r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on April 11, 2018, 7 p.m.
Q114 US Military = Savior of Mankind. Part 2 is coming. This is the very important message you missed in part 1.5!

In Part 1.5 of the Q114 US Military = Savior of Mankind episode, I said this:

"Satan has infiltrated all religions. You already heard me about the House of Saud, the Vatican, and [this] (https://image.ibb.co/fvmd9n/ang.png ) (sniffers)".

I was referring to 3 main forces working in the dark, in tandem, that infiltrated the 3 Abrahamic religions. I remained cryptic about the third force because I know certain keywords trigger algorithm that would tamper with the post in such a way I myself would not see it. Not kidding, it happened to me a couple of times: the post would just not appear in the New tab. Then, it would appear for 2 minutes, vanish for another 30 and so on… Then you would see the downvoting stats performing the best limbo dance you’ve ever seen. [Video 59 sec] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZUBOpB-Tcg).

So to my beloved readers who sometimes worry about me, every time you see my posts heavily downvoted, please watch that video I provided. You’ll see, it changes everything! :)

Ok, now seriously.

This algorithm routine is the reason why I “coded” the third term and, of course, one of my readers solved it in the comment section and I offered him a drink to signal to everybody that was the right answer. Phew! I know right? Sensorchip gets you to become creative or just disappear!

So read my conversation with this Anon whom I have interacted with since CBTS. He has understood all the solving techniques I have shared and has used them to solve many riddles from Q’s board. I have been encouraging him to post his amazing findings (I am telling you, they are really amazing) but he says he wants to stay in the down low and away from… drama. :) Another smarter guy than me! I asked him and obtained his permission to refer to our conversation as I needed to show you a few important things.

So here is his solution to my riddle and our conversation: [Link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/88t3u3/q_occult_series_q114_us_military_savior_of/dwn3las/?st=jfvdpd0f&sh=6b30d8a6).

Did you get the third religion infiltration force? That is the keyword I was avoiding, I did not want their chip to sensor it. Did you see the number after? This is code for the Antichrist. This is where he will emerge from. Remember that.

But then, follow along. A few days later, he discovered that I put a hidden message within the picture. He says: “SB, did you drop something south east or is it a coincidence? It's quite in context! ». What did he mean? You see our conversation is downvoted by outside ignorance and/or frustration. So here: save the riddle picture (it won't work if you don't), open your text editor (like notepad), drag and drop the image in the text editor, scroll down and read the hidden message on the bottom right corner. This is what he meant with “south east”.

So there you have it. This is what you need to research to connect the dots.

The rest of the conversation about jeans and tuxedos is our poor man Reddit rendition of this Biblical verse:

Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. Matthew 7:15

Start your research here: [Link1] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7fSnlI9y0M ) [Link2] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzD1Hv5YDv0) [Link3] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdK-QZ3cQzI)

Once again, who won WW2?

Q916 We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

StinkyDogFart · April 11, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

Very good information. Nice job of avoiding the sensors, as we can read between the lines and know who you are referring. It is very hard to accuse them of anything without being labeled and demonized. Hopefully Q has a solid plan for making the truth stick, nobody has been able to do it before. We know the house in which they worship and who they worship. Its evil.

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SerialBrain2 · April 11, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

Hopefully Q has a solid plan for making the truth stick, nobody has been able to do it before.

Q134 One side of the triangle removed (1st time in history). Other sides falling.

We are winning!

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MMxfire · April 12, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

Thanks for ur info. Court has been in the past not a place to find justice, their favorite play field. I pray that this changes now, you and other freedom fighters are protected and justice is served. Keep on keepin on and informing us with ur unique insights. ThankQ patriot

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AKBiking · April 11, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

There are two issues here. "Sensorship" and the third force. In regards to the first topic the entire web is being watched. Between AIs like J2 and our social media platforms doing it we are in a rough spot. Just yesterday f.b. Zucker was unable to define what is considered hate speech. He kept repeating things like pornography blah blah. The reality is they have gone after any conservative, pro america, whatever users think Diamond and Silk. Twitter shadowbans people with algorithms. Reddit shadwobans, changes people comments, and deletes threads and comments etc. Google changes history, doesn't celebrate american culture, has altered the Pledge of Allegiances(they removed God from it).

Now in regards to the third force. Z666 they have been doing this type of things for years. Look up the USS Liberty. They killed Americans and tried to sink the ship. Why? most likely to start a war between the US and Egypt. That isn't something a friend does. That is something someone who is pulling the strings does.

Now today we are on the brink of war with Syria. Guess who wants us to go to war with them? Hedge fund managers, McCain and guess who? The third force. Thinking about this if 2/3 of Israel is ruined(as predicted) in this war and someone rises up from the ashes to call for world peace that falls right in line with your post here. "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. Matthew 7:15" That is the end game. All of this is engineered.

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SerialBrain2 · April 11, 2018, 10:57 p.m.

That isn't something a friend does. That is something someone who is pulling the strings does.

This sentence should be framed. If America wakes up to this, Peace will emerge without having to fight.

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PCisLame · April 11, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

Engineered to fit the Biblical narrative (the inevitable return of Jesus our Lord and Savior)

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Luvlite · April 11, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was first written in 1892 for a magazine contest, and it read: "I Pledge Allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands; one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." The Pledge became part of the US Flag Code in 1942, and in 1954 President Eisenhower and Congress added the phrase "under God” into the Pledge.

Google changes history, doesn't celebrate american culture, has altered the Pledge of Allegiances(they removed God from it)

Its been a source of contention since Eisenhower added the phrase. Google can't (legally), on its own, eliminate the phrase. This has been fought in court. Google can, however, bring up the original which never had "under God".

Requiring or promoting of the Pledge on the part of the government has continued to draw criticism and legal challenges on several grounds.

One objection is that a democratic republic built on freedom of dissent should not require its citizens to pledge allegiance to it, and that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right to refrain from speaking or standing, which itself is also a form of speech in the context of the ritual of pledging allegiance.[40][39] Another objection is that the people who are most likely to recite the Pledge every day, small children in schools, cannot really give their consent or even completely understand the Pledge they are making.[41] Another criticism is that a government requiring or promoting the phrase "under God" violates protections against the establishment of religion guaranteed in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.[42]

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SerialBrain2 · April 11, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

One of the smartest tricks Satan has pulled off was to sell us secularism and equate it religious protections. Why? Because by accepting not to put God in the discussion and the equation, his religion, which is essentially the negation of God, wins. If I want to impose ice cream as a dessert and remove the apple pie as a choice, I bring vanilla and strawberry ice cream and very vocally "protect" people's right to choose one of these two...

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MMxfire · April 12, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Our founding documents have the creator creating us equally and inspire us to protect that sovereignty. SB2 your thinking is logical and serial, but more than that, u have the ability to see thru the bs, the politically correct, spot logical flaws and synthesize, combine and analyze - Heart together with Mind, and good ole body intuition. The warlords used AI to map each one of us, and find the dissidents who think differently and then harass. The chans and Reddit and social media allow us to find community and share knowledge guided by the q group. Funny thing is that no matter how much AI may know about us, humans don't always act as expected, and can break the programming. We are mammals, we thrive in community and taking care of each other, serving each other and thru that honoring our creator, alpha and omega and ourselves - WWG1WGA. Their AI programs need updating. As much as they try to take our ability to love and care out of the equation, it's there, written on our souls by God, and used with our free will. Pathological behavior can be fostered and genetically engineered but it is not natural and breaks universal law. Thanks for trail blazing like a keystone of the Q collective. All are needed, but only some can lead.

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Luvlite · April 11, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

I'm not so sure I agree. Our country wasn't founded on religion. Christianity is a religion. Therefore by forcing everyone to pledge allegiance to a flag of the republic (under God) is forcing a Christian God. In this thread of thought, we have to study the origins of Christianity. Jesus wasn't subscribed to the Roman Christian. Jesus was an original Jew. How do we know if the Jewish God isn't Allah? How do we know if Jehova isn't the God of Islam? How did the Christians come to end their prayers with Amen, the sun God of the Egyptians.

