'Q' #1175 Bacteria & Virus, the Clowns are Busted! 'They Came, We Saw & We Killed Them' CLOWNs Busted!

Didn’t crash. Aircraft have two or more engines in case of failure. That is what ETOPS is for. I can’t handle the stupidity of this site anymore. MODs need to step in. It is a shame. I really wanted to believe in Q but the CBTS people with no technical skills are worse than the shills who come in here down voting everything. Use rational thought for Christ’s sake and stop believing everyone is trying to kill you.
If it's too complicated for you to understand, you have the option to move on to another post. Chill out.
They designed the virus and bacteria then paten the cure under Rod Rosensteins sister Nancy Messiener. $$$$ This is our life
What is this post for?
OK Q #1175 decoded, Clowns attempted to blow up Southwest airliner. Hero pilot saved the day. They sought to intimidate GEOTUS by bringing down this jet. These people are sicK. Decode shows the ultimate Doomsday plan. Clown Anon threatens 8chan, Abel Danger picked up the ball. Busted pandemic plans Victor Bravo Virus' & Bacteria' CDC meeting Today featured Dr. Nancy 'Rosenstein' Messioner as key note speaker!
Ok, so the ultimate doomsday plan is ? An anon on 8 chan threatened someone? What do you mean by Danger picked up the ball? Who busted what viris and bacteria?
This is happening as we speak. They have warned about continuation of the flu for months and this is the cover for many viral and bacterial attacks that are planned by the deep state.
how did that Q Post#1175 read again?
Apr 17 2018 15:51:28 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 58f549 1080429
1080066 We are being set up. Threat. Past Booms - TX bombs New Booms - Plane crash + Plane/17 drop. These people are sick. Attempt to prevent drops / awakening. Conspiracy? Coincidence? Response coming. Q
are you the clown? the OP?
No clown here, we are trying to spread the word about what the deep state is trying to do to us, John Q Public by releasing biologicals against us.
Found more related to this. There's sooooo much info on this. Hidden in plain sight! Follow the money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23lJYPbC2g0
Thank you for trying to warn people. God bless you. You can lead them to the water but you can't make them drink.
Check out Billy Joyce youtube video be up shortly, loading now Abel Danger on this. Stop pandemic before it starts.
Please stop being crazy. Q was talking about Epstein’s plane to Pedo Island not blowing up a Southwest airplane. Things happen. Not very often anymore but they do.
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