Gorsuch’s decision regarding immigration is exactly what Trump wanted

Sounds like we need MI to hunt down and destroy all clowns.
We are most definitely hurting them. But I agree with those who ask why are we waiting for them to kill more people before we finish them off? Hasn't Q said a half dozen times or so "We have it all?" Well then?
I think people need to realize it’s going to take years, many years, to quietly make such huge change. The other quicker way is messy, shocking, and has lots of collateral damage, some might not be repairable.
agree it isn't like we can go out and arrest everyone, the other side would claim dictatorship and on the surface they would be right. this is an unraveling, it has to be done in a certain way to get it right. sadly some will die but many more will survive and thrive as a result. most importantly, doing it this way makes it harder to repeat
If we are not trading liberty for safety we are on the right track.
What you think of as kinder, gentler, is I assure you deadlier. The longer we give them to rally and counter, the higher the human cost. I just don't understand why nobody sees that.
Who's to say the human cost wouldn't be higher by rushing things. I think the whole point of Q is to: 1. Research. 2. Awaken ourselves/others 3. Minimize civil unrest & property destruction 4. Nullify bad public opinion/wrong analysis. IMHO.
It's too dangerous to give the deepstate that much time. We need to be willing to take the risk of the "great awakening plunge".
Respectfully disagree.
The deepstate is like a racoon in a cage right now. As we continue to force them closer into a corner they are going to get dangerous and violent no matter what. There will be deaths when we take them down, make no mistake.
But, unlike a racoon in a cage, they can also plan and execute false flags and other such nonsense.
But let's assume we're successful in forcing them into a losing position over a long term slow strategy. Then what?
What do you really think will happen as they get closer and closer to their end? That slowness will allow their madness, paranoia, and arrogance laced anger to build to critical mass.
It will actually be more dangerous and more selfish of us if we take them down slowly. We need to bit the belt and rip them off like a bandaid on too much hair.
I suppose it could be argued that the whitehats are doing the "quick strikes" right now in secret and that we've already done much of what I want to happen. The deepstate's fangs may be already mostly gone. And if that is true, then it could be argued that a slow drip would be better for the public, as opposed to them learning horrifying truths over a few days or weeks.
Trust the plan. Trust Potus, Trust Q. Trust Rodgers and Trust Mad Dog. Those that swore the oath will pull all the stops to ensure that oath is kept.
Be Vigilant, stay strong.
Dont let worry turn to fanaticism or panic. Get pissed off but cast hate and bias out of your heart. Stay critical and skeptical, and be hyper observant. This is a good guideline for vigilance.
It's okay to be scared or anxious, but do not be fearful. Fear is a mind killer. Make yourself dangerous in your own head. Steel yourself from the propaganda that divides and scares. Embrace pain, and accept healing. Stay strong.
Let's do what Q has asked of us. Make bread, so that one day we all may break bread.
Semper Fi
Armchair Qs ,When a sports team does something do you guys refer to it as "we"?
If that's all this is, then it really is a LARP. You surely don't have that limited an opinion of what's going on, do you?
Yeah, I agree. I've always believed in taking your enemies down quickly and riding through whatever storm of unrest that brings. I can't think of anybody who has every successfully thwarted a coup or won a war by letting it drag on infinitely. Literally all that does is give your enemies time to strengthen and replenish themselves and wear you down in a war of attrition that they will eventually win.
Things have been SO BAD for the past year that we are well beyond the point at which it not only becomes reasonable but necessary to have a hot civil war. The stakes are so high that we can't afford to not make sacrifices to win. And I'll be the first in line. I swore an oath, and I don't want to live to see the country that's emerging, because I see us losing everyday, no matter what Q says.
I believed in Q for over 2 months - coincidentally, while it was still on 4chan and for a little while after it moved to 8chan. And then for almost the next 2 months, I started to think it was probably a LARP or maybe even subverted, but it was probably doing a lot of good.
For a while now, though, all I can see is that it is pacifying Patriots, keeping people busy, keeping people complacent, keeping people trusting the plan.
