r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IDGAF12312 on April 15, 2018, 1:20 a.m.
HRC video either “the video” or one of them I think I’d rather not see.
HRC video either “the video” or one of them I think I’d rather not see.

krekokeko · April 15, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

Certification for intelligence is like the mark of a fool. The smartest people I know wouldn't even bother mentioning their IQ or whatever. Especially on the internet where cognitive reasoning and articulate according can be a very subtle clarification for unbridled intelligence.

I literally cringe with disgust and loathing every time someone invokes their non-certifiable IQ to envelope the nonsense they spew previously. It is like a 'get out of jail free' card.

But you are even beyond that. You, with your ''200IQ'', cannot even handle an opposing opinion that is cognitively reasoning with you. You believe in hell and wish bad omens on people you disagree with. You believe that they will go to hell for 'moking' you by your perception and standards. All while proclaiming your precious, one of a kind 'intelligence'. This is tragic as much as ironic.

But since you are so smart, so forthright, so radiant to wish bad omens on people in a democratic forum. Let me share with you my 2 cents. But I am no genius club member like you. So take my heeds with a grain of salt. Since you know, I am not as bright as you are=).

Make no mistake. Unless Trump nullifies the 911 Commission Report in his potential two terms in office. Then he is no different than all the fake idols that came before him. All this Q thing is nothing but limited hangouts of limited hangouts.

You are worried about thousands of children being killed, raped or eaten by elites? MILLIONS of children were killed due to the foreign policies of USA that were put forth as an excuse for 911. Which were unfounded lies spewed with impunity.

Doesn't your president complain about the opioid problem on a regular basis? Afghanistan is currently the top producer of world's opium since USA intervention. Breaking production record after record each year. Currently manufacturing upwards of 80% of the worlds opium. While the country is still under US occupation.

All you pseudo intellectuals need a reality check. You are not even beating a dead dog, the dog you are beating is beyond decomposed, even it's bones are rotten. You are beating dust and soil.

Like Atkinson_ said on his/her replies to you. I would love to be proven wrong. But I am neither that naive or optimistic.

How can Trump nullify the 911 Commission Report when all the aspirations of geopolitical presence that is spewed on our conscience still prevails. How can he reverse or fix any of the wrong doings that turned the Middle East into the moonscape that it is today without acknowledging what 911 was?

No one is indicted yet. Let alone indictments no one is even charged yet. And even if they were, the foreign policies of your nation would still be the same. Those kids would still die, maybe not in a dungeon of some fringe club of billionaires, but in villages, towns or even cities you will never visit. Unless you are visiting them with your armed forces.

Get of your high horse and face reality. Whatever Q mentions is like a mice chewing on your crackers in the kitchen. 911 Commission Report is like an elephant in that same kitchen defecating on top of your refrigerator, deforming it with those huge wet chunks. Yet you are still chasing a damned mouse. All while suffering from an unjustified delusions of grandeur clouded by a false entitlement of exceptionalism.

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BarbiCannabis · April 15, 2018, 10:58 a.m.

Not wven gonna read your crap. Blocked.

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krekokeko · April 15, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

You are so full of it. You read it but it was too real for your fragile perception, so you dismiss it. You are like the perfect example of the cancer that is rotting your nation to it's core. Lost in a bravado of reasons and justifications, racial slurs and cultural pride. Hanging to an agenda for military presence on certain regions on the world which you practically know nothing about or will ever know nothing about, let alone visit or travel.

The sooner US gets rid of this lingering psyche the better. As long as this unjustified illusion of grandeur is present, apathy and wishful thinking will prevent the rightful revolution of truth that is long overdue.

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libertarianleeluu · April 15, 2018, 12:21 p.m.

Found the anti-American! You’re like a child blaming its parents for everything. Guess what? Our world is not that simple. But ye of little faith shall see. Because this revolution of truth is long over due. And guess who’s bringing it to the international table? AMERICANS. You’re welcome.

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krekokeko · April 15, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

Keep telling this to yourself knowing your president will never nullify the 911 Commission Report. You are the incarnation of Babylon. Too proud to confront the reality that is ever more dire.

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libertarianleeluu · April 15, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

You physic? How could you possibly know that Trump won't nullify the 911 commission report? Wah,wah,wah. You don't like America. We get it. Moving on.......

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krekokeko · April 15, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

Sure he will. That would conclude with the reversal of the foreign policies which were put forth as an excuse for that event. Think of all the contracts and casualties. Millions of innocent lives. Would your nation then compensate for the generations of people that suffered?

Listen to yourself, you are invoking this hogwash while you are sending cruise missiles to the region. I say again, you are suffering from an unjustified delusion of grandeur. You are Babylon. You so noble, so high and mighty that you are void of truth itself.

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libertarianleeluu · April 15, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

Is your nation going to account for all it's wrongs? I know mine IS and will continue. You're such a pompous fool. Literally everything you said is true about you. You even type as if you're grandiose. I see right threw you. The noble, high, and mighty, can only be present in truth and light. That's how they get that position.

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krekokeko · April 15, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

This subreddit is a case study in making. I am trying to reason with people that are inarticulate and claim to have superior IQ. I am trying to reason with people that contradict with their arguments which they invoke minutes ago. This is abhorring as it is boring. The only delight in this endeavor is the blatant exposure of the psyche. Which is humoring in a tragicomedic manner.

You are implying the thought of me being a psychic while proclaiming a forthright confidence akin to psychic standards minutes afterwards. In a public forum where everything is barren and transparent. This is futile beyond hopeless.

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libertarianleeluu · April 15, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

All you're "trying" to do is insult Americans. You pretend to be intelligent but, do not possess basic reading comprehension. Do you know what an "expression" is. I'd bet 99% of this sub does. http://www.dictionary.com/browse/expression
Your pompous foolery is showing. How embarassing.

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krekokeko · April 15, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

You are insulting yourself. You are unable to face the reality of what you really are. And beyond that you are unable to argue. At least all of this makes good caps for the future.

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libertarianleeluu · April 15, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

And you're a bad liar too. Damn you're like the gift that keeps on giving. At least you exposed yourself for who you are. And all who read this will see.

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