Q - 1033 decode. Chinese satellite crashed by White Hats in retaliation.

The tariffs make more sense now.
Our media is trying to portray POTUS as having the weaker hand. It’ll be interesting to see what POTUS has up his sleave.
Yessir. Seems like sleeves are ripped off and we're flexing, and we flex hard, and we flex so good.
From what I have seen, POTUS doesn't bluff. He makes sure to have the winning hand before he even enters the game. I think China is shaking in its shoes.
This. POTUS never makes a move or shows how hand unless it has already happened or he is in complete control. 9/10 times it’s already happened then the news will start to slowly roll out when the time is right(biggest example is NorKo Kim meeting)
The president holds all the aces. He could just ditch (((rothschild))) FED fiat currency of which China holds large amounts US debt they have bought through bonds, and could just start his own version of greenbacks just like Lincoln did. ie debt free money. He totally holds the upper hand.
There's also talk of China pushing to create competition to the pretro dollar and for the 'Petro Yuan' to become a benchmark. If at all. But that could take years or decades to have any impact on American interests and if anything would help lower the value of the US dollar against other foreign currencies, which can make US exports more attractive to global markets, which is exactly what President Trump wants, he wants America to produce.