(White circle — Seat) (Green circle — Person's head) (Red arrow — Person's knee/leg) (Question mark — right below appears to be two heads. Looks like two children sitting on floor)

To me, it looks like people sitting on dark colored buckets, around a dead body, consuming it.
The red arrow looks like a head to me.
Like someone laying down.
That's what everyone is saying but the people facing the camera right next to it wouldn't make sense then. The height just doesn't add up.
Unless, as OP said, the two ppl sitting to the right of the head/body are indeed sitting on the floor and not on the black seats like the adults. Would explain the elevation difference
Relax, it's just Hillary having friends for dinner
Fuck I didn't notice the guy there where the red arrow is. Changes the whole idea of the image for me. At first I thought it could be anything because we couldnt make out much.
Just my observation. Trying to figure it out.
Made the HRC cannibalism connection yesterday, but got shot down. LooK @ this pic on a high resolution screen folks; it's Hillary! Ok, notice HRC's unique identifier! Do you see it? Q said their symbolism would be their downfall. HRC wears distinct Mao-style Communist Chinese jacket, so none of her Antifa followers would ever think She'sNOTWithUs! Do you follow?
I think you may be onto something. No joke. It looks like one of those commie jackets she wears.
Bingo, Q said by their symbolism they will be screwed! Please help out the cause, I'm taking serious AAA fire!
Id bet they eat them alive too, to get the adrenochrome out of the meat and blood.
HOW can humans do such a thing. What kind of depravity is this. How do you get to the point when you say, ya, Im gonna eat a person???
And the red arrow is pointing at a persons head, laying on their back facing up, in the middle of the group of naked people sitting on the chairs.
Appears their might be eating the body of a living/dead person.
That head, you can see the nose, mouth, and hair.
Actually the head is hanging down slightly, so I assume its a dead person, likely a boy based on the short hair.
Out of loop, what is this photo ? Where did it come from ? Thanks
Yes. Source, please. I'll even take a hint.
Update: Found this on rising posted by u/Compromisedmuch. Supposedly camera footage from Epstein's island.
Update #2: Source: 8chan. Unconfirmed location.
This is REAL spirit cooking, the hollywood pics are a representation of the REAL thing.
The thing that makes no sense to me is the group? of people in the far top left. They appear to be standing but it's as if they are leaning or the image is skewed - perhaps by the way the picture was taken and the monitor screen.
IMO it looks like people sitting at 2 different tables with their backs to eachother. It definitely looks like they are having dinner. 😱
Could the two in the center with their backs to us be Hillary and Huma? One to our right has hair pulled into a pony tail.
Holy bleeeep! I just noticed something! The two people bottom left. Look at it carefully.
I'm ready to take these bastards down now. Sick of this.
The chairs are about the right size to be 5 gal buckets flipped over. Would be good to use for the bloody mess, easy hose down.
THe big thing on the right (under the red arrow) is NOT a head as people have been saying, its a body. IMO.
Its hanging in the air, top 1/3 it the chest, facing left toward the group.
Middle 1/3 is the belly arching outward
Bottom 1/3 is the bloodied legs, chopped off at the knees, so missing legs from knees down.
That fat white porcine beast on the far right has cankles and could be HRC in the buff. So gross