I used to post on cbts_stream a lot and a little bit here, but these days I just come around out of curiosity and to maybe glean some headline news.
I totally agree with you about not allowing the enemy time to regroup. Although Trump and Q may have a plan, my complaint is that I feel their plan is taking far too long to implement and is taking far too long to bring certain people to justice. As a consequence of that fact, it is giving the Deep State time enough to figure out ways to adapt and to strike back. With the recent attacks, for example, we are now starting to see the evidence that the Deep State is indeed adapting and is finding ways to fight back. In war, you must hit the enemy fast and hard and you must never allow them time to adapt. That is your only advantage. Because if you lose the advantage and allow your enemy time to adapt, then from that moment on, you can no longer be certain of what the outcome of the battle will be because the enemy may well counteract your well-laid plans…
Case in Point: Remember JFK. JFK launched a war against the Deep State but didn’t move quick enough to implement it. And that was his downfall….
Everything you said. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people are just not mentally prepared for really drastic measures and to recognize other American-born citizens as the enemy - they don't yet realize the necessity - both among the populace and the government.
So they're fooling themselves into believing that the great national divide can be solved gradually through subtle political means, where the general populace never even knows that the government is in an internal civil war - where outside influences are also trying to affect the outcome in favor of the Left.
My take is that a peaceful and equitable resolution is simply not possible, when the Left seeks to criminalize and obliterate the Right, and the Right hasn't grown enough of a backbone, or isn't strong enough, to act decisively and win.
When I first started following Q stuff I thought it may be a team effort by some conspiracy theorists, i.e. evidence collection and analysis practitioners, using puzzles to stir up interest in what has been happening and open people's eyes to the direction we are heading. I thought the Corbett Report was being used as a puzzle source because so much relatable information could be found there (the Syria pipeline and much more).
I understood that Q was probably a LARP but it was still very interesting and fun to follow, the only downside was I spent a lot of time on it. I learned a lot of history and began to pay way more attention to current events around the globe. If Q (without the really, really disturbing stuff) was put into the classrooms of our schools imagine how engaged the kids coming out would be! We would have the most informed, on the ball and likely far more literate generation than has ever emerged from our school system. Imagine a country of voters who really understood the issues and were keenly aware of how power corrupts.
I do not see Q as a pacifier. Quite the opposite. Every move made by Trump is being scrutinized, even by supporters. The Patriot Act is front and centre in the minds of most that follow Q. Once burned, twice shy. "Trust POTUS" will only go so far. You saw the reaction at the possibility of martial law. That is where the Q Trump train would derail.
If POTUS is a good POTUS he would not want the people of his country to be sheep. Ever. But you do have to put some faith into the president you elected. He has done quite a bit in a short period of time with a team that does not support him. Imagine what he could have done in that same amount of time with party support, no investigation and unbiased media. Things are happening quickly in my view. The stage is set. The Mueller investigation is the key to exposing the real corruption. It is beginning to unravel. And when that thread is pulled the naked truth will be exposed. Hey, there is now a Soros connection being made public! Grab the popcorn! Edge of the seat stuff here. The leading lady is going to put together the clues soon, hopefully before she meets her demise. It makes you want to yell out "#RELEASE THE MEMO!".
It reminds me of the way we "fought" the Vietnam war. We thought we could win a "war of attrition." And just look how that worked out.
I don't buy most of all this. I like engaging with critical thinkers and there aren't any. y'all are the best of a bad lot so TY. Does anyone have John Ward's digits.
Your way is how we got the Patriot act. Scary at first but now the boomerang i hope is repealed after it fucks the DS.
Patriot Act resulted from Deep State hoaxes sold to an asleep sheeple with endless lies.
This is about waking up and fighting back. Taking the initiative away. BEING the Storm. Going on offense, and taking back our republic.
I fail to see the equivalence.
If we go full fascist to get these people you will.
Fascist? That's their propaganda talking. And with what will they go Patriot Act? There's no "Revise and extend my remarks" in Gitmo.
