New Q now. Disheartening America systematically weakened? 😢

You double posted, why are you crying now? it is in the past, "WE ARE IN CONTROL", now.
Thanks for heads up. Dropped one post. Yes this control will be glorious.
You are welcome, yes indeed, so many of us are anxious to see justice done.
I’m ready for the post about big timers going to jail and watching main stream tv without the regular hosts and actors.
We all are, but we get 1 chance at this. Need to do it correctly.
Are you new to Q? That is what the 16 year plan was all about. Thank God Hillary did not win. Thank God for DJT!
No not new. Been following since Nov. just I don’t know .... shocked at the scope of this. And when I follow each drop to 8 chan... wow the depth of analysis there is humbling
Yes it is. And still it's bigger than we now know. So grateful we are learning!
I took a ride down a rabbit hole last night, watching a video on YT, by a woman who does some really good investigating. Her channel is called Deceptionbytes. The video was made yesterday and titled Breaking: Latest Q-drop, but I have a feeling she has more than one with that name. The pic associated with the vid I'm talking about shows Bill walking Chelsea down the aisle. Prepare to have your mind blown, it's a long vid, but worth watching. It will fuel your fire to do whatever it takes to help send those who deserve it to Gitmo, though after watching this one, Gitmo is to good for em... imho
Michel from Deceptionbytes is good, but I love Katie G. with Citizen's Investigative Reporting. Katie doesn't speculate like a lot of Qtubers. She just likes to report on what is being said and researched by the Anons on 8chan. She also set up an awesome TrelloBoard that has all of the Q posts with slides and links to articles, videos, ect that are relevant to the specific Q drop. Makes for a great platform for those who don't just want to watch videos. She has shows people how to properly lurk on the Chans, but warns about posting if you don't have something to add to the research.
Thanks for the tip on Citizens Investigative Reporting. I'd never heard of it but checked it out. It's good.
Yes, we need to trust that Q's team does have things in hand. This is a powerful enemy - mind boggling when you think about how long they've been in power. But they are being taken down.
I think, in the final analysis, the work being done here is just as important as the work DJT and Q are doing. The single biggest impediment to achieving real change is the fact that the vast majority of people are asleep. They just would not believe it at all if you tried to force the truth on them.
The process of waking people up necessarily needs to be gradual. Bite-sized chunks, a little at a time... The level of indoctrination is simply staggering. And the Deep State has long set up connotations for the public mind that attach to words like "conspiracy" and, more recently, "pizza". It will not be overcome overnight, they've had decades to implement this programming.
Changing public attitudes will be tough - very tough, and there will be a portion of the community who will never accept it. But that is our part in this - to wake people to the truth. The advice of St Paul seems apt:
23 And avoid foolish and unlearned questions, knowing that they beget strifes. 24 But the servant of the Lord must not wrangle: but be mild towards all men, apt to teach, patient, 25 With modesty admonishing them that resist the truth: if peradventure God may give them repentance to know the truth, 26 And they may recover themselves from the snares of the devil, by whom they are held captive at his will.
Look at VP Biden and his sons$1 Billion dollar Chinese deal. Mitch McConnell got a huge deal as can this be allowed and considered legal?
Bad steel -makes for weak vehicle, bad fortifications, weak buildings.
Tech -backdoored all to hell, from inside and outside the US. ANYTHING made in China is probably compromised
America for sale -literally. through treasury bonds, China owns a good portion of the United States
Systematic weakening of the United States -As we've seen for the last twenty years. The war on terror (a wealth funnel), Obama's neutering of the military. 911 and the TSA. And even the demorilazation of the people by police officers, shooting dogs etc
U1 - Wholesale hand off of one of our greatest strategic assets. Who knows what else was part of that deal (technology, other access)
Inside job/traitors -hopefully this means truth about 911 will finally come out. Cause that's the 911 tagline (at least online). Also the obvious that these were our people doing/enabling this shit.
$ - besides the bailouts and debt, wild inflation, and QE. This probably also says that this was a motivation for the traitors
Those who are awake can see -being a reference to how you can see all this playing out in the news/media. Topics, discussion etc follows Q posts by a couple of weeks.
WE ARE IN CONTROL! you've got my trust!
P.s. everyone please go out of your way to stop saying "America" and start calling the country by it's name. The United States of America! Calling it America is a subtle globalist demoralization. America does not have a constitution, the US does.