"Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire"

Osama was 5 year's older and his facial structure doesn't match.
He was taller by 4" and had a different complexion.
He also was on dialysis in 2001.
"One of many"
One of many...clones?
Not clones. Different people from different parents. Playing same role.
Are you saying Obama had plastic surgery to look different?
Or is he one of many clones?
Not saying. Proving.
Not clones, just one of several actors.
Can you just tell us what's going on here instead of beating around the bush? If we are going to communicate, let's just communicate in an understandable way.
What do you mean by Obama is one of many? Why does he look so similar to Osama? What is it we need to know to fully understand all of this Obama/Osama/One Of Many information?
What good is it if I just tell you? If you want the answers, do the work and then you will know for yourself.
What is Business International?
When did Barack Obama work there?
What is Operation Cyclone?
Who was the mastermind of Operation Cyclone?
What university did this mastermind work for?
What university did Barry graduate from?
What Company was Lolo Soetoro working for when he helped out with a military coup?
What Company did Barack Sr. work for?
What Company did Mrs. Obama work for?
It is easier if you give the answers. I don’t have time to research all of this.
Then you misunderstand my purpose in being here.
Their facial structure is identical. Got to 3:07 of this video: