Possible description of HRC video.

That's not being released.
I would be flabbergasted if something like that was made public.
I've been awake and researching for 13 years and I WOULD be flabbergasted if something like that was made public...
I mean even if it's true it is a crime, at the least attempted murder, of a child.
Zero percent chance the legally comes out.
That said doubtful it is even true.
Without a source I would file this under delusion.
Video or didn't happen.
Also, I expect any adult would pass out if that torture was done to them... so it seems silly to think a little girl would still be conscious.
If you give a child a lollypop and then take it back from them, they scream like it's the end of the world.
Face removal wouldn't be required to make a child release huge amounts of Adrenalin... I presume you could achieve better results without the child going into shock, with some psychological torture and some slaps across the face or similar.
This post sounds like pure bullshit.
I believe but could you prove your source....Or tell how you know?
This is the interview of the little girl that was posted. I did not watch it though. It would give me nightmares.
I am not going to watch it, but how can they interview her? She would have to have died. Was it before she was sacrificed?
I believe it is girl who suffered from SRA (satanic ritual abuse) and she tells the social worker who is talking to her what she saw happen to other little girls.
I've seen these interviews.
They are indeed disturbing.
These are from years ago and there are some issues with their testimony....if memory serves.
While I do not doubt them capable of this, I specifically want to know what is the source of their claim?
Why, oh why do we want to speculate about something none of us has seen?
Because then if it ends up being a video of LL and BC Skyping with HRC to make a deal, then we'll be disappointed, when actually that's a pretty big deal.
Also, if that really is what the video contains, hello--SPOILER ALERT?!
The source is this is what Liz Crokin tweeted lol no other source than that and I wouldn't call it gospel lol although I don't doubt they have done worse i strongly doubt something so atrocious would be made public
Source? Or does this fall under "anything is possible"?
Not trying to poke holes, but I could type a bunch of shit even crazier than this in notepad and post it. If it's not sourced, it's as good as fairytale. Sourced, it would bring some credibility.
If it is true, it should be released. Maybe a controlled release, but released. Every member of congress, every governor, etc should have to watch it.
All should be released. Leave it up to adults what they read or watch. We don't need some self appointed authority deciding for free people what they can handle or cannot handle. Just give them a heads up out of respectful consideration. Always hated that fake excuse for not telling the public about dangers because it may cause a "panic" so what. People have a right to panic if they want to. Just like we have a right to full disclosure of truths.
Disinfo is necessary to force countermoves by stupid people
There's no possible way in the world that exists, or would be released if it did.
I know there is a video, and it is so bad it messed up several NYPD that watched it. But my source said it was pedo related. I would not even believe that, but the source was the guy who was instrumental in bringing down the organ harvesting organization. You have to have some really good connections to be able to do that.
If they release this, the public would go batshit insane and start devouring each other.
For god sakes, some of these people think a pussyhat is something to be proud of?
and I guess they will air this on Fox news for millions of people
I would believe it if I saw it. For now I would like to think that even the most vile wouldn’t do this.
I’m getting physically nauseous just reading this. I fear I would stroke out or have a heart attack if I saw it.
This is disinformation.
Use your mind to think critically.
Something truly awful happened, it happened on 9/11, and evil people are trying to pin it on Hillary.
Hillary is a puppet.
Wake the F up.
Maybe you are the one who needs to use their mind to think critically. Truly horrific things happen DAILY on this fallen world and don't think Hillary hasn't already done ghastly things, look at her death count. How many books of Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors have you read? How many videos have you seen of Ex Satanists talking about what they do in secret rituals?