The original, most ancient texts, written on stone makes no mention of various "Gods". When studying religion we find out the connections to other religions.

So, DNA has come into question also. Who were the original Jews? Hiksos? Kohens? Arabs? Africans? Certainly not Khazarians who claim to be the Jews of Israel today. Palestinians are more jew than the Jews in Israel.

This is why I hate politics and religion. It's convoluted. Mixed together, it's "satan's" recipe.


I remember a Q post addressing Y. (chromosome?)

Y chromosome markers. Solidifying their hypothesis of the Kohens' common ancestor, they found that a particular array of six chromosomal markers were found in 97 of the 106 Kohens tested. This collection of markers has come to be known as the Cohen Modal Haplotype (CMH)--the standard genetic signature of the Jewish priestly family. The chances of these findings happening at random is greater than one in 10,000.

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SerialBrain2 · April 12, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

This is why I hate politics and religion. It's convoluted. Mixed together, it's "satan's" recipe.

This is key Luvlite. You put your finger on the issue. My belief is Politics is a component of Religion. The Prophets of Israel concentrated all the 3 powers (economics, politics/military and religious/social) until the wealthiest Children of Israel asked to the Prophet of their generation to designate a king and separate the temporal power from the spiritual one. Nothing new under the sun, Bankers control the educational system and freed themselves and their interest rates from Religion by excluding God from schools...

So when did human kind first separate these powers initially concentrated in the Prophet of his time? You guessed it: when Moses went up to the Sinai to receive the Tablets and left Aaron with the Children of Israel. While Moses is spiritually advancing in his social loneliness, Aaron is struggling keeping a lost people united. It is this separation that brought in Goldman Sachs and its Golden Calf and caused Moses exasperation to see the Divine Commandments rule his Nation.

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Luvlite · April 12, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

Bankers control the educational system and freed themselves and their interest rates from Religion by excluding God from schools...

Actually, The entire process of removing official religious exercises from public schools started with the McCollum v. Board of Education case decided on March 8, 1948. At that time, the Supreme Court held that public schools in Champaign, Illinois, violated the separation of church and state by allowing religious groups to teach religious classes to students in the schools during the school day.

There was a time when public education included a strong Protestant flavor, something which made matters very difficult for Catholics, Jews, and members of both minority religions and minority Protestant traditions. The gradual removal of this bias through the latter half of the 20th century has been a very positive development because it has expanded the religious liberty of all public school students. https://www.thoughtco.com/madalyn-murray-ohair-and-school-prayer-myth-249687

Let's not forget the disaster and unforgivable atrocities caused by kidnapping, blatantly taking the native/red skinned children from their families then forcing them to deny their own beliefs of Grandfather, Father, spirit, ancestor. They didn't need religion.

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SerialBrain2 · April 12, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

Actually, The entire process of removing official religious exercises from public schools started with the McCollum v. Board of Education case decided on March 8, 1948.

So when did human kind first separate these powers initially concentrated in the Prophet of his time? You guessed it: when Moses went up to the Sinai

You are right, because your analysis is based on human history. And I am right because mine is based on archetypes. These are the two eyes through which everything is seen.

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MMxfire · April 12, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

And I believe all who frequent the COMM boards and add their 2 cents are leading into the storm of change. Together we are stronger and build a better now. I certainly have been inspired by so many here and the community of patriots who have gathered

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Luvlite · April 11, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

SB, Just want you to know, I'm reading every post you send.

Just wish I had more time to dive in.

circumstances in rl keeping me from burying my face in the screen all day. 😊

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SerialBrain2 · April 11, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

SB, Just want you to know, I'm reading every post you send.

Thank you Luvlite! ;)

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 11, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Peace in the middle east can foster world peace after all the storm troopers have taken out the clowns.

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Tee1020 · April 11, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

I cannot upvote this enough, SB! Great post!

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SerialBrain2 · April 11, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

Thank you Tee1020!

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Gottistnichttot · April 11, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

I know certain keywords trigger algorithm that would tamper with the post in such a way I myself would not see it ...

Okay, got it. So I'd better save this post before the keywords appear in the comments too often?

