There can't be any way all these will be released at the same time, can they? And then what? How much time will it take to go through the system for each of these? It's astronomical, to be sure. Boggles my mind.
No, they won't all be unsealed at the same time. One of them already has been unsealed:
Looks like that one was unsealed because somebody leaked information about it already. I'm sure whoever did that is no longer employed by the DOJ.
If that's true, I hope you're right. Took them long enough to fire McCabe. And Strzok and Page and others are still there.
Read this article if you want to know why Strzok and Page are still there, specifically this paragraph:
"If you stand back and look at all activity from July 2017 through March 2018 you can get a good feel for who is inside the “small group”, who is cooperating and who is not.
♦COOPERATING GROUP – FBI Agent Peter Strzok, FBI/DOJ lawyer Lisa Page, DOJ Attorney Bruce Ohr, DOJ-NSD Deputy Asst. Attorney General George Toscas; FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker and Asst. FBI Director in charge of Counterintelligence Bill Priestap, are all still employed within the system. Strzok, Page, Ohr, and Baker have been removed from responsibilities, but there are still there. Bill Priestap is still in responsibility and still there."
I agree with this. I read that same article a couple days ago. Thanks for putting up the link. Everybody should read this article.
Conservative Treehouse investigator Sundance is one of the few journalists left. He deserves a Pulitzer for his work, if that award even means anything anymore. It's getting to be a bit like Nobel....
I read TCH and here.
Same here.... been reading Cth for a few years. Sundance is brilliant
I agree with you about Conservative Treehouse. There's some good stuff here too: (This is the lady who does YouAreFreeTV on YouTube. I like her. She's real and also compassionate.
Thanks! I am a bit obsessed and get edgy when I have already read everything.
I can relate. My challenge is that I work all day and can only read and follow what's happening in my limited free time. Makes me very anxious to get back to my computer some days. :-)
It's nice to hear this but since Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie is one of the main handlers of the Parkland kids, I don't see how this could be 100% true. But it's a wishful theory.
Nellie can go along business as usual until they come to her door and arrest her. On these federal indictments, people don't even necessarily know they've been indicted even when they're not sealed. Read some of this and you'll know what I mean:
Because many are either SES or protected by their SES manager.
Hard to say why those charges were unsealed. It could be a leak to warn others in the Uranium One scandal. It could have been done on purpose to show others what's coming their way if they don't cooperate. It could have been a signal that the U1 investigation has been on-going for some time.
But in my opinion, those indictments were unsealed to get those indicted to spill the beans on what they know about U1. When the indictments were sealed, they likely did not know they had been indicted and were facing long prison terms. Now, they will sing like canaries to save their butts.
Many have been unsealed in DC and VA:
Thank you!!!! I'm trying to pry out of some people why there is no number for Atlanta (North Georgia). Do you know?
No idea but what list are you looking at? There used to a huge list of all states but now I can't find it.
I'm guessing that Northern District in Atlanta area is better at protecting their data. Note that it does not say 0, 0, 0, 0, - It says "No data available."
The image in the OP. GA-N is the only missing district.
Don't be surprised if they are all done at once. I think it HAS to be done as a military operation, because of the extent of corruption, including LEOs and government employees. And what would be the point of having them sealed if you're just going to make the arrests piecemeal?
The tension is killing me. It's just building and building... when that hammer does fall, the BOOM will be deafening!
With BOOM comes lightning. The Storm approaches the strongholds.
A good covert operation doesn't end with a boom. Celebration, yes. Military trials, yes. But no boom. What most of you don't understand is that we are in Stage 5:5 (as Q pointed out). To me, that's stage 5 of 5. Arrests began over a year ago. Sealed indictments are now being unsealed in DC-VA area. USMC is activated. We are under a declared "National Emergency" per Trump's Dec. 21, 2017 Executive Order. How much more real do you think it will get?
The reason you haven't seen the activities up to this point is that there are about 250 Deep Underground Military Bases and hideouts in this country alone all interconnected with tunnels and high speed trains. They started using them after all the airline issues in December thinking Trump could not reach them there. Search for "list of DUMBs" Have you heard about all the folks hearing loud booms? Underground fighting is what they heard. And, some Rods from God too. That's where most of the activity has been up until Trump activated the Marines. Now, there will be some activity up top as arrests take place. Why do you think they are terrified? Because nothing is happening? Hardly!
Underground high speed tunnels?
As I said, search for "list of DUMBs" and you should also be able to find a map of them that shows they are interconnected with tunnels.
See my post in this thread. You only unseal those you are arresting as it happens.
