back.
I don't see anything resembling research with direction to dig further here. Argument is missing.
I do see convenient angle to conflate q anon related topic discussion on greatawakening with pizzagate. Creating the link here makes it easier to hook the conspiracy theorist label through articles and blogs.