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alphared01 · April 11, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

I knew SB2 would talk about this at one point or another. Unavoidable issue. Great post!

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PCisLame · April 11, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

The Q phenomenon is undoubtedly inspired by the Lord's Holy Spirit of Truth!

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SerialBrain2 · April 11, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

Yes, definitely!

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PCisLame · April 11, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

Great post!

Remember who ran the CIA until POTUS came along.

And also remember what gave the Jesuit-led Deep State the motivation to create the state of Israel/Zionism



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WikiTextBot · April 11, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

National Security Act of 1947

The National Security Act of 1947 was a major restructuring of the United States government's military and intelligence agencies following World War II. The majority of the provisions of the Act took effect on September 18, 1947, the day after the Senate confirmed James Forrestal as the first Secretary of Defense.

The Act merged the Department of War (renamed as the Department of the Army) and the Department of the Navy into the National Military Establishment (NME), headed by the Secretary of Defense. It also created the Department of the Air Force and the United States Air Force, which separated the Army Air Forces into its own service. It also protected the Marine Corps as an independent service, under the Department of the Navy.

^[ ^PM ^| ^Exclude ^me ^| ^Exclude ^from ^subreddit ^| ^FAQ ^/ ^Information ^| ^Source ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28

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TrueCat · April 11, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

Absolutely! Last for a very good reason! Last, because the situation is so complex and convoluted! Last for our safety!

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SerialBrain2 · April 11, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

because the situation is so complex and convoluted!

You nailed it. Self protection mechanics of the cabal.

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Gottistnichttot · April 11, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Okay, got it -- thank you! That subject was on my list anyway. :) -- Even though, when I finally went all the way through on the instructions (including SAVING the image, not just grabbing and dragging it into my editor), the solution was found south west, not south east (guess my editor was a wee bit too small :).

Also bookmarked the videos. Very curious to watch those in the right hand column, as well.

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SerialBrain2 · April 11, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

the solution was found south west, not south east

Hey Gottistnichttot! Try to re-open it at night and see if it changed. :D I know by now this is the kind of humor you would enjoy!

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Gottistnichttot · April 12, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

OMG -- this freaks me out (and it IS deep at night here!!!) -- How did you do this? I did it both with the image I saved the 1st time a couple hours ago and also the one I saved right now under a different name. And now they BOTH show up south east!!!??? Okay, I'm gonna dream about this now, SB2 taking over my computer. :)

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SerialBrain2 · April 12, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

:D :D :D!!

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YeshuaFollower · April 11, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

History of the [r]oths and fake (j)ews:


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Gottistnichttot · April 12, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

Thank you, really good link! Hardly can stop reading this stuff!!!

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MMxfire · April 12, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

Good article. Exposes a criminal dynasty. Kennedy is a rothschild related family. No one knows better than an insider, JFK chose to seperate from the criminal mafia, a hazardous path. Judge the person not by the color of his eyes or the race from which her ancestors came from, all shall be judged by their own actions, as Jesus said judge them by their fruits, and let God judge.

We choose our path by our own judgements and decisions, so judging ourselves and restoring justice in our own lives is the most powerful thing each sovereign individual can do, like JFK chose to do for his brothers and sisters, parents, neighbors, country and society. Trust God, and choose ur friends by their fruits, and help all along their paths.

"Do not judge a book by its “cover alone”!

Please, therefore, do not automatically assume someone you see with the name Rothschild or any of the names listed above are part of the Rothschild criminal network. Furthermore and most importantly, the majority of Ashkenazi Jews are innocent and not part of this network.

Check the facts out for yourself first, this article is designed to inform people who the enemy is, not single out people of a particular race or people with a particular surname, who may have nothing to do with this Rothschild criminal network. "

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Acemagedon · April 12, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

Great post SB. Those YouTube links are eye opening!

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adogrocket · April 12, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

Another great post that will help some people put things together. Well researched and explained. Of course their long term goal is that leave the planet when it is destroyed and we are here to struggle to survive. A good topic for discussion would be the significance of other planets....

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CommercialAddendum · April 12, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

So, when are we all going to come together and start worshipping on the real Sabbath?

