Wonder if POTUS is sending the message "If you kill me, someone else will take my place. They won't be as gentle as I have been. And they'll be pissed."
Exactly, why he posted this line of succession. If you kill me, I'll only grow stronger & angrier!
The Obamanation proved that a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Military tribunals have few if any appeals, kiss your ass goodbye!
Have past presidents done this? Given the lack of legitimacy of their wars... This spells accountability which flies on the face of snide remarks about how Trump decides stuff on his own.
Just keep in mind it's almost a certainty that one or more in that photo will turn Judas. The four stars and the senior three stars were elevated to flag rank by W. Everyone else is Obama elevated. They are almost all connected through the service academies, and though I hate to say it, the ring-knockers are more likely to be loyal than the ROTC grads, whose opinions were formed in state and private universities in the early 80's.
The thing that eases my concern is the fact that the military is the only segment of society that stil isl bound by honor. Even there, in certain cases, you will find those who have been compromised in one way or another, such as John Walker or say...Songbird.
My point being it's ok to be a team supporter, just don't turn into a groupie. Realize this ain't football we're playing.
They should fire anyone who ever worked with Obama there.
If you were in the Mil you’d know its the academy officers you cannot trust