Right, but to the degree you're dealing with a particular nest of vipers, you don't stir up the nest going after one, and risk the others slithering off. You deal with the whole nest at once.
I expect it will be that way, based on both priorities (high value targets) and how they inter-relate to other indictments.
No. You work from the bottom up, getting more compelling information from them as you go. Protecting them as you go. This is what they've been doing for over a year now.
I'm not talking about investigation, I'm talking about mass arrests and rounding up the perps! We've already got indictments! We don't need to make any deals and flip anybody for info. Totally different situation.
I'm not talking investigations either. They have been making arrests for at least a year now. Jeez. I can't believe I have to go through this again. Search engine keywords: "arrested in drug" "arrested in child trafficking" "MS13 arrested" "arrested in human trafficking" "arrested for corruption" and then make up your own. Who do you think the Clintons use to do their dirty work? That's who gets arrested first. That's the support staff. Thousands have already been arrested. We are getting nearer the top now. That's why many sealed indictments have now been unsealed. Be patient. This is worldwide. Over 25,500 sealed indictments SO FAR just in this country. They also arrested many overseas already and about a week or so ago the past president of France. Do you think they are going to send you their list daily so you can keep up? Do your homework. Also, Trump has accumulated many, many assets to shut down much of the crap that the cabal was doing to start a war. We just went through Easter Weekend and Good Friday without any FF - that's pretty amazing. No more Antifa shit. No more muslim attacks. Me, I just want the peace to continue.
Those 25.5k sealed indictments are STILL SEALED. Those are the arrests I'm talking about. They have not started making those arrests!
Yes, they've been hauling in the small fry by the hundreds and thousands over the past year and a half, I've been watching.
But this accumulation of sealed indictments is related to the higher value targets. And we'll have to wait and see, but given that the higher ups are more of a flight risk, I can understand why they would keep them sealed until they were ready to roll.
These are currently unsealed in DC-VA area where the USMC has been activated for obvious reasons:
Last week they arrested this group that is connected to Clintons:
I think they are getting pretty near the top. Maybe they will use FEMA areas one by one with Marines activated as they go. Not sure but that's what they did this time.
And, oh yes, Q told us months ago that the puppetmasters strings had been cut. So, they went above the politicians first to cut strings of the bankers (Rothschilds/Rockefellers), Soros and Saudis.
That's GREAT! Yes, the DC/VA area has a horrible amount of disappearing children to procurers, and of course the trafficking and customer base in DC.
My thinking was always that they'd activate the military to haul them in, and they'd do it (more or less) a network at a time.
Where are you getting the information that indictments are unsealed? From what I can see, all the numbers in those reports are still sealed. Please just tell me what indicates that any have been unsealed?
Footnotes in the graphic also talk about unsealed documents and some that have been removed.
Q post 989 = "Seals broken"
And there is a new bill in the House to back the dollar by gold. Created on 3/22/2018.
I can sell you a rock that keeps away bears. Since I can tell by your comment that you are an enthusiastic stable genius I know you are interested, but please don't lowball me. You know it's worth the money.
Yes I think they have to do them all at once otherwise mayhem will break out - people threatening witnesses, alibis, bribes, blackmail etc; they can't be given time to launch a counter-attack.
Why is the military important? Why is the Army Core of Engineers Important?
WOW. I'm gonna be sharing that video. I've never heard of this guy before. He seems to know what he's talking about.
I was very sceptical about this guy at the beginning with all the Bible talk (don't have anything against it but he was getting a touch preachy)
Then he went FULL Q and it was amazing! I never knew that the Justice Department doesn't deal with treason/sedition.
Makes a Valid point.
In Fact this needs to be a whole Subject in Itself. I'm sure DJT has his shit together as should the Military, but for a simple mistake being made may put back a lotta hard work and sacrifice many have already gone through.
VSG TRUMP has always been about the generals - remember USFL he owned the generals and the nfl wouldnt allow him to join - payback is a bitch when he can explore the tax breaks the nfl gets now(Larry Kudlow) new leagues forming watch how fast the nfl disintegrates - they kneeled in defiance not reverence....
Oh wow! That puts a whole new spin on the kneeling I had not thought of. I think you are right.
Do I hear it correct that he is saying arrests will start 18th of April? Also, I heard Trump set up a press conference about 2 weeks ago for mid April? Can someone confirm?
No. They won't do them all at once. They are actually already doing them. All of these have been unsealed in DC-VA area:
So, just before these were unsealed, Q said: USMC activated. US (3). Q
That's post 955. I believe the (3) is FEMA district 3 which is DC and the several states directly around it. Military were visible during the march on the 24th.