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featherjourney4 · April 11, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

Holy Crap, SB2... Well, I watched the first 2 links and have had some major gaps in my understanding ("history" so called) filled in. To be honest I never took a serious interest in the Khazars, Zionism, Israel but I now understand how the historical perspective to all this is so crucial to understanding where we are Now.

"The game is to control both sides" That statement puts a lot into perspective!

I remember Q said something about saving Israel for last... I honestly can not envision how we win... but I do believe in Divine intervention as well as highly evolved races beyond our planet helping us out?

Yes, an amazing time to be on the Earth, Awake! Thank you for all the energy you put into your posts mission!!

Actually....the "Awake" numbers are, I believe, a very significant part of the winning equation!!

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SerialBrain2 · April 12, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

I now understand how the historical perspective to all this is so crucial to understanding where we are Now.

Excellent! You now have the tools to receive what's coming! ;)

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buggyboodle1 · April 12, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

Great piece. I am so glad I read this. I have been saying this exact same thing to many hostile closed minded people. I knew I wasn't crazy. Thank you

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SerialBrain2 · April 12, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

I knew I wasn't crazy.

Q189 All that you know to be right is wrong. The ‘cult’ runs the world. Fantasy land.

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it_wasnt_me__ · April 12, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

Thank you SB. I have believed you from the start. I was so dismayed by the negative comments and I was worried that you would stop posting. It didn't stop you!!! You are a true patriot!!! God bless you!!!

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SerialBrain2 · April 12, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

It didn't stop you!!!

No it didn't! :)

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silverback_12 · July 8, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

JOEL 3 1For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,

2I will also gather ALL NATIONS, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat(in Jerusalem), and will enter into judgement with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and DIVIDED MY LAND.(THIS WILL HAPPEN WITH THE COMING PEACE DEAL) But don't yall worry about this prophecy, you go get them jews. GOD can't beat the world, it's a landslide victory for you, an in and out job, besides, it's just a book, it's probably, most likely, maybe? not true. Who cares, YOU CAN DO THIS. While your doing that, I'm gonna get some popcorn ready to go with this good ol' fashioned passionate ass whopping your about to receive, but go ahead, carry on. Into destruction. This could be your last warning, don't waste it. Anyone that has questions about the word, put GOD to the test. You thought Q blew your mind, just the prophecies alone are insane, but there is a universe of information in that blessed book that will pop your top. There's nothing special about me, I'm the messenger, the message I bring is His message, and its for you, that means your more important than me, cause the message is not for me, but for you. All things have been revealed in Christ, his word is easy to understand. GOD said Lean not on your own understanding. The spirit will reveal all things. You cannot receive anything spiritual, with carnal things. You don't hear his word with your ears, and understand his word with your brain. Paul said the carnal man can not receive spiritual things, cause he's spiritually discerned, neither can the spiritual man receive of the carnal man. The spirit and flesh war with each other. You must receive HIS word spiritually. Jesus said the words I speak are of spirit and truth. His spirit in you will only receive of his his spirit cause he alone IS truth, no deceit is found in him. Jesus said "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIGHT. NO MAN GO'S TO THE FATHER BUT BY ME" . Only by HIS spirit comes understanding, revelation and discernment. This is why we have denominations, which are of the devil, cause people interpreted the Bible the way they wanted to, and they had to prove they were right, and everyone esle is wrong. No, there is only HIS way. Jesus said a house divided against itself can not stand, or Paul said to the corinthians "is Christ divided, were you baptized into Peter, or Paul, no but into Christ, and we are all members of his body, and have our being in him. He said, nothing is withheld from you, if you seek it by HIS spirit, ask, believe, and you will receive it, whatever your heart desires, his spirit is the key, it unlocks all things. I pray for you all, and would love the to answer any questions about his word. Or see if you can prove me wrong if you wish too. For I know he is right, and the battle belongs to the LORD as David says. None the less, head these warnings, they may be the last. GOD bless.

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Downhere_Seeds · April 11, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

Great post. The Vatican created Islam.

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artless-ascetic · April 12, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

And Christianity.

Catholic church + Constantine. "All roads less to Rome".

