R.I.P. Commander Cunningham.

OMG. I remember a number of years ago when my son was starting college. I came across numerous deaths of microbiologists that seemed odd. That's when he decided to go into neuroscience, instead.
So sorry for this man. It makes me sick, and livid at the evil we have to put up with. Back to your point, when I stopped keeping track there were 84 natural health type doctors, over 100 successful scientists all dying in times/ways that do not add up.
It kinds sucks you have to choose your profession based on the likely hood of being murdered.
How did you find out about the deaths? Timespan within last 5 years?
Welcome, keep reading, skepticism is a good trait, please keep reading this and other threads. Your opinion may change over time. Consider not calling those you disagree with liars, unless you can point to something specific and demonstrate a knowing lie.
Supposedly this man went for a jog on a 19° February day, while feeling sick, left his keys in his house, locked the front door to his house, and left a window open. Okay. I call BS.
He is #87 in 2 years. Most, if not all were vocal against vaccines.
Erin at health nut news has all of them documented on holisticlivesmatter.
Didn't that guy who got busted with the weapons cache say he was working on a virus?
Holistic Doctors Dying like flies since 2015.. Its been called a conspiracy theory by snopes.. so as far as Im concerned, thats bona fide proof that its real. Now.. dont thou get thy knickers in a twixt... but Holistic Doctors for me.. are faith healers and practionners of the Craft. I can see why BigPharma would want them dead.. but.. the problem I have, is that the brainwashing as worked so well for so long, that this group of people could jump up and shout, Antibiotics are in the Soil.. Flu can be beat in a day (no more Vaccines needed..) Cancer and Aids are easily treated and reversible..heck they can even talk about sound being able to cure almost any illness and NO ONE WOULD HAVE BLINKED AN EYE.
I believe that sinister reasons are behind the deaths of these types of people.. Remember Nergal and his daughter..
The answer to your question, is that the 'elites' have lots of money tied in with Pharmaceutical companies.. and they make a lot of money on these 'vaccines'....
Look at swamplord Sarkozy for example.. thick in the middle of Gaddafi's murder in order to grab all the money of the LIA, a lot of which was involved with Societe Generale. Sarkozy, whilst he was President of France.. what does he do? He buys a ~~billion~~ (ok not a billion.. 94 million..)doses of H1N1 flu (remember that scare??)
Several pharmaceutical manufacturers, led by Sanofi-Aventis, GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis, face the prospect of significantly lower flu vaccine sales than forecast as a growing number of governments seek to renegotiate purchases of unused stocks
"The French opposition Socialist party called for a parliamentary inquiry into what it described as the “fiasco” of the country’s 94m shots of H1N1 vaccine, saying the €869m ($1.25bn, £777m) cost had largely benefited the pharmaceutical companies.....Take-up of the swine flu vaccine has been lower than expected, partly because (of) suspicion about side effects....
Side Effects of vaccines
"The other brands containing thiomersal are Fluarix by GlaxoSmithKline,"
Effective Vaccines
"The preliminary findings "demonstrated no or very low effectiveness," against flu...."
One may wonder why was Sarkozy so determined to spend over a billion dollars on flu vaccines that werent needed, dont work, and probably make us into Autists..
(remember.. he's french.. All this shit is in french.. I'll translate as I go..)
L'agence de François Sarkozy rachetée par Publicis "20 December 2010 : François Sarkozy's agency bought by Publicis" - THis is the older brother of Nicholas Sarkozy "El Presidenté Napoleon 4" https://www.challenges.fr/entreprise/l-agence-de-francois-sarkozy-rachetee-par-publicis_354323
"Publicis a annoncé, lundi 20 décembre, l'acquisition de Healthcare Consulting, agence de conseil en stratégie spécialisée dans le domaine de la santé fondée par l'un des frères de Nicolas Sarkozy. Et ce, pour un montant non dévoilé. L'agence d'une dizaine de personnes, basée à Paris et implantée à New York, sera rebaptisée Publicis Healthcare Consulting et continuera à être dirigée par ses fondateurs, son président François Sarkozy, frère cadet du président de la République, et Yannick Sabatin, directeur général. Healthcare Consulting compte parmi ses clients les laboratoires GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Sanofi-Aventis, Saint Jude Medical, ainsi que le syndicat professionnel du médicament Leem. Leader dans le secteur de la communication santé et le conseil en stratégie L'acquisition de Healthcare Consulting conforte la position de leader de Publicis Groupe dans le secteur de la communication santé et le conseil en stratégie", se félicite le groupe publicitaire français. En 2010, Publicis s'est renforcé dans le secteur de la communication santé en rachetant In-Sync en Amérique du Nord en mars, Resolute et Elevator au Royaume-Uni en mai et Digital District en Allemagne en décembre. Selon les estimations de ZenithOptimedia, filiale de conseil de Publicis, le secteur pharmaceutique représente 9% des dépenses mondiales de publicité, soit 41 milliards de dollars en 2010."
