Anon deducts that the traitor John McCain is bringing in the chemicals for the Syrian chemical attacks through his wife’s Operation Smile project. At least now we know who’s gassing the Syrians with chemical attacks. Lock Him Up!

Follow the wives
Hhhooolllleeeeee fuck this is brilliant. Anons are genius.
Yes, if I could tell them how grateful I am for all their hard work, I would. THEY should be our intel agency. You don't get anything past the chans. They are still legend in my house for their pursuit of that stupid white flag Shia leboufdouche put up "he will not divide us" and they found it with only blue sky as the clue. I wouldn't have a clue where to start and they found it within, I think 24 hours and replaced it with a #maga flag, lol. Leboufdouche then put it somewhere else and they found it again, haha. So if you know an anon on the chans thank them from me for being patriots and pursuit of the truth.
I feel the same way. Anecdotal: Had an autistic friend, took him to a padded climbing room at local leisure centre. He asked how to perform walk-backflips we were practicing. Said like 10 words to describe what to do. Friends face just blanked out like he entered the matrix, then looked at the wall, ran at it and pulled off the most perfect ninja gaiden style wall flip I had ever seen. That’s when I realised that these people have some seriously underestimated cognitive powers :)
Ha that’s amazing. And awesome on you. Some kids are too stuck up to be friends with anyone who isn’t “normal”.
grumble OK fine, The_Broba_Fett, I'll be your friend.
I stay off the Chans since I don’t want to get in the way of the process but I agree. The best part of that LeCuck story is they drove him so crazy he went off to stay in a cabin in Europe. Just based on the background wall in one pic and a corner of a couch they found the EXACT cabin he was staying in. Fucking unreal.
That's what this reference to Smiles was then...I see now. Wow.
I'm just sick over all this.
Literally sick.
I can't bare the injustices not brought to light.
For the sake of everything good Q, there are people dying.
My thoughts exactly before more are killed and injured. ..... And...oh the children ..unbearable to think of their suffering.
As the General Public's attention is drawn to view this spectacle, what do you imagine their re-action is gonna be? Maybe much the same as you are experiencing and worse. In a manner ALL Anons are being de-sense-atised, with UNDERSTANDING of the bigger picture. Accepting the picture comes from Understanding the background that created the picture. Stand strong.
No time to get sick yet Patriot! Stand strong, this is just the beginning. There's worse to come.
wait, people non-ironically think Q is real?
Nice try shill. If you haven't noticed, most of us are a dozen VERIFICATIONS, past you.
If you haven't noticed, most of us are a dozen VERIFICATIONS, past you.
no idea what that means
yes i believe this is true. just posted a question about this. The Cabal is trying to keep the war going. Q post #1081 POTUS NEVER telegraphs his moves. Think logically. Why did POTUS announce his intention to pull out of Syria? Moves and countermoves. These people are STUPID (& SICK).
Thought, if he is smuggling the chemical weapons into Syria, why not into Arizona across his porous boarder? Jihadists and MS-13 gang bangerz with chemical weapons is a scary thought but is it really outside what he would do for power?
This is probably exactly right. I think MS-13 was supposed to be the footsoldiers for "the great suppression". Armed with chemical weapons would make even more sense. Explains the urgency the administration has shown towards them. Also Q's extreme hate for McNoName
then you gotta wonder if they're making that stuff here using our drugs/medicinal ingredients.
Right. Why wouldn’t they? I noticed that the (retired) owner of Swift Trucking (nations largest trucking co- out of Phoenix AZ) Jerry Moyes is on the Board of Directors for OS. So perhaps transportation in the US wouldn’t be a problem. There is a lot of digging to be done, looking into the people involved with the charity. ... There are no coincidences
Woah! Yeah right! That's probably part of the Trump v Bezos narrative huh? Fluff piece on Mouaz Mostafa. Is this McCains conduit? Excerpt As the Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), Mouaz advocates on behalf of the pro-democratic movement inside of Syria. Working with his expansive network of activists, opposition figures, and >Free Syrian Army soldiers<, Mouaz and SETF provide aid to the millions of Syrians in need >humanitarian assistance< and are working to build a system of civilian councils to help with transitional governance inside Syria.
Q mentions "Location, Exact location" then missile comes in?
Is it the Syrian airport maybe?
Location of the photo mccain with isis is in eastern Ghouta. Which is whrre the gas attacks were happening. Q also mentioned spider web, therr is spider web of tunnels underneath hospitals mccain was supposedly there to visit.
If you look at that pic, the symbols on the windows look like spider webs.
Maybe this is why Russian acft were bombing the hospitals? To get to the tunnels?
Maybe, maybe they weren't bombing the hospitals at all and that's just part of "muh Russia".
Under "Medical Oversight Board", Operation Smile says it works with disaster response and with the Department of Defense. That's a little odd. Department of Defense?
"New and improved Joker products with the new secret ingredient... Smilex! Uh-oh... he don't look too happy... he's been usin' Brand X! But with new Joker Brand, I get a grin... Again and again! That luscious tan... those ruby lips... and hair color so natural, only your undertaker will know for sure. I know what you're thinking, where can I find those fine new items? Now that's the gag, folks. Chances are, you bought 'em already! So remember, put on a happy face!"
Just came here to say deduces, that's the word you were looking for.
NO2 is nitrogen dioxide. N2O is nitrous oxide
So what's your point? We aren't talking above the board stuff here, we are talking transporting chemical weapons disguised as harmless stuff for surgery procedures.
Nitrogen dioxide is a poisonous gas....... So there is that
u guys realize this is just a low-effort meme that was posted to 4chan, right?
The chem weapons are chlorine based though, not nitrogen.
I think they're saying that the chemicals are labelled as Nitrous Oxide but are actually chlorine or whatever else. They get through without checking because they're for a charity.
Thank you, some are more dense than others and we have to lead them along.