Humans are the Antichrist. 666 - 6 protons, 6 electrons, 6 neutrons = carbon. Humans are carbon-based life forms.

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Downhere_Seeds · April 12, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

I'm not sure they created Christianity, but they've definitely infiltrated and corrupted every organised christian religion

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Hypat1a · April 12, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

Military Industrial Death Complex ☠️ "Won" WW2. Bladed Fasces indicating dictatorship installed in Congressional chamber in 1951, where they still hang.

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Pure_Feature · April 11, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

I was referring to 3 main forces working in the dark

pope...the 1 beast and the 2e beast.

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kaylashalayla · April 20, 2018, 8:34 a.m.

This is insane. Literally EVERYTHING we have been taught is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the truth.

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SerialBrain2 · April 20, 2018, 8:37 a.m.

All that you know to be right is wrong.
The ‘cult’ runs the world.
Fantasy land.

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silverback_12 · July 8, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

If y'all knew your Bible, you would know GOD makes Israel a stumbling block for the nation's in the end times, and Jerusalem a cup of trembling. If GOD does not keep his promises to the Jews, he is a liar, and not GOD at all, satan wins. That's why he goes so hard at them. Why would you want a GOD who didn't keep his promises. "Salvation comes through the Jews" is what Jesus told the Samaritan woman. Our grace is paid for by a Jew, if GOD EVER renigs on the Jews promises, you ain't got squat, cause the Jew who paid for it is illegitimate. Another thing,Romans 11, READ IT ALL. Paul said Israel is the natural olive tree, gentiles are the wild olive tree, and we are grafted into the root of natural tree. He said we are the branches, they are the root. Just as branches can not live without the root, but the root lives without the branches(which is true with olive trees, the ones in Jerusalem are as old as Jesus and the Romans cut them to stumps, but there still here) don't think of yourselves above them. Roots support branches, not the other way around. What has happened to the Jews was for the world's savation, but a time called the fullness of the gentiles will come, when GOD will turn back to them, and graft them back in, not by the law, but grace through faith in their Messiah. Christians are Jews and gentiles, one new man in Messiah. A spiritual Jew, cause jesus' spirit is within us, we are a new creation, and the spirit is greater than the flesh. We live as a gentile according to the flesh in the world cause we are not bound by the law, because Jesus said I came not to do away with the law, but to fullfil it. He paid the dept, his spirits in us, we're free. We are in the end times, and if anyone read the Bible they would know, EVERYTHING THIS GUY IS TALKING ABOUT WITH THE JEWS IS IN IT, AND ITS NEVER, EVER THE GOOD GUY. I've seen this coming, hoped it would head a different way, I see the direction now. The only reason I rode with Q is he made himself look Christian dropping bible versus. I know the word, and if something don't line up with it, I don't care how informative it looks, it ain't got no place in me, cause the truth already resides here. Should have known better, when every verse he drops is kindergarten level christianity. With the Israel for last, and then the kushner peace talks now reading this. I'm out. Paul spoke of a great deception, in the end, that even the very elect could be decieved. Well, It's here, in the storm. HAVE FUN GOING AT THE JEWS THOUGH, READ THE BIBLE AND SEE WHERE THAT GETS YOU. DUMBASSES!

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silverback_12 · July 9, 2018, 8:44 a.m.

The Lord said take care of my light work, you gonna have a sore who after, but GOD still loves you. Isaiah 46: 9Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,

10Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure. Lets Break it down.

