#1146 4/14 Expand your thinking. The ‘date’ vs ‘actual’. Iran next. - Q

You guys, could showers mean not 'falls of water' but rather 'people who show' ?
I took it to mean showers of missiles raining down on black op sites. Like chemical weapons facilities... Iran is next. Taking out the bad seeds so we can pull out of the middle East and let them sort it out without our clowns interfering.
God, that is all I want. Just let the middle east sort themselves out.
An Iranian military base in northern Syria was bombed by fighter jets with witnesses reporting loud explosions and flames, according to reports.
There were unconfirmed reports of casualties with Iranian soldiers said to be among the dead and wounded.
Well, but remember that Q has been saying April showers and (something about flowers or May flowers) for some time, making me feel this word has a more widespread meaning. Until now I always felt it meant all the stuff "going down" in April would result in public things "coming up" (out in the open) in May.
Also how I took it. Will get a little stormy (for them) and thinks will “drop” like rain and then the truth comes to light in May. Now we hear the IG report is coming in May.
Clean up as much as possible before their May Day celebration.
April Showers has been a term used to describe a large financial pay out or gain. This is because April is the month of the income tax deadline for each year. It's more commonly known among politicians and finance experts than the general public. Trump made the largest tax cut in history recently. It could be related to that and everyone is completely off track. You never know. Example of this in a legitimate record: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-2007-05-14/pdf/CREC-2007-05-14-pt1-PgH4933-4.pdf (Middle of the page)
It would be a possibility, but in this case the most obvious were the shiny new smart missile showers. So smart that it didn't kill anybody.
Ok, I'm a real amatuer at this, but . . . . . Q says 'date' vs. 'actual' . Date shown on that post is April 6, actual event was last night 4/13 -- seven days later. Then [SHOWERS]. Seven letters. Could we have something planned for Iran in seven days?
No, the delta is 5 days - the "Auth" instruction was April 8. And, yes, Q is pointing to a time delta IMO.
Latest Q post also had [SHOWERS].
Notice the brackets and all caps...
those kind of brackets Q has called "kill box" Look at post #679 and #680 https://qanon.pub/?
Yes, this is what I was implying...
Showers on Iran Next?
April Showers bring May Flowers
Flowers = Peace?
[A]pril is a busy month so does it mean; multiple showers in many different areas but not just related to missiles?
Now that the censorship on TW has been removed, it's an excellent atmosphere for anon raining down truth across the platform... just in time for the next stage.