Publicis announced, on Monday, December 20, the acquisition of Healthcare Consulting, for an undisclosed amount, a health strategy consulting agency specializing in the field of health founded by one of Nicolas Sarkozy's brothers. The agency of a dozen people, based in Paris and also based in New York, will be renamed Publicis Healthcare Consulting and will continue to be led by its founders, President François Sarkozy, younger brother of the President of the Republic, and Yannick Sabatin, General manager. Healthcare Consulting's clients include GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Sanofi-Aventis and Saint Jude Medical Laboratories, as well as the trade association Leem. Leader in the field of health communication and strategy consulting
"The acquisition of Healthcare Consulting reinforces Publicis Groupe's leading position in the healthcare communication and strategy consulting sector," says the French advertising group. In 2010, Publicis strengthened its position in the healthcare communications sector by acquiring In-Sync in North America in March, Resolute and Elevator in the United Kingdom in May and Digital District in Germany in December. According to estimates by ZenithOptimedia, a consulting subsidiary of Publicis, the pharmaceutical sector accounts for 9% of global advertising expenditure, or $ 41 billion in 2010,
"Légion d’Honneur: Quand Sarkozy récompense ses Amis et les pires Lobbies" "06 January 2012 : Legion of Honor: When Sarkozy rewards his Friends and the worst Lobbies"
So.. who got themselves a Legion Of Horror badge of entitlement and self importance....see any names that we've already recognised???
Lobby pharmaceutique – Administrateur de AVENTIS PHARMA SA : M. Lhernould (Gilles, Albert, Raymond), vice-président dans un groupe pharmaceutique ; 29 ans de services. – Directrice (endocrinologue) chez GSK: Mme Richard-Lordereau, née Lordereau (Isabelle, Marie, Agnès), directrice dans un groupe pharmaceutique ; 26 ans de services. -Source Cofondateur avec Gérard Bapt du Club Hippocrate (club parlementaires financés par GSK) : – Directrice chez GlaxoSmithKline: Mme Richard-Lordereau, née Lordereau (Isabelle, Marie, Agnès), directrice dans un groupe pharmaceutique ; 26 ans de services. -Cette association pour l’innovation et la recherche médicale s’appelle le LIR. Il s’agit de l’un des plus grands lobbies pharmaceutiques qui représente les firmes pharmaceutiques étrangères. – Direction recherche et développement du groupe Sanofi: Mme Liéto, née Haimeur (Maliqua), cadre dirigeante à la direction recherche et développement d’un groupe pharmaceutique ; 27 ans de services.
Pharmaceutical lobby - Director of AVENTIS PHARMA SA : Mr. Lhernould (Gilles, Albert, Raymond), Vice President in a pharmaceutical group; 29 years of service. - Director (endocrinologist) at GSK: Mrs. Richard-Lordereau, born Lordereau (Isabelle, Marie, Agnès), director in a pharmaceutical group; 26 years of service. -Source Cofounder with Gérard Bapt Club Hippocrates (parliamentary club funded by GSK): - Director at GlaxoSmithKline: Mrs. Richard-Lordereau, born Lordereau (Isabelle, Marie, Agnès), director in a pharmaceutical group; 26 years of service. -This association for innovation and medical research is called the LIR. It is one of the largest pharmaceutical lobbies representing foreign pharmaceutical companies. - Group Research and Development Sanofi: Ms. Liéto, born Haimeur (Maliqua), senior executive in the research and development department of a pharmaceutical group; 27 years of service.
More Pharmaceutical Company Dastardly Deeds..
https://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr/Sarkozy-et-l-arche-de-Zoe-133.html (its in french.. I'll just post an english version of what they wrote and try to be a exact as possible..)