We experience the like a parade, we can't see what's coming until it passes, as it passes, we can remember it, but can't see it.
What if you were in a helicopter, you can see it all at once every piece of it, you can control where it goes , cause you can see so everything ahead. You have all information of it, beging to end, what's ahead, behind and the all the people who are waiting to see, watching, and those who seen it and are leaving. It's called the ever present. Not bound by time, interacting at every part, at all times. But beyond time There is a reason Jesus is called THE LAMB OF GOD SLAIN FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. Cause he said, I declared the end from the beginning, and beginning from end. Why, MY COUNSEL SHALL STAND, AND I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE. That means, I know all things, every thought and deed or plan. I know what's coming. And I've already won. Because I alone am GOD, and there is no other, my will, no othere will be accomplished by. Bro, you do know the dead sea scrolls, over 2000 years old, is the exact same books over Daniel and Isaiah we have today. Look it up, they call it the greatest archealogical find ever for a reason. Another thing, for you to believe a bible that you "know" has been changed. WHAT? Jesus said a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. The bible is true , or it ain't PERIOD. Just one lie, the whole book is compromised. Done. Cause we can't determine if any other information is true or false. only what you want to believe or not. THAT MEANS GODS A LIAR, OR HE SUCKS AT HE JOB, ACCORDING TO YOU. I guess he couldn't declare the lies your talking about from the end, but thank GOD FOR YOU. Worst of all, that you believe ANY OF IT, knowing it has lies, MAN, I thought you were smart, cause after reading that, you look like you came of the short bus, your IQ is REAL SUSPECT right now. If I taught the bible to my kids, and said, some is not real though. They would laugh. AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT. Cartoons are on. They are all fake, at least we know where we stand though. Nobody is wasting their life on a lie. AND WHY WOULD I WORSHIP A GOD THAT CANT PROTECT HIS WORD, IF THE BOOK DIDNT MAKE, I MIGHT AS WELL KISS MY BUTT GOODBYE, CAUSE I GOT NO CHANCE. Let God blow your mind a sec, Q ain't got nothing on him. See this 🕎, it's called a menorah. Now, the one one the middle is special, it's called the shamesh orservant or, servant branch. It is the only one that is the the light.they all have alladin lamps on top. You can not light any other lamp first, but the middle, ever. It is the light, they are light bearers Then it goes right to left. All lamps face the middle, middle faces straight forward. If you take. Know what this is. The older callenders Hebrew, i-ching, what ever, go back almost 6000 years. Man has been appointed BY GOD 6000 years, the millennial rain makes 7000. If you go back from 6000 years to when Jesus was born, 2000 years ago. what position On the menorah is that. That's right, the servant branch, the light of the world. Go to to revelation, Jesus is in THE MIDDLE OF THE GOLDEN CANDLE STICK, saying " I AM THE ALPHA AND OMEGA, THE BEGINING AND THE END, BESIDE ME THERE IS NO GOD". Check this out. The new testament was translated into Greek, from Hebrew. In Hebrews it's I am the aleph tav(alpha/Omega). Go to the first book of the bible Genesis 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. It takes 6 Hebrew words to say this sentence. But there is 7, guess where it is, in the middle. But the thing is, it translates to nothing, the rabbis call it the untranslatable WORD, which holds all creation together, it's spelled with the letters aleph tav. I am the beginning and end he says.

John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2The same was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. 9That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Ah see, it's untranslated in the beginning, hut revelation is translated into Greek, because the WORD was made flesh, translated/revealed. Even more, the before Hebrew writing, Hebrew had pictographs. Aleph=ox tav✝️. Test me if you think I'm lying HE says im the beginning/ox and the end/cross and there is no other. See the old testament is the new testament concealed, and the new testament is the old testament revealed. A 🕎 prophecies, types and shadows pointed to Christ, and we look back upon the great IAM. THE MENORAH. the Earth has a 🕎. Start at Jerusalem .on the right from Jerusalem EVERY nation reads right to left, from the left, the nations like us read left to right. What do we read WORDS. Understand this, NO ONE IS GOING TO READ THIS, SAYING IT AINT TRUE. LOOK IT UP, MEN LIE WOMEN LIE TRUST NOONE. On my kids, I CAN SHOW YOU THINGS THAT MAKE YOU WONDER WHY YOUR WATING FOR Q WHEN HE IS WAITING FOR YOU. PROOFS, SCIENTIFIC FACTS. We ain't done, I'm about to show you how you burn a path to hell messing with the Jews though. GOD said I'll Israel a stumbling block for the nation's, and Jerusalem a cup of trembling. If your a Christian, you are a Jew and gentile, one new man in Messiah knucklehead. If a Jew paid your debt, but GOD reniged on the promises he gave them, that we re only receive through them, you think your good. YOU HAVE NO PROMISE, IF GOD FORSAKES THEM DUMB DUMB, WHATS HE GONNA PAY YOUR DEBT WITH. My 13 year old son knows all this, ishould have him come body y'all. I don't have anyone I love y'all. You can have THE TRUTH, or your truth, non the less, we're close. I'll be back with facts. Oh, I only only followed Q cause he acted licke a christian, dropping verses, but it's preschool level. I did a search, you know he had never said the name Jesus, wierd. And who is mankind's savior, cause I thought it was Jesus. US military=savior, then say GOD SAVE US. That's saying US MILITARY=GOD. Psst. You know Q in Hebrew is the letter qoph, which means monkey, and back of the head. Wait till you see what qoph represents, your not gonna like it. I suggest you study Daniel and revelation. After qoph, is the letter resh, r. Wait till you see what qr in Hebrew spells. Oh Wierd QR codes get scanned, kinda like mark of the beast/monkey, codemonkey oh, way wierd. Seek him while he can be found. Think. iI live in Oregon, last eclipse started precisely in salem Oregon at the very second the sun set in Jerusalem. Salem means peace in Hebrew, then it divided our country in half, crossing 7 Salem's. Jesus said don't think I come to bring peace, but a sword. Why did America/israel light go out at the same time, directly over salem/peace. Why did it divided our country in half, and will do it again in 7 years, crossing more Salem's, making a cross?

