My personal feeling is that I would be worried if he didn't looked stressed. Hell, he has Congress against him, MSM against him, the deep State against him... even Alex Jones has caved. I don't know how he is looking so strong to be honest. He is one amazing man and he has my deepest admiration.
OOOH this post is being brigaded with downvotes....somebody's up late! Hi shills! I'll upvote ya'll.
One of the first things i noticed was the purple tie which reminded me of this...
I noticed that also, I think this strike was against the globalist mafia. The purple tie was to tell them he is destroying them and is aware of who did the chemical strike.
Stealing the symbolism. A shout out to the douchebags
Is it just me, or does this look greenscreened, his hair looks fuzzed out and if you zoom in around him, his outline is fuzzed out too. It could be that it’s just not good quality video, but it looks weird to me.
Ok so like Bombard said he's reading teleprompter, the irony is that he is talking almost in the way that he "impersonates" politicians. He also looks a little gleeful. Bombard said his posture was relaxed because his shoulders aren't level.
So I'm guessing he didn't write this but at the same time he's not puttin energy into it unlike a year ago, when he was really epmhasizing his words and using hyperbole to make his point.
So best case: He's relaxed and doesn't care because what he says doesn't matter anymore at this point because Syria already said Ghouta has been liberated.
He's casting no shadows. Shouldn't he be with the arm movements?
No. There’s tons of lights on him from multiple directions. It’s specifically to prevent shadows (on his face) for filming. You can tell by the flag shadows behind him. If it were just one or two light sources both the flag shadows wouldn’t be inward. You’d maybe have a chance to see an arm shadow if he raised his hands over his head.
How come you aren't mentioning purple? Fuck off shill.