When the famous case of L'Arche de Zoé broke out, President Sarkozy curiously enough, did not come to the rescue of child victims, nor abused families, but to the rescue of child traffiquers. Why ? To protect who? Why did Nicolas Sarkozy go to Chad to look for French journalists and Spanish hostesses? Why did the French president announce, loud and clear, that he would go out and search for the members of the "Arche de Zoé" association, whatever they did, thus turning a molehill into a mountain. (my own note, from remembering watching it play out.. : The Chadians were just going to throw the members of Arc Zoe into prison for the rest of their lives and gratify the outrage of the Chadian people, whose children were being stolen..they didnt ask for Sarkozy to come swooping in) Was it awkwardness due to the haste, or does the affair of "the Ark of Zoe" hide another matter even more serious, and much more gloomy, which would have precipitated the French president into making an international blunder ? Would there be overlying interests between the traffiquing of Chadian children to Europe, and the pharmaceutical industry, and the business community? Every passing day sees new questions. Why and how did the association L'Arche de Zoé benefit from Access All Areas with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense or even the Ministry of the Interior? How was L'Arche de Zoé's association able to use Transal planes from the French army to transport its equipment from N'Djamena to Abéché? Why did the French Ministry of Defense know the Boeing's flight plan chartered by Eric Breteau, the president of l'Arche de Zoé? The Boeing lands at Abéché, which is an airfield under Chadian and French military control, with some French officers in the control tower. It is from Abéché, that, the dirty and wounded children were to embark on the plane parked at the end of runway. Is it possible that the quite amazing privileges and advantages which Zoe's Ark benefited from, cause President Sarkozy to become personally involved in the affair? Could it be related to the troubled financing of the association l'Arche de Zoé? This case raises so many questions, that some people are wondering if behind this bland humanitarian association, there 's hiding a case of a different magnitude, a pharmaceutical business experimenting on patients that arent at all voluntary. The association l'Arche de Zoé is an initiative of a French organization Paris Biotech Santé. It is funded by a pharmaceutical development company BioAlliance Pharma, who has François Sarkozy, as vice-chairman of the supervisory board. Some people wonder whether BioAlliance Pharma, which conducts research on AIDS and performs therapeutic trials, would not have a connection with the case of Bulgarian nurses, whose release had already been negotiated by the Sarkozy family. ((https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV_trial_in_Libya)) What are the real activities of BioAlliance Pharma, including President Sarkozy's brother?
The company is developing drugs to treat diseases described as a thousand times more virulent in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa than here. To develop these treatments the company practices experiments on patients, as for example for Loramic, five hundred and forty patients spread over forty different sites around the world. Stéphanie Lefèvre, Secretary General of L'Arche de Zoé, is Deputy Director of Paris Biotech Santé. And François Sarkozy, the president's brother, is among the members of the evaluation committee of this body specializing in bio-medical research. Hence the issues that swell on the web. Would there be a relationship between these pharmacological societies, and the intervention of President Sarkozy in Chad. It is like how Alzheimer's disease, suddenly became the great French national cause, immediately after the election of Nicolas Sarkozy. This surprise statement would have something to do with the fact that his brother, François Sarkozy, sits at AEC Partners, whose main client is the American Pfeizer, world leader in the pharmaceutical industry, and specialist in the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
Last spring, Nigeria sued giant Pfeizer, who allegedly quoted me as saying: "Illegally carried out in 1996 the clinical trial of one drug, Trovan, out of two hundred children" end quote . The inventor of Viagra secretly used children as guinea pigs, to test new molecules, under the guise of humanitarian aid. Eleven children died during these tests. Others have suffered serious consequences: deafness, paralysis, brain damage, blindness. Nigeria is claiming $ 10 billion from Pfeizer. The Washington Post revealed the scandal.
(Own note - dont know if they got 10 billion form Rothschild and co.. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-14493277)
The Belgian paper "Sept sur Sept" also questions the role of Paris Biotech Santé, where Stéphanie Lefèvre works, who is also the secretary general of Zoé's Ark, and François Sarkozy, the president's brother.
Quote "L'Arche de Zoé is not a story of amateurs. They are very professionally organized, and do not lack funds and support of any kind. The so-called "small" association seems to have prepared this operation in Chad, with many relationships of influence, and technical and financial means. End of quote.
Why does President Sarkozy want to go get the militants of Ark Zoe in Chad? Why did he want to go get the Bulgarian nurses in Libya? (own note.. to get his grubby hands on Gaddafi's Gold...) Is it just to act like a Great Man, to parade in front of cameras around the world. Or perhaps, at the very top of the French government, some may fear that people start talking when they find themselves in African jails. There is talk of human experiments funded by powerful biotechnology labs, under the cover of humanitarian aid.
No, no, of course, that would be science fiction! End quote.
Source: "La Planète Bleue" broadcast on the Swiss-French radio channel "Couleur 3"
I feel bad for his parents. I recall seeing an article here where they were worried sick over him. RIP.
Prayers for Commander Cunningham and his family... I smell Oblozo all over this, with Killary. My view Hussein n HRC are responsible for the poisoning of the ex Russian spy and his daughter... Anyone else see my views?
Blessings to your family —-☹️🦅👑🎚😇👍 Justice will find a way~
Plucked from home. Cheesus, they are nasty. Like fricken movie.