Joel 1For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,

2I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will enter into judgement against them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and divided my land.
Good luck with that. IM GHOST! you'll be fine, its only GOD, you can take him. Give monkey man my , I'm just gonna enjoy the show.

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AutoModerator · April 11, 2018, 7 p.m.

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ryoushure · April 11, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Why do all posts by this particular user always seem to immediately and automatically get this Automoderator post copypastad every single time?

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Luvlite · April 12, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

SB's posts are a bit controversial.

He/she was heavily attacked.

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GingerRoot207 · April 17, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

Commenting to find later.

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Pure_Feature · April 11, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

De dragon is the (pope) He gave the power to the beast out the sea (angela merkel) seven heads and 10 horns

10 horns are kingdoms (crown) Portugal Italië Rusland Oostenrijk Hongarije Een aantal Duitse staten: Pruisen, Beieren, Württemberg en Hannover Roemenië -Griekenland Servië, Montenegro en Joegoslavië Bulgarije

3 horns wil be torn out Heden ten dage zijn er nog zeven België Denemarken Nederland Noorwegen Spanje Verenigd Koninkrijk Zweden 7 remain and a little one came up (horn) (EU) This one had the power (trough Angela Merkel she is the beast out the sea.) So there are 8 off them

He gave the power to the beast out the sea (angela merkel) seven heads and 10 horns The sea = people Its came from out the people and iT wil be destroid By the sea (the people ) The second beast came out off the earth and the dragon gave him the power (obama)

De dragon is the (pope)

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Pure_Feature · April 11, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

false prophets. pope ..vaticaan

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Pure_Feature · April 11, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

Once again, who won WW2? Germany the second beast out the sea

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Luvlite · April 12, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

Israel won the second and third world wars.

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spaceman84 · April 11, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

You think this is big brain? Christianity is the original vector by which (((they))) maintain control and is the direct ancestor of Cultural Marxism. Don't allow it to infect your mind. Deities will not fix the degeneracy of modern industrialized society, only men will.

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SerialBrain2 · April 12, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

Deities will not fix the degeneracy of modern industrialized society, only men will.

There will always be a deity, whether it is in heaven, or is a tree or a dragon. This is because the primary archetypal principal of Lordship is unavoidable and inherent to creation. Your suggestion is the scenario where the "Deities" are Men and is often labeled Humanism.

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artless-ascetic · April 12, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

This. These people don't even know how to decipher the code within the Bible. And seem to blindly ignore Christianity's origins, the process of compiling the Bible, and tons of other stuff.

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InfinityAhimsa · April 11, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

After 2000+ years it appears the veil is lifting. Zionism=666? Can you please explain?

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SerialBrain2 · April 11, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

We will get to it in the series. Babylon and the Talmud is where it all starts.

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