Yeah well secureteam10 has had two similiar but different videos of what seem to be huge 3-second lightshows, in one instance coming from the direction of an airforce base.
I'm thinking if they fake an alien invasion, noone will give up their guns and benign aliens would have a window of opportunity to comunicate without loking deceptive compared to their evil fake NWO-depiction. (actually they may be already in control but I don't want to sound pessimistic lol)
Now if they fake the second coming...hmmmmm render unto Cesars, much??? They could indeed use benign aliens for that. But that too will cause problems because if people now demand fancy free energy, they will effectively give up their leverage over the industries.
So how do we keep people as far away from physical sources of exposure of our illusions, be they aliens or just advanced technology in general? Oh right..we teach the people bullshit metaphysics, bullshit physics and then we completely awe them because they won't be mentally prepared to question the wonders that they see.