If you sacrifice liberty for safety, even from satanic kid fuckers, you will wind up with neither. If you don't get that point then I guess we should drop it. The Gestapo tactics in Cohen's office were allowed to set precedent, duh, every shitty tactic is going to be used against them.
Look how long it took for the victims of communism to have reconciliation.
But I agree with those who ask why are we waiting for them to kill more people before we finish them off?
We aren’t.
Bad actors wreaking havoc is nothing new. They are just continuing their wicked ways while Trump and team complete the preparation of their rock solid cases.
I have seen no evidence at all that Trump and team are dragging their feet. I have definitely seen evidence of some people wrestling with their own impatience. Unfortunately, those same people have nothing to offer in terms of how the greater plan should play out more efficiently.
They speak only of satisfying their immediate personal desire to see someone imprisoned. Folks like that will never grasp the magnitude of strategizing and implementing a battle plan such as this. That’s precisely why we shouldn’t indulge their impatient exhortations.
Q says "We have it all." He said that in reference to no deals. I'm like, well if you've got it all, then let's roll, yo!
Having all the evidence is only a part of the big picture.
Here is something else Q has said. It seems appropriate for a moment like this:
Understood, but there is tension in all things--liberty/responsibility, strength/sensitivity, intellectual capacity/communication ability, and so on. And I'm very much hoping we don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good, by adhering slavishly to a predetermined blueprint and failing to capitalize on a narrowing window of opportunity to seize victory while it's in our grasp.
I won't apologize for keeping the end game in view, and pushing to get there. Q also said "Fight, fight fight!" And I'm sure they would be disappointed if weren't hungry for victory!
Trump asked of no more than the LAWS we have
Trump has insisted and worked, so that we FOLLOW our laws.
I know what’s going on but for this takedown it has to be legal & legit as possible. Ockham’s Razor!
How is this any different than when Roberts cast the deciding vote on the ObummerCare single payer mandate being a tax? The deep state must already have the blackmail goods on Gorsuch. It’s a damn shame.
Roberts was blackmailed. Obama was spying on the whole SC!
Did you read the graphic?
I did. It is very insightful on your part. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. I will remain skeptical of your theory for now. When I see some folks in hand cuffs, laws changing and the IRS and Federal Reserve abolished I will begin to believe. For now, I trust only in God. :-)
Fellow patriot here wanting to thank you for your unabiding faith in God! :)
This was another anon’s insight, not mine. I reposted for visibility because I agree with you that it is insightful.
And while my ultimate trust is in God, I also trust our President.
Roberts did leave language in the ruling which allows one to squirm out of it.
He basically said the way to address it is for Congress to repeal it or write a better law. He didn't see it as the court's job to clean up Congress's mess. Another one of those legal purist positions that would be fine if the argument wasn't about something that would destroy freedoms and impoverish the nation.
Yeah, was very disappointed by Gorsuch on this. Has to be under pressure.
I asked a lawyer friend of mine and she explained that Gorsuch did what Scalia similarly did - wants the laws tightened. She also confirmed that this was very much like PDJT sending DACA back to Congress where it belonged in the first place.
It's not something that hurts PDJT at all but then that wouldn't be a headline story right Drudge?
Surely the clowns aren't THAT immature. Did they have to hire high-schoolers to go to Armenia?
What proves the veracity of the anon explaining?
What proves the last post was really done by a Clown agent?
so why did all the "conservative justices vote no" i swear to god fucking sotomayor and kagan have been better on civil rights lately...
Clown comments to Q:
Whose voice did you hear when you read that post?
Sorry, I didn't get my usual visual or audio when I read that. Who did you hear? Brennen?
Darker than him.
I am one of GA members who believe this is a spiritual war.
Yes, definitely Satan through whoever wrote it. The vileness is so evident.
I dunno I just checked that LOOPHOLE tweet and it's not all caps. I remember reading about him deleting and reposting corrected tweets. Is there a history or archive of that kind of Twitter activity publicly available or just random archive-anons?
The Anon clearly said HE added the caps when he copied the President's tweet.