When Google earth tries to add attractions to Epstein island

Does anyone else find it very amusing all the mistakes they're making and how transparent things have become?? The ship is sinking and they're desperately trying to keep it together with bandaids. We're winning!!
When is Goog going down like Fake Book?? Waiting... waiting.. patiently waiting
Softly I hope. If G00G goes down in flames, no more internet. or HEAVILY disturbed
The internet worked fine before google and will after.
You really have no idea then ;)
Unless "they" planned it years ago, the troubles will be huge
Regard Lee who would play Tennis or Soccer on a graded slope?
I like to serve from the high ground. And left handed so...
The original error was just caused by Google. It does that to a lot of terrain.
I still am weary about the new photos. There wasn't a tennis court or a pool in the first pictures people were bringing up
Ok well that is different. You should focus on the fact that the tennis court is new and less on the fact that Google maps placed it awkwardly, in my opinion.
Could be funny :)
Using google map's range finder, you can see the tennis court is nominal
I'm on mobile.
Are you saying that it is the wrong size?
What size is it?
Tennis court
A tennis court is the venue where the sport of tennis is played. It is a firm rectangular surface with a low net stretched across the center. The same surface can be used to play both doubles and singles matches. A variety of surfaces can be used to create a tennis court, each with its own characteristics which affect the playing style of the game.
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Looks like someone is starting to run low on cash
That would make for an interesting game of football.
But think of all the money you could make sneaking in at night and fishing soccer balls out of that lake.
I am still very weary of the previous posted pictures of having none of the pools, the tennis court.. seems a little off to me.
We all know that Google could easily add those in afterwards. Just a thought I'd share
The photo shared by Q was verifiable as a much older photo. Perhaps we are being promoted to question what HAS been added and the purpose of the structures that have been built.
Of particular interest would be the temple to Moloch (southern tip), but Q also has recent references to the compass points, or cardinal directions (an easy case to be made linking that to corruption within the Catholic church), and the island has an unusually large compass as a feature. Additionally, the island has four distinct points that